anime One piece, Naruto and bleach spoilers

rusty746454 posted on Dec 02, 2009 at 08:46PM


サイ『サクラは告白しに来た訳じゃない… 木の葉の同期のメンバーで
ナルト『… おかしいとは思ってたけど… やっぱり何隠してたんだな』

474 火影としての覚悟…!!

サイ『君に言えなかったサクラの気持ちも… 今のボクなら分るよ』
ナルト『サイ… 教えてくれ』

サイ『サスケを木の葉の手で処理する 君の同期メンバー全員が


ナルト、サイの肩を掴んで『…サクラちゃんが 本当にサクラちゃんが
そんな事納得したのか!? サクラちゃんはサスケの事が大好きなんだぞ!!
今は犯罪者の一員だ  今回木の葉を襲った”暁”の一件で 木の葉の忍達は
サクラはバカじゃないし それぞれの立場や状況が分からないほど子供じゃないさ
だから君に どうにかその事を伝えようと ここまで会いに来たんだ』
ナルト『…くっ  だったら何でオレに本当の事を言ってくれなかったんだ!?』
カカシ『…簡単には言えないだろうよ お前を苦しめることになるのは分かってる』
サイ『サクラはサスケを諦め 君­が好き­だと告­白する­事で ­君との­約束の­重荷を­解いた
だから本当の事は言えなかったんだと思う 君の気持を考えたからだよ
それに… 君がそういう事も おそらくわかってたんだ』

自分がどうにか伝えるってね言ってね… それが自分の役目だと言ってた』
サイ『ここからはボクの想像ですが… おそらくサクラは―』



サイ『…一人で抱え込まないで下さい ボクも同じ第七班です それに皆も…』
サクラ作り笑いで『あっ… うん… ありがとうサイ …私もそのつもりだから…』

サイ『サクラは笑って皆と協力するって言ってましたが それが作り笑いだと
ナルト『うそだ… サクラちゃん­がそん­な事…­ サク­ラちゃ­んはサ­スケの­事があ­んなに­―』
大好きだからこそ そのアスケが悪の道から救いたいと思ってる…
覚悟 なんだと思う
そして…その事で  ナルト… 君に恨まれる覚悟もしている』
サクラは今まで君に頼りすぎた ­ …だ­から今­度は自­分一人­で全て­をやろ­うとし­てる』

ナルト『サイ… お前…何でオレにそれを話してくれたんだ?』
サイ『ナルトを苦しめてるのはサスケだけど…  君もなんじゃないのかい?』

サイ『ボクの意ではなかったとは言え そうサクラを仕向けてしまったのは
ボクのせいでもあるから だから君に言ってしまった…
サクラを放ってはおけないと思ったし… ボクは第七班の一人だから』

カカシ(この事を知ったナルトの胸中はごちゃごちゃだな… さて…

ナルト色々思い出す 泣き出すと『…!』

テマリ『お前達に すぐに聞いてもらわなければならない事がある


カカシ『… オレは火影ってのは あまり乗り気じゃないんだけどさ
テマリ『マダラが戦争を仕掛けて­くるっ­て宣言­してん­だぞ ­悠長な­事言っ­てられ­ないだ­ろ』
対応が遅くなって ”暁”やマダ­ラに先­手を打­たれ ­後手に­回って­しまう­方がヤ­バイで­すから­
カカシ『…ま そうなるかどーも…』

ガアラ『ナルト…言っておくが ­これは­八尾と­九尾 ­…つま­りお前­を守る­戦争で­もある
そして忍の世界の為…  風影としてオレは命がけでおまえを守る
”暁”の配下として うしはサスケがオレ達忍連合軍の前に立ちはだかるなら…


ガアラ『サスケ お前はオレと似ている…
この世の闇を歩いてきた者… だからこそ小さな光明ですら目に届くはずだ
サスケ『オレはとっくに目を閉じた… オレの目的は闇の中にしかない』

ガアラ『サスケはお前を見ようとはしていない 自ら闇を求めている』
サスケの友としてお前が本当にやるべき事を やれ』

『フー トルネ援護しろ 右腕の封を解く』



Sai discloses Sakura’s true feelings…!!
Kakashi: I thought something was up but..

Yamato: What’s the meaning of this Sai?
Naruto: …

Sai: Sakura didn’t come here to confess… she came because it was decided amongst the rest of members of our class…
Naruto: … I thought it was fishy…of course she was hiding something.

Chapter 474: A Hokage’s Resolution…!!

Sai: The feelings Sakura could not express to you… even I can understand.
Naruto: Sai… tell me.
Kakashi, Yamato are listening quietly.

Sai: Sasuke will be dealt with by Konoha, and the rest of the members in our class intend to doing just that.

Naruto’s face becomes pale.
Yamato and Kakashi are also surprised.

Naruto, gripping Sai’s shoulders: …Sakura-chan she…she really agreed to something like that!? Sakura is in love with Sasuke!! And even so–
Sai: Sasuke is helping this world come into darkness. If we let Sasuke live as he is now, he will just be adding fire to the war with the other countries. He’s a criminal. And Konoha, having just been attacked by Akatsuki, the Konoha ninja can not approve of Sasuke cooperating with them. Sakura’s no idiot, she’s not some child that doesn’t understand the different stances and circumstances surround this situation. That’s why I came all the way here to try and tell you this.

Kakashi: …

Naruto: …Ku…Why the hell couldn’t I have just been told this from the beginning then!?
Kakashi: …Because it’s not something that could have easily been said right. I understand that it’s tormenting you.

Naruto: But that’s why…
Sai: Sakura has given up on Sasuke. By confessing to you, she wanted to release of the burden of that promise. Even so you still want to help Sasuke. That’s why I think it was hard to tell the truth. She was thinking of your feelings. Moreover…perhaps you already knew that.
Naruto, recalling Sakura’s confession: …

Sai: In truth, it was Sakura who told us not to tell you what was going on. I myself, in some way or another wanted to tell you…it was my business to tell you.
Yamato: But if she knew Naruto’s reaction…and wasn’t intending on telling the truth right? What then is she thinking of doing?
Sai: I can only imagine what she’d do from here, but…perhaps Sakura is-
Naruto: ?

Kakashi: …planning to kill Sasuke alone isn’t she.

Naruto: !!?
Yamato: Is that true? Sai!
Sai: …probably.

Sai reminisces about after the members of thei class talked about Sasuke.
Sakura, squatting.
Sai: …Please don’t take this upon yourself. I’m also a member of Team 7. And there’s also, everyone else..
Sakura, faking a smile: Ah…yeah…thank you Sai…I also agree with them…

Sai: Sakura smiled and told everyone she would cooperate but this time I could it was a fake smile…[in reference to earlier on when she fooled him and punched him]
Naruto: No way…Sakura-chan she…to do that with Sasuke?!

Sai interrupting: It’s because she’s in love- At this rate, Sasuke is being thrust into wickedness, and I don’t think she can stand to leave him like that. I think it’s because she loves him that she wants to save him from this path of evil. To her, to deal with, and kill the person she cares about, she feels like she must do it herself. The girl that’s fallen for Sasuke– that’s her resolution, I feel. And with that…Naruto…she’s prepared to deal with your resentment.

Naruto: !?
Sai: I think that she wants to make up for all that burden you’ve had to carry yourself. Sakura has relied on you too much up until now…and because of that, she wants to take care of everything herself.

Naruto: Sai…you…why did you tell me this?
Sai: …
Sai, recalls his exchange with Sakura.
Sai: Naruto is being tormented by Sasuke but…aren’t you doing the same?

Sai: I couldsay it’s because it was my will to…but it could also be my fault that Sakura is dealing with it the way she is. And so that’s why I told you…and also because we can’t leave Sakura be I feel…because I too am a member of Team 7.

Naruto lying face down: I see…
Kakashi: (Knowing this now is probably giving Naruto conflicting feelings…so…what now?)

Naruto remembering many things, starts to cry: …!
Temari: You guys, there is something you must hear. It’s about what happened at the Kage summit.

A kunai is stuck in a tree.
From an elevated place, Madara: It’s been a while, Danzou…since that Uchiha matter huh?

Yamato: I see…it seems like it was a rocky meeting huh…as thought, Danzou…
Kakashi: …Me as the hokage, I can’t say that I’m eager to do it…but as things are, there may be no choice…after returning to Konoha we should ask of everyone’s opinions.

Temari: Madara’s declared that he’s waging war. We can’t just take our time.
Yamato: I’m pretty sure we will probably get everyone’s approval…let us talk them into promoting Kakashi-senpai to Hokage. Our correspondence is behind, but if we make the first move and strike Akatsuki and Madara and it would be bad for us* (not sure about this)
Kakashi: …well, if that happens…

Everyone looks at Naruto.
Yamato: …that and Sasuke huh…tch…to go as far as to attack the meeting place.
Gaara: Naruto…I’m telling you now, this war is about protecting the Hachibi and Kyubi…in short, yourself. And for the sake of the ninja world…As the Kazekage, I would put my life on the line to protect you. If any of Akatsuki, including Sasuke, get in the way of the shinobi alliance, I won’t show mercy.
Naruto listens silently.
Evryone looks toward Naruto.

Gaara recalls his conversation with Sasuke.
Gaara: Sasuke, you are like me…someone who’s walked in the darkness of this world…because of that there should be even a little hope left in your eyes. From before…and even now.
Sasuke: My eye’s have already closed… my purpose is in the dark.

Gaara: Sasuke isn’t looking to you. He is looking to the dark.
Naruto: …!
Gaara: Naruto…you were the one that said, “I’m going to become Hokage” didn’t you…I’ve become the Kazekage.
Naruto: …
Gaara, putting his hands on Naruto’s shoulders: I’ve made the resolution that is the burden of a kage. As Sasuke’s friend, do what really must be done.
Naruto: …

Fu and Torune return fire.
Madara: !

Danzou bringing out his right hand from his mantle: Fu, Torune, cover me. I’m going to release the seal on my right arm.

BLEACH (not fully translated yet)

Now i havent fully translated the bleach one so there will be better to come.
Tousen transforms into a Hollow… or so it seems.

Touching them with his hands, his eyes, which should be blind, open.

69: “Captain…… impossible……”

In an instant, Tousen gets behind Komamura.

69: “That speed… it’s three times faster than before……”

“Through Aizen-sama’s good graces, the woman’s power has allowed my eyes to see once more.”

Komamura: “…what… the…”

Tousen: “So you had that kind of face, Hisagi. I’d never seen it before. ………it looks so weak.”

69: “……Captain…”

Gin: “Don’t just stand there, now.”

Getting behind Hisagi in an instant, he pierces his lung with Shinsou. Hisagi falls.

Gin: “I don’t really care since my eyes were already open, though they are narrow.”

Komamura: “Hisagi……!”

Tousen: “You don’t have time to worry about him…… Cry……”

First half…..
Oh, and please do not use my scripts for scanlations. Thank you.

Pic 00
Jump cover, part 2 of the three part cover panel

Pic 01-02
Chapter 566: Fierce Offensive

Pic 03
Yamakaji: !!?
Luffy: Gear 2!!

Pic 04-05
Luffy: !!!
Kizaru: You’re too slow…..
Luffy: Argh!!!

Sengoku: Do it!!
Executioner: Yes sir
Luffy: Ace!!!

Pic 06-07
Sengoku: Who is it!!
Sengoku: You….!! I thought you’d move in favor for us, seeing your grudge against Whitebeard!! Crocodile!!
Marco: Well, it seems like it wasn’t my time to show up yet.
Luffy: What!? Him!?
Croc: I can kill off that half-dead old geezer later.
But first…. I don’t want to see you people cheering!!

Croc’s head is cut off
Pirates: What!?
Doflamingo: Hey, hey, Croc bastard….!!
You’re gonna decline my offer and team up with Whitebeard!? You’re gonna make me jealous, hehehehe!!
Croc: I’m not gonna team up with ANYONE….
Croc and Dofla clashes
Marines: Whoaa!!

Pic 08-09
Aokiji: I owe a lot to your gramps, but this can’t be helped…
You chose this path of death as a man yourself.
Luffy: Ouch!! Damn, that hurts!!
Hancock: How dare you lay hands on Luffy!!!

Marco kicks Kizaru away
Marine: Admiral!!! That’s…. First division commander Marco!!!

Marine: We allowed three enemies to breach our defence!!
Those with devil fruit powers will jump over our seige walls!!
Fleet Admiral, sir!! The pirates in the bay are acting strange!!
Sengoku: !?

Pirates: Swim towards Oars!! Get up there in the plaza no matter what!!
Marine: The pirates are getting reckless!! Block that hole in the walls at all cost!!
VA Strawberry: Stupid Pirates!! They’ve lost their mind now that they lost both their ship and the foothold!!
They are excellent target practice now, shoot them!!

Pic 10-11
Marine: !!? What!!!?
Pirates: Grab on!!! Everyone, get in the ship!!!!
Marine: It can’t be!! Another ship!? Another coated ship appeared!!!
Unnamed VA: Damn!!! It was submerged in the sea all along!!
Sengoku: …..!! WHAT!!?
Whitebeard: I never said all my ships were present.. did I!!
Marine: It’s a paddle ship!!! It’s coming straight for us!!!

The second half.

Pic 12-13
Marine: Shoot it and sink it!!! Just like Moby Dick!!!
Marine commander: No, not the ship!!! Shoot OARS!!
Marine: What!?
Whitebeard: It’s too late!!!
Oars: Let’s go, everyone!!

Oars: UOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Marine: Uwaaaaa!!!!! He pulled up the ship on the land!!!

Pic 14-15
Marine: We’ve allowed them to breach our defences!!!
Garp: ….!! They got us alright!! They used the one rat hole in our seige walls and took advantage of it!!
Now the seige walls could actually work against us!!

Pirates: We’ve made it in the plaza!! Save Ace!!! Take down the Marine Headquarters!!!
Ace: Pops!!
Sengoku: Whitebeeaarrrdd!!!
Whitebeard: Is your head still intact, Ace!?

Oars is shot down
Pirates: Oars!!!

Pic 16-17
Oars: Ace-gun…. I swear we will….
Oars collapse
Pirates: Oars!!!
Ace: Oars…!!

Marines: Whitebeard landed onto the plaza!!!
Whitebeard: Stay clear of me, sons….!!
Whitebeard enchants his polearm with his power, and sends a powerful shockwave taking out the entire marine force there on the plaza.

Pic 18-19
Whitebeard: Alright men…. Let’s save Ace!! And destroy the marines!!!
Sengoku: Garp….
Garp: ….yeah
Sengoku: It seems like we’re not going to be unscathed from this either….!!
 Naruto サイが暴くサクラの本心…!! カカシ『何かあるとは思っていたが

anime No majibu