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OK, so I upendo the character of Damon Salvatore on the TV onyesha (and also in the vitabu but I'm talking about onyesha Damon here). I think he has a lot to offer the onyesha in terms of excitement, entertainment value and humour, and he's really hot, so that really helps in the eye Candy department (but then again, all the guys on the onyesha are hot anyways!). Going back to Season 1 of this TV series, I found Damon to be a really dark, even sinister character and he seemed to find killing innocent human life to be a fun thing to do. Even though Damon is meant to be the "bad brother" who is highly amoral and destructive, there did come a time during the first season when I did get tired of Damon's incessant killing sprees in Mystic Falls. And then sometime in the first season, Damon and Elena start to become "friends" (if wewe can even call them that, after all of the shitty things that he's down in MF and to innocent people). As a result of this, we as the viewers start to see Damon "changing". Changing in his personality and starting to be zaidi helpful, zaidi resourceful, etc. And then season 2 comes, and I feel like the helpful, changing Damon just took a turn for the absolute worst. As soon as season 2 came, Damon became for the most pat, rather unbearable for me as a viewer, to watch. Damon Lost all of his backbone, his strength as a character. Damon now on the show, has become so weak, vulnerable, fragile, etc and it's really making his character unbearable to watch. In fact, this season, I happen to think that Stefan is indeed the stronger brother, emotionally, mentally and now physically (now that he has been drinking human blood on a controlled basis, in which Stefan is doing really well considering that he is a blood-a-holic).

To me, the two Salvatore brothers have taken on what it appears to be a role reversal. this season. Stefan is significantly stronger on all aspects versus his brother Damon but now that I think about it, and I include all of the flashbacks of their lives together in 1864 including the ones in both the first season and the sekunde season, I now believe (and have always believed in the back of my mind) that Stefan is and always has been the significantly much stronger brother between the two. Most definitely emotionally and mentally. Stefan has a soft and kind heart, but he's also very strong emotionally. He's been through shit both in his mortal life and is immortal life that normal people would never be able to overcome in a short amount of time. Damon, on the other hand, is very weak emotionally and mentally. And this is where Elena comes into the picture. I think when it comes to Elena, while Stefan understands that Elena physically resembles the woman who the brothers both "loved" and fought over over a century ago, Stefan doesn't focus on that, he doesn't see that. Stefan is able to look past the fact that she has an uncanny resemblance to Katherine and see Elena for the true, separate and real individual that she is. STEFAN LOVES ELENA FOR WHO SHE IS, HER ENTIRE BEING, HER INDIVIDUALISM. Stefan loved Elena because she's NOT Katherine, because she's everything that Katherine isn't, she is the opposite of her.

This is the MAIN reason (along with many, many other reasons) why Stefan loves Elena so much. Yes, Elena's appearance is what original drew Stefan in, but that was zaidi of curiosity, he wanted to make sure that she wasn't Katherine, after he had unexpectedly saved her life from that tragic car accident that killed both of her parents. So, because of the resemblance between Elena and Katherine in which Stefan recognized, he basically watched her for 4 months to make sure that she wasn't Katherine. To me, this proved that Stefan never really loved Katherine, but zaidi that he was infatuated with her at the time. Stefan was a 17 mwaka old teenage boy, who knew absolute nothing about women and courting women whatsoever. He was inexperienced and yes, hormones got the best of him and he was naive when it came to Katherine. Stefan at the time, couldn't really see that Katherine was fooling him and fooling his brother at the same time, that she was really playing the two Salvatore brothers against each other. Now, on the other hand, with Damon, I really don't believe that Damon"loves" Elena for the same reasons that Stefan does. I think Damon is in upendo with an illusion. Damon loves the idea of Elena, not the actual person that she is. Damon still can't look past Elena's physical appearance and how much she resembles the woman whom he obsessively pined for for over 145 years. I'm sorry but I don't believe that Damon is over Katherine at all. wewe don't spend over a century obsessing over someone and then just all of a sudden forget them as soon as their Dopple steps into your life.

I think that Damon still confuses Elena with Katherine and therefore, this has what has caused Damon to say that he "loves" her. The bottom line is, when it comes to Damon and Elena, Damon is obsessed with Elena. He's obsessed with the idea of Elena. He does understand that Elena's outside personality is different then Katherine but he still confuses E and K zaidi often then not. I think this is because Elena embodies everything that he thought Katherine was when he fell in upendo with her back in 1864 (when it was really just a cover up and a facade on the part of Katherine), and also because Damon basically sees Elena as an "improved version of Katherine". What it all sums up to is that regardless of the fact that he sees Elena, he still envisions Katherine, how he wants au wanted Katherine to be. It is all in his head and it's all his mind telling him this. And as long as he keeps confusing the two girls throughout his existence, he is going to live in utter confusion and total misery; he'll be endlessly miserable, because he can't seem to let go of his obsession with two girls who look exactly the same, and confusing the two girls because of it.

Also, another thing is when it comes to Damon and Elena, I find it to be a highly unhealthy relationship, because for the most part, I feel like Elena is trying to manipulate Damon and trying to directly change him, who he is in the process. I understand that Elena is trying to be a friend to him, but Elena doesn't see au understand that she is subconsciously manipulating him into trying to do things her way au act the way she wants him to act. Like for example, in 2x13, when Elena was trying to directly tell Damon to be "the better man", it was nothing but pure manipulation on her part. And I really, really, hate it when she does that, because not only does it make Damon as a person feel guilty, and self-conscious, but it also changes Elena into a character that I cannot stand au tolerate. She becomes zaidi like Katherine whenever she is with Damon au in his presence. This is only part of the reason why I am so inherently anti-Delena. Because IMHO, Elena is trying to "directly" change Damon as a person and wewe can't do that. Girls who try to save bad boys and try to change their individual personalities forcefully au directly, it is destined to fail. Trust me, I know from my own personal experience. I dated a bad boy and it was not fun at all. Even though I never consciously wanted to, I ended up feeling the need to change his personality directly, even though I wasn't even aware of it. I was basically doing something that I hate, which was manipulating him to become a better person. Instead of directly challenging him (like the way that Bonnie does with Damon both on the TV onyesha and in the book series), I was subconsciously manipulating him, and that just made things even worse.

Elena is trying to manipulate Damon into changing and she's failing at it. And it doesn't seem to be helping Damon in any way, because all it does is make him feel guilty, self-conscious, whiny, emo, depressive and mopey. And this is one of the reasons why Delena is so doomed from the start. And that is only one of the many, many reasons why Delena is so ill-fated. This is why Damon is never going to find freedom and real happiness as long as he is obsessing over having Elena Gilbert. Damon will never be able to get over the fact that Elena is Katherine's Dopple because of the physical appearance. Whereas, Stefan loves everything about Elena, who she is, what she stands for, etc past the physical appearance, Damon only thinks he "loves" Elena, because she is the spitting image of his obsession of the past 145 years. I also know that Damon is not genuinely, truly in upendo with Elena, because at the very beginning of the sekunde season, Damon was willing to ride off into the sunset with Katherine. He was making out with her and begging for Katherine and him to be together, "this beauty of eternity", to quote Damon exactly. But because Katherine rejected him, because she loves Stefan and always has, what did Damon do? He went of to Katherine's Dopple, Elena's room, drunk and out of his mind, tried to force himself on her (which to me, is sexual assault, I don't care what anyone says) and trying to manipulate Elena into thinking that she has feelings for him and that she is lying to Stefan etc. To me, not only did Damon physically harm her (by sexually assaulting her), but he also psychologically, mentally and emotionally harmed her kwa trying to manipulate her into thinking that she has feelings for him and that her relationship with her own boyfriend, whom she loves zaidi then anything, is some kind of coax. I mean, that's healthy? For both Damon and Elena to be manipulating each other back and forth? I would say no. This is why Damon won't be happy as long as he is holding onto the idea of Elena. And this is also one of the major (out of many) reasons why I support Bamon.

Bonnie embodies everything that Damon is looking for in someone to upendo him, but he doesn't know how to find it au get it, because for basically his entire existence, he has been obsessing over first Katherine and now Elena. He can't let real upendo in and find an opportunity to be happy, because he doesn't let it happen. Damon blames everyone else for his misery, when in fact, he should be blaming himself. Damon needs to stop blaming everyone else for his actions (especially Stefan) and his past and present misery and take responsibility for his own life, and his own actions. Not everything is Stefan's fault. Stefan is not responsible for all of the shitty things that he has done both in the past and the present. Damon has to stop uigizaji like a child who throws endless temper tantrums and screams, "Life has been so unfair to me and I'm miserable because of it." DAMON MAKES HIMSELF MISERABLE, NOBODY ELSE. Not Stefan, not Elena, not Alaric, not Caroline, not Jeremy, not even Bonnie. Bonnie is the only person on this entire onyesha that challenges Damon the most, and in a direct and healthy manner. It might comes off that Bonnie hates Damon so that is why she does the things that she does to him, but if wewe look much deeper then that, wewe will see that Bonnie is really challenging him. She is actually challenging him to become a much better individual and person. So while it may seem that Bonnie is trying to intentionally harm Damon, she is actually directly challenging him. Why is she doing this? Because Bonnie, deep down, believes in Damon. She believes that Damon has much potential to be a good, decent individual and a much better person. wewe don't challenge someone that wewe hate. wewe challenge someone because wewe care.

If Bonnie really hated Damon, she wouldn't challenge him at all. She wouldn't act the way that she does towards him. It's the same thing with Damon to Bonnie. First of all, if Damon really hated Bonnie and despised her, he would have killed her a long time ago, even though she is Elena's best friend. Hell, this is the guy who killed Elena'a baby brother right in front of her. Although Damon did attack her and almost kill her that one time, that wasn't about Bonnie; it was about Emily. Damon was lashing out at Emily, not at Bonnie. When Damon killed Jeremy however, he was consciously aware that he was harming Jeremy, who is Elena's little brother. So, he knew exactly what he was doing. Sure, it was also out of impulse but at the same time, Damon didn't know about the Gilbert ring that Jeremy was wearing to bring him back to life afterwards, so basically, he thought that Jeremy was fully dead after he snapped his neck. So, the bottom line is, Damon doesn't really do anything now when Bonnie directly challenges him the way that she does, whether it be through communication au using her witch powers. Why because the truth is, DAMON LIKES THE CHALLENGE. Damon does NOT like to be manipulated under any circumstances. Remember in that one episode 2x03? Damon told Elena that she had used him and manipulated him to get information and he got very angry as a result. He basically told Elena to her face that she is a lot zaidi like Katherine then he thought. Although Damon does have a point, the only reason why Elena seemed like Katherine is because Damon brings out that side of her, which is basically everything that she isn't.

Damon makes Elena become a person whom Elena is really the actual total opposite of. Damon makes Elena to not be her real and true self. The real Elena is who she is when she is with Stefan. Not only the real, true Elena, but the BEST Elena. Stefan brings out the BEST in her as well as brings out who she really is as a person, which is kind, selfless, loving, understanding, compassionate, etc. Damon shuts off all of those good qualities that Elena has as an individual to begin with (Stefan only enhances these good qualities in her) and therefore, makes her into something that she is really not. Elena is OPPOSITE of Katherine. Stefan knows and understands this, because Stefan KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS Elena. He knows who the real, true Elena is and Stefan is the only person who brings out the true Elena and not only that, the BEST out of Elena. Damon does the OPPOSITE of this.

Case in point, Damon will never find happiness as long as he is obsessing over Elena and the idea of Elena. Damon doesn't upendo Elena, he's obsessed with her and the idea of having her. Deep down, Damon knows that he will always be sekunde best in Elena's eyes and because of that, Damon feels guilty, self-conscious and he displays these feelings outwardly towards other people other then himself. Not only that but he becomes weak, vulnerable, whiny and emo. He becomes so un-Damon like. And it has nothing to do with Damon finding his humanity. If it was all about his humanity, wewe would see growth on the part of Damon's journey and individualism. And all I see is a stifled, little, emo whiny vampire who can't get over himself and his illusions and obsessions. It's really sad, but at the same time, so inherently pathetic to watch. Damon has almost become unbearable to watch this season because of the way that he has become and the way that he is acting. And the main reason for his behaviour this season is ELENA. No one else. This is why Damon needs someone like Bonnie in his life, to challenge him and keep him on his toes. Because, if it weren't for Bonnie and her direct communication and challenges towards him (and Damon challenging Bonnie in his own way in return), then Damon would continue to be the emo, whiny, weak vampire that he has become this season. Bottom line, I hope down the road, Damon will come to realize that everything he needs in his life comes in the individual that is Bonnie.

Thank wewe for reading.
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Kat Graham thanks her mashabiki XD
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Source: HindEssa
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posted by Maximumridefan
Damon: Book vs. Show

First off, hi everyone! I’ve been very inactive here lately because of computer viruses, but I’m fully active again. :)

Ok, so now on to the article….
Damon is, without a doubt one of the most maarufu characters in TVD, in both the vitabu and show. But one swali that seems to always pop up is which one is better? The character L.J Smith created in our beloved books, au Ian Somerholder’s great portrayal of him in the show?

Well, this idea has been running through my head for a while now, so this is my take on both versions of Damon Salvatore.

I’ll start with some...
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Inspired kwa one of my juu inayopendelewa Bamon fanfics "Adverse Effects" written kwa the incredible author, 'Farie Insignias'
vampire diaries
shabiki video
adverse effects
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Source: manipulation kwa me
added by Wahinetoa
Source: Tumblr
added by magicrubbish
Source: Characters not mine, only the art work's mine. Julie Plec n CW network owns the characters.
added by magicrubbish
Source: Characters not mine, only the art work's mine. Julie Plec n CW network owns the characters.
added by Wahinetoa
Source: CuddlingCaptainOats
added by Tigerlily888
Source: tumblr
Disclaimer: I do not own anything neither about the show, nor the books.
A/N: Me and my friend wrote this chapter together because I was really stuck with the story. I really thank her. And sorry for the long wait. Hope u guys enjoy this chapter! &English is not my native language so please if there’s any grammar mistake, ignore it.

Time was ticking yet they still haven’t been able to come up with a plan. They knew that this was some sort of a trap and they knew that the son of a bitch, kahaba was planning on killing them. The only thing they didn’t know was how they could save Bonnie and avoid...
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Source: http://bluebellslatedecember.tumblr.com/post/23276912877/something-deep-down-in-the-very-back-of-her