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 Damon and Cyr! (and Fluffy!)
Damon and Cyr! (and Fluffy!)
Ya remember that smut I wrote? Yeah, well I decided to write zaidi drabbles (one-shots) with that pairing. They won't all be smut (this one isn't) but some will be.
Pairing/fandom: Damon Fizzy and Cyr
Warnings: None, unless wewe are terrified of fluff. In that case, wewe should not read this. It is very fluffy.
Background: Let's just all assume that all of these drabbles will be AU, both from the normal real-life universe and from each other (unless I mention otherwise)
Rating: K+ for minor kissing and some hair-touching. And lots of fluff.
“Up and at ‘em, Cyr!” Cyr groaned and rolled over, falling off the kitanda and landing in a heap on the carpet. He blearily opened one chocolate-brown eye and stared at the blurry figure of Damon standing above him. Still half-asleep, he fumbled for his glasses, finally finding them a few feet away and slipping them on. Then he yawned and pushed himself to his feet, taking in the sunset light coming through the windows of the white-walled apartment.
    “Damon?” he mumbled, almost collapsing into Damon’s arms.
    “Mmm?” Damon replied, kissing him lightly on the cheek.
    “Wha time issit?”
Damon laughed, looked at his watch, and cursed loudly. Cyr blinked at him, confused. Damon cursed again. “They’re gonna be here in 10 dakika and I haven’t even started the spaghetti!” Cyr merely stared. Damon chuckled.
    “You really are tired, aren’t you? We invited all the others to come over, remember? Since we haven’t seen them in months?”
    Understanding gradually came to Cyr, and he nodded slowly. “Do--do ya need help with the spaghetti?”
    Damon shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. Just put on some pants, ‘kay?”
Cyr looked down and was surprised to see that he was wearing only his boxers. If it was anyone other than Damon who had noticed he would’ve been embarrassed to all hell, but Damon was used to seeing him in much less. As Damon hurried out of the room and into the jikoni to cook the spaghetti, Cyr trudged over to the closet. It took all his willpower not to collapse on the kitanda and take a nap, but he wasn’t exactly ready for his Marafiki to see him without pants. Even so, it took quite a while just to find an acceptable pair of shorts, and kwa the time he’d pulled them on and fastened the belt, the doorbell rang and Damon was rushing to answer it, pasta, tambi abandoned. Cyr, barefoot and shirtless but at least wearing pants, headed over to greet his friends.
    It certainly had been a long time since he’d seen the others; he was pretty sure that he and Damon hadn’t even known their feelings for each other the last time they’d gotten together. But they were all there. Greg, his shaggy brown hair hanging in his face as always, Stefan, who for once was wearing a shirt, even Jack and Sean were standing at the door. Cyr stood inayofuata to Damon, who put an arm over Cyr’s shoulder, oblivious to the heavy blush growing on Cyr’s face. The others looked a little confused as well, but Damon didn’t seem to notice, as he greeted them all, grinning, and led them to the kitchen. Cyr followed them, still trying to shake off his tiredness.
    Damon, stirring the spaghetti, called out. “Mind getting plates, honey-bun?”
Cyr’s blush deepened when he realized that Damon was addressing him. Didn’t the guy have any sense? But he dutifully obliged, pulling six plates out of the cabinet and setting them down inayofuata to the stove. Damon kissed him quickly on the cheek, and Cyr stared at the ground as if kwa looking at it hard enough, he would sink into it. Luckily, the others didn’t say anything, but gathered around Damon and peered into the steaming pot.
    “Spaghetti again?” Stefan asked, and Greg rolled his eyes.
    “Dude, that’s what wewe made last time!” Jack said. Damon laughed.
“Yeah, but that was six months ago. And that’s the only thing I know how to cook.”
    Sean sighed. “Allright. spaghetti, tambi again.”
At that moment, an egg timer rang, and Damon quickly switched off the stove and grabbed a large spoon. He waved the others to go sit at the table, and pulled the plates towards him.
    “Hun, will wewe help me with this?”
Cyr, cursing under his breath, shuffled over to his boyfriend and handed him plates, one at a time, to be filled with spaghetti.
    When had all received their food, Damon and Cyr sat down at the two empty seats at the table, which, of course, were inayofuata to each other on the end. They ate in silence, the only sound being slurping and chewing as the six boys devoured their meal. The whole time, Cyr tried to avoid Damon’s gaze, focusing only on his steadily emptying plate. Normally he loved Damon’s company, but with all his Marafiki around, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to admit to them his feelings for Damon. If worst came to worst, he’d admit he liked him, but never in that w---
    His thoughts were cut off kwa the feeling of lips on his. His eyes widened when he realized what was happening. If only his and Damon’s plates weren’t so close together...and the noodles so long...he saw the others’ eyes round with shock and he quickly pulled his mouth away from Damon’s, taking the end of the noodle with him. His face grew hot, his cheeks flushing. This was something straight out of a Disney movie; he didn’t even know it was physically possible, let alone happening to him. He stared at his almost-empty plate, trying to avoid the burning stares of his friends, but Damon didn’t seem at all affected, laughing like it was meant to happen. Cyr wanted to be anywhere but here; in this apartment, at this table, his five best Marafiki all wide-eyed, open-mouthed, shocked. Cyr laughed nervously, his face a dark magenta.
Greg’s jaw dropped. “Dude, are wewe two like--”
Cyr hastily interrupted him. “No, it was just an accident. We are not g--”
He couldn’t finish, though, because Damon quickly butted in, beaming. “Yeah, we are. Guys, I want wewe to meet my new boyfriend, Vincent Cyr.”
Cyr’s glare was murderous, but the grin never left Damon’s face. The others were in various states of shock. “That’s just--” Jack stammered.
Greg was wide-eyed. “Whoa, man, I never would’ve thought--”
Cyr-iously?” Stefan laughed at his little pun.
Sean smiled. “You know, wewe guys are actually perfect for each other.”
Damon beamed at him, earrings glinting. Cyr’s face Lost a little of its blush, but maybe it was just tired of having the redness constantly plastered on his cheeks.
    “Yeah, wewe are.” the others chorused. A little bit of happiness returned to Cyr and, making the most of the moment, he kissed Damon on the lips. He heard cheering and clapping from his friends, but it sounded faint and distant, as if they were merely specks on the horizon. He closed his eyes as he held the kiss, feeling Damon’s gentle fingers in his messy dark hair until slowly, they broke apart. Cyr could feel the others gazing at them, but this time he didn’t care. The kiss had brought his mind to a place it would never return from.
    The rest of the evening was a blur. Cyr couldn’t remember what happened after dinner, just a dim impression of laughter and grinning faces, soft hands and gentle kisses. His mind had fluttered out of his body, and it had no intention of coming back. All he knew was after what felt like hours, his eyelids began to droop and his head felt far too heavy to be supported kwa his neck, and his legs began to feel like melting butter. He yawned loudly, trying to get the others’ attention, but they were caught up in conversation. Someone must’ve told a joke, because they all threw their heads back in raucous laughter, not noticing Cyr’s head digging into Damon’s shoulder, his eyes half-closed. The exhaustion was forming heat waves that radiated off his skin, and he was surprised that Damon’s side wasn’t burned kwa now. His nose, which had been slightly clogged all day, felt like it was tightening, compressing on itself, and Cyr gave a loud sniffle.
    After what felt like hours of laying there, the heat radiating off his body pulling him out of sleep, Damon finally noticed Cyr’s head burrowed in his lap. He chuckled.
    “Dude, Cyr!” Cyr blearily opened one eye, sniffling. “You slept all day! You’re tired again?”
    Cyr nodded, hardly registering what Damon was saying. “It’s only 9:00!” Jack laughed, and Cyr buried his face in Damon’s shirt, trying to avoid the stares. He wanted zaidi than anything to be out of this room, away from all the eyes trained on him, the laughter, the noise. He wanted to just be alone, with Damon, somewhere zaidi comfortable than here. And--
    “I want Fluffy..” With a jolt, he realized that the small whimper came from him. He burrowed his head deep in the folds of Damon’s jacket, hiding the blush deepening on his cheeks. Did he really just say that? He sneezed violently, making Damon jump.
    “Fluffy?” Stefan, laughing, turned a critical eye towards the boy, whose dark hair was now being lightly stroked kwa the back of Damon’s hand. Cyr gave a small whimper, and Damon jumped to the rescue.
    “Yeah, Fluffy. He’s our--our cat. Yeah, we have a cat now. We..uh..we didn’t tell wewe that, did we?”
    Now it was Damon’s turn to blush, as the others stared at him with narrowed eyes.
    “Aren’t wewe allergic?” Sean said, sneering slightly. Damon slumped his shoulders, occupying himself with trying to pull Cyr’s head out of his jacket. Aware of his friends’ critical stares, he coughed loudly.
    “Did I say cat? I meant our....um...our alligator!”
    More staring.
    “Alligator? What? wewe must have misheard me. I definitely alisema platypus.”
    “I lied. Kangaroo.”
    Eyes narrowed.
    “Fine, rabbit.”
    “Oh, allright. It’s Cyr’s stuffed panda.”
Cyr didn’t have the energy to be angry at his boyfriend, but sniffled and rested his head in Damon’s lap once more. The others started giggling, but stopped at the murderous glare that Damon gave them. Damon sighed, stroking Cyr’s hair once more. Cyr sneezed, and it was then that he noticed the heat radiating off of Cyr’s body.
    “Cyr, you’re burning up! Hey, why don’t wewe go to bed?”
    “Noo...” Cyr whimpered, clinging to Damon’s leg as he tried to stand. Damon sighed and sat down again. The boys sat in relative silence, unsure of what to say, until finally, Cyr lifted his head slightly. “Fluffy?” he asked, his voice small and slightly hoarse.
    Damon sighed, gently stroking his hair. “Just go back to sleep,” he alisema softly. Cyr narrowed his eyes.
    “No! I want Fluffy!”
    Damon shook his head. Cyr pouted, his brown eyes growing large and slightly watery.
    Damon sighed. He had to admit, Cyr looked extremely comical, and rather cute, like this, and it wasn’t even because he was still shirtless. His nose was red and inflamed, his dark hair sticking out in all directions, and his cheeks were slightly flushed.
    “Fine,” Damon said, resigned. “I’ll get wewe Fluffy. But only because you’re adorable when you’re sick.” He stood up, and Cyr rolled off the couch, clinging to his leg. Damon carefully shook him off and walked briskly into the other room, returning moments later with a large stuffed panda.
    “Here. Take Fluffy.” Cyr smiled, sniffling, and pounced back onto the couch, hugging the panda close to his chest. Damon sat back down, and Cyr put his head back in Damon’s lap, smiling as he buried his face in Fluffy’s soft fur. Damon smiled at his sick boyfriend as he sneezed softly and drifted into sleep.
    Half an saa later, when his Marafiki had left, Damon finally stirred from his position on the couch. Careful not to wake Cyr, he slid off the kiti, kiti cha and grabbed onto him, trying in vain to lift the taller boy. When that didn’t work, he consented to drag him across the floor and into the bedroom. Cyr coughed quietly but didn’t wake up; Damon knew from experience that his boyfriend was an extremely heavy sleeper. Depositing him rather unceremoniously on the king kitanda they shared, Damon dashed back into the other room and brought Fluffy. He placed it down inayofuata to Cyr and tucked the covers up to his chin, then stood back and looked at him. He was snoring quietly, curled up on his side, and he shifted, still asleep, wrapping his arm around Fluffy and drawing it close to his face. Damon smiled, flicked off the light, and tiptoed out.
Yay! Hope wewe didn't die from fluff overload!
 spaghetti, tambi time!
Spaghetti time!
Prologue link, part 1 link.
Aisling looked up in shock, her turquoise eyes round with terror. A moment’s panic stirred in her when she saw Fin, but her friend seemed to be fine, was already pushing herself into a sitting position, rubbing her bruised side. A sudden thought occurred to her, and she turned to Fin, questioningly. There were no signs of a bullet au any other weapon, so what had knocked her down?
    Before she had time to say a word, another blast resounded through the destroyed training room. It was so strong that the...
continue reading...
Prologue is link.
Two weeks earlier.
A bow clattered to the hardwood floor, skidding to a stop in a patch of golden afternoon sunlight that reflected a blinding glare off of the metal. “No!” the dark-haired girl groaned, digging her fingers into her scalp in frustration. “How many times have I told you, that’s not how wewe hold it!”
Aisling didn’t respond, but shoved her hands in her pockets and crossed the training room to pick up her bow. Fin jogged over, wrenching the instrument out of her friend’s fingertips. “You’re going to snap it if wewe do that,”...
continue reading...
A/N: This is part 2 of my old fic. Posting it here 'cuz wewe lovely peeps need some background for Chasing Shadows. Part one is link. Warning: Implied rape and sexual-ness. So this is T I guess (because it doesn't actually go into the details)? *shrug*
When she woke, all she saw was blazing light. Was she dead? she wondered. Was this heaven? But her head still throbbed, although not as strongly as before, and she didn’t think that would happen if she was really in heaven. She groaned...her chest felt tight, as if someone was sitting on it...was someone sitting on...
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posted by AislingYJ
Pairing/fandom: Young Justice. Main pairing is Bluepulse (Impulse (Bart) and Blue Beetle (Jaime)) but there's a bit of TimRoy too.
Warnings: Smut. And everything that goes along with that.
Background: Semi-AU but based around S2E12: True Colors.
Rating: M. What do wewe expect? It's smut!
Jaime sat slumped over the closed toilet seat, staring upward at the tight walls of the cubicle-like stall and the high tiled ceiling above. He heard a soft tapping in the stall inayofuata to him, and knew it was probably another Alpha squad member, probably Roy au Bart, grown restless. His scarab...
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I totally forgot to post this!!!! Don't be mad!!! Oh, and BTW, Rene and Twan are through!!!!!

“You know how to bring her back? She won’t end up looking different, au act different, will she?” She chuckled a little and shook her head.

“She will be exactly the same as she was when she was alive; she just might be slightly weaker.” He looked at her, slightly confused.

“So, how does she come back to life?” She smiled slightly.

“Leave that to me…”

“And why should I trust you?” Twan said.

“Because if wewe piss me off, after I fix Rene; I could kill wewe just with the...
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So...this is a fic I did a few months ago, but I'm reposting it here because it gives some necessary background for Chasing Shadows (my current story which I will be posting on this club).
The night was dark, lit only kwa the tiniest sliver of a moon, and cold. Aisling didn’t feel the cold though; her lungs were burning, sweat pouring down her face, as she ran. There. She glimpsed the shock of blonde hair, the glint of the metal mask, before it disappeared behind the edge of the building. Quickly she leapt over the edge of the roof she was running across, landing softly on her feet on the...
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Another Dyr drabble.
Pairing/fandom: Cyr and Damon Fizzy again.
Warnings: It gets a little dark in some parts. Some zaidi mature themes of death, verbal abuse, etc. Oh, and there's some language.
Background: AU, again.
Rating: T. Genre is angst and hurt/comfort.
Damon groaned as he stared into the mirror, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes. He ran his hand over his jaw, feeling a patch of rough, acne ridden skin that he was sure was smooth yesterday. He must’ve had a breakout overnight. Splashing his face with water, he plodded into the kitchen, where Greg...
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Some crackship smut...CRACKSHIP I SAY!!

Her eyes stared into the lights of the city as she stood on juu of the twenty story building. Crimson eyes narrowed as she spotted a dark haired boy in an apartment directly to her left. His window was open and the blonde was dazed as she watched him roam his room, obviously anxious, with no shirt."Who was he?" She thought as her eyes followed his body, every movement he made, and focused on his toned abdomen. Suddenly, grey met red, and though she was spotted a sudden jab sparked in her body and her legs began quivering; making her go limp and stumble...
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So wewe wanna make a character, eh? A character that actually seems like a real person, as opposed to a lump? (or whatever bad, unrealistic characters seem like) Well that’s great.

No really, that is great. Characters should be 3D, they should have layers, thoughts, feelings, motivations; basically they’re people, only fictional. wewe probably know a lot about character development already (if not, look it up) but here’s one zaidi way to make your character seem real: quirks. Real people are weird, quirky; they have little habits that they find themselves doing, whether conscious au not,...
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Bentley ran down the mitaani, mtaa to the infirmary as quickly as possible before Rene bled out. He heard a ding from her back pocket. It was her phone ringing. While he was running, he took it out and answered it.

    “Hello?” He alisema quietly into the phone.

    “Um, who is this?” The voice on the other line said.

    “Bentley, this is Rene’s phone.”

    “Where is Rene?” The man alisema worried. Bentley soon realized that it was Twan on the other line.

    “Um… she’s currently dead.”...
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posted by AislingYJ
Sorry it took so long...I got really lazy and stuff but it’s finished now! Warning: cussing (that’s as far as it goes for mature content) and LOTS of feels. Part one is link.
Vic's moyo skips a beat. No. It can't-- but she's--
But the message is there, plain as day, as real as the sun in the sky and the hope in his heart. His first thought is that it's a fake, an imposter, trying to lure him into a trap. His head is telling him to stay in the safety of the flat, but his moyo is screaming for him to go to the café. He decides to trust his heart, hoping with...
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posted by godmor
This is a database fore all the important info, factions, weapons, races, basally everything on my new Shy Fy fic (serie), it has no title yet, but this database will be updated regularly as the fic takes shape, so please check in regularly, au if wewe prefer I could notify wewe kwa posting on the club ukuta in case of an update, pleas let me know in the commends whit's one wewe prefer. ( zaidi races will be adet I got them worked out just not the names fore them when I got Thad I will post them.) Oke now her is the info:

Very short backstory: basikly the fic is about a coalition of races both human...
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Twan walked into the infirmary, his clothes covered in splatters of blood. He slowly walked into Rene’s room. Amethyst looked above her magazine, seeing him walk into Rene’s room. The purple haired girl set the magazine down on the table, got up, and followed the blonde haired boy into the room as quietly as possible. The boy sat down in the chair inayofuata to the red heads dead body, his eyes watery. Amethyst stood in the back of the room, leaning back on the wall, watching. The blue eyed boy took Rene’s hand, squeezing it, trying not to break down completely. The purple haired girl just...
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added by AislingYJ
Source: tumblr ;) AREN'T THEY SEXY???!?!!
added by AislingYJ
Source: tumblr ;) AREN'T THEY SEXY???!?!!
added by AislingYJ
Source: tumblr ;) AREN'T THEY SEXY???!?!!
 Rene Sleeping
Rene Sleeping
She awoke from her sleep hearing a scream from a room. Quickly, the red head jumped out of kitanda and went into the living room, seeing Amara curled up in a ball on the couch. Rene walked over to her, sat down, and pet her head.

    “Amara sweetie, what’s wrong,” she said, her voice sounding half asleep. The black haired girl answered quietly.

    “Daddy… he was gonna…” her voice trailed off, not finishing her sentence; but Rene knew what she was going to say.

    “He wouldn’t jump off honey,” the red head alisema with kindness...
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posted by GlitterPuff
She didn’t know what to do. Sitting on her bed, she stared down at the single rose in her hand. It was short stemmed, the thorns neatly cut off so she wouldn’t get pricked. The petals were a light pink, still bright with color since morning when it was aliyopewa to her. She sighed, twirling the stem between her fingers. This girl, Haleigh, gave it to her. Haleigh seemed to be in upendo with her and she had no idea what to do about it.

She could reject her. But she feared that Haleigh could do something rash and she didn’t want to be the cause.

She could say yes.

But she didn’t know her feelings...
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