Damon & Bonnie Club
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Let me just start off my saying that I really do think that Jeremy and Bonnie make a cute couple. I really think that Jeremy is good for Bonnie right now in terms of her needing someone to support her and look out for her especially with all of the shit that's happening and going down currently in Mystic Falls. But here's the problem. As cute and sweet as Jeremy and Bonnie may be together, that's all that they are going to be; cute and sweet. And they way I see it, when it comes to Bonnie and the kind of character that she is, which is a complex, misunderstood and powerful Witch and the only major Witch of Mystic Falls, Jeremy is not the one for Bonnie in the long rung.

When it comes to Jeremy/Bonnie's relationship, I see it zaidi for Bonnie's personal and spiritual growth as an individual zaidi then anything else. I see it as her way of gaining some experience in terms of upendo and relationships, because the truth be told, before she engaged in a relationship with Jeremy, Bonnie certainly didn't have any experience in the upendo department. In fact, Bonnie hardly got any attention from any of the guys within MF (and I have no idea why, considering that I think that Bonnie is absolutely beautiful and drop-dead gorgeous). wewe would think that with the wonderful, bubbly and friendly personality that Bonnie Bennett has and her drop dead stunning looks, that she would have a long line of male admirers just waiting to pursue her. But no, that title unfortunately goes to none other then her best friend, Elena Gilbert. Even though Bonnie is one of the maarufu girls, she is and was often overlooked kwa the boys of Mystic Falls.

But when it comes to Jeremy and Bonnie's relationship as a whole, like I alisema before, I believe that it is strictly for Bonnie's personal growth. Bonnie is evolving and changing so much as this series is progressing. She's trying to figure out who she is, what she stands for, and what he true destiny is. Is her destiny to save people? Protect people? Protect the entire town of MF? Protect and look out for all of her Marafiki whom she loves zaidi then anything? Part of this spiritual journey that Bonnie has embarked on in the onyesha is experimenting with upendo interests. If I'm being completely honest, Jeremy/Bonnie remind me of Oliver/Lois from Smallville, the same way that Damon/Elena remind me of Clark/Lana from Smallville. As wewe remember on Smallville (for those of wewe have watched since the beginning, that is), Lois fell in upendo with Oliver and developed a serious relationship with him. Unfortunately, their relationship faced a lot of cracks because Lois felt very inferior to Oliver in the long run. As soon as Lois found out about Oliver's identity as the Green Arrow and how he was a hero, who was meant to save people and protect others and fight for justice, Lois felt a sense of insecurity about herself, because she didn't know what she stood for au what her exact destiny was at the time. She felt inferior inayofuata to Oliver and because of this, they weren't considered to be equals. Lois did face heartbreak and heartache when it came to Oliver but honestly, this heartbreak in which Lois faced with Oliver was ultimately good for her, because it helped her to grow spiritually. After Lois had engaged in a relationship with a hero/vigilante, Lois began to feel much zaidi worthy again. She started to find out a lot about herself, who she was, what she stood for and all about her individualism. Because of the heartbreak she went through with Oliver, LOIS UNDERSTOOD HERSELF AND HER PERSONAL IDENTITY MUCH BETTER. Not only did it do that, but it also helped to her prepare her for her future (with Clark Kent).

But Jeremy/Bonnie will also never work because Jeremy and Bonnie are NOT ON THE SAME LEVEL, whether it be emotionally, mentally, spiritually, especially physically. Bonnie is much to emotionally and spiritually mature for someone like Jeremy. Although Jeremy is growing up and maturing, Jeremy will never be able to catch up to Bonnie's level of maturity because she is way ahead of him in that department. And it has nothing to don with age. The fact that Jeremy happens to be younger then Bonnie is not even the point. Because a guy could be younger then Bonnie and still be on the same level with her in terms of wisdom and maturity. So the age thing is not even the issue. It's about who Jeremy and Bonnie are as separate individuals. And the fact of the matter is, that Jeremy isn't and never will be on the same level as Bonnie, ON ALL LEVELS. Not just mentally and emotionally, on absolutely all levels. Bonnie needs someone who has experience, who has incredible insightfulness, who has wisdom, who understands the perks of life. She needs a strong, powerful man, who can look out for her and protect her whenever she needs to be protected (although I do believe that Bonnie can fight and stand up for herself when she has to and will eventually become significantly zaidi powerful in the future). Bonnie needs someone who is her equal on absolutely all levels, including emotionally, mentally, spiritually and also physically. She needs someone who can understand her from her deeper inner self, and also accept her for who she is and what she stands for, flaws and all. She needs someone who can unconditionally upendo her no matter what she does. And unfortunately, I don't believe Jeremy fits that mold of what Bonnie ultimately needs in the end.

Also, it seems as though Jeremy is only interested in Bonnie because she happens to be a Supernatural being, a Witch. This only makes me skeptical as to why Jeremy even likes her/loves her. Does he upendo her for who she is, as a whole? For her personality, for her actual individualism? au does he just care about her because she happens to be this powerful Supernatural being who has all of these amazing powers in which he doesn't have? This parallels the same reason why I'm skeptical of Damon's feelings for Elena. Why does Damon even upendo Elena to begin with? I have never gotten any in depth reason as to why Damon is even "in love" with Elena Gilbert. Because the way I see it, Damon is only in upendo with Elena because she is the spitting image of his object of obsession for over 145 years.Not only that, but I also believe that Damon only loves Elena, because to him, she is an "improved version of Katherine". Damon loves the "idea" of Elena zaidi then anything else, not who she is as a person. This is where Stefan is different. Whereas Stefan is able to look past Elena's physical appearance and her uncanny resemblance to Katherine Pierce and see Elena for the true person that she is and also upendo and accept her wholly for everything that she is and stands for as an individual, Damon doesn't. Damon is in upendo with an illusion, the same way that I believe Jeremy is infatuated with something that is out of his league. This is why I made a comparison between Jeremy/Bonnie and Oliver/Lois. Although I would say that the roles are switched with Jeremy being Lois and Bonnie being Oliver, in terms of one of the people involved in the relationship feeling inferior and out of their league with being with the other person, I do believe that when it comes to the spiritual and personal growth for love, Bonnie is most definitely Lois and Jeremy is most definitely Oliver. I strongly believe that Bonnie's relationship with Jeremy is ultimately teaching her quite a few life lessons, such as how to care for and upendo someone without condition and most of all, HOW TO NOT BE JUDGEMENTAL AND ACCEPT PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY ARE. I say this, because there were some anvils dropped during 2x14 Crying Wolf, when Caroline and Bonnie were talking about Bonnie's relationship with Jeremy and how Caroline alisema that they really had no room to judge. Bonnie is known to be a judgemental character so this really IMO, was a huge foreshadowing for Bamon in the future. Because of her relationship with Jeremy, Bonnie will have spiritually evolved and learned the concept of unconditional acceptance of those who are different from her au think differently from her (such as Damon and Wanyonya damu for example) the same way that Damon will learn the concept of unconditional upendo and compassion for others through his feelings for Elena and how to upendo people from the inside and not what is on the outside.

This is similar to Damon/Elena and Clark/Lana. Like Damon and Elena, Clark/Lana were basically obsessed with each other on and off throughout their respective series. Clark couldn't stop thinking about Lana and he always thought that he was so much in upendo with her; that Lana was the One for him and that they were meant to be together. But the problem is, this turned out to be untrue. Clark/Lana had so many different issues within their relationship. There were so many secrets and lies and Clark never felt completely comfortable opening up to Lana and being truthful with her, because it made Clark feel guilty, self-conscious and inferior. Clark has always felt extra guilty for being responsible for a tragedy that occurred in Lana's life; the meteor kuoga in which he came to Earth in, killing both of her parents. because of this secret and also because of Clark's alien identity, Clark couldn't be open and honest with her. Aside from the secrets, Clark couldn't be his true self around Lana. Clark had to pretend to be someone he wasn't, which was living as human as possible. He had to try to pretend to be the boy inayofuata door, farm boy who Lana has known since they were kids. Clark basically had to ALTER his personality in order to be in a relationship with Lana and this caused their relationship to be stifling on all levels, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. CLARK AND LANA WAS A MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY DRAINING RELATIONSHIP. Their relationship and the back and forth, on and off feelings for each other were tiring and exhausting for both Clark and Lana as individuals. The Clark and Lana relationship strongly emulates Damon and Elena's.

Damon and Elena's relationship, like Clark and Lana's, is emotionally and mentally draining for the most part. It's a highly unhealthy relationship and it's also a doomed from the start relationship. The reason why Damon/Elena is so highly unhealthy is because Elena is strongly and deeply in upendo with Damon's brother Stefan. For Elena, Stefan is her ultimate choice and not only that, her FIRST AND ONLY CHOICE. There will never, ever be a moment in time where au when Elena would actually ever choose Damon over Stefan. Anyone who believes that is in denial, is delusional and is fooling themselves. ELENA IS ALWAYS GOING TO CHOOSE STEFAN. Damon will never compare and because of this, Damon is always going to feel insecure and self-conscious. He is never going to feel like he can be himself 100% in order for Elena to accept him fully, without condition the way that she has with Stefan. Stefan/Elena's relationship strongly emulates the Clois relationship, not necessarily the Smallville version but all of the other Clois versions, including the Superman sinema with Chris Reeve and Margot Kidder and also The Adventures of Lois & Clark, with Dean and Cain and Teri Hatcher. I actually think that Stefan/Elena is MOST similar to Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher's Clark & Lois. Stefan/Elena remind me of Clois because they have this unbreakable bond with each other. They upendo and accept each other unconditionally and they strongly support each other. There is so much freedom and trust and neither has to change au alter who they are; change their personalities in order to be together in a relationship. STELENA'S RELATIONSHIP, LIKE CLOIS', IS HEALTHY. Their relationship is not stifling. Damon/Elena on the other hand, IS THE OPPOSITE OF THIS. Damon will never be able to be himself, his true self, with au around Elena, because Elena will never truly and fully accept Damon for who he is. Why? Because Damon/Elena are contrasting personalities. They have absolutely nothing in common in terms of the things that are most important for a long term romantic relationship. Things like passions, goals, outlook on life, beliefs, values, etc. Damon and Elena, deep down share none of these things in common. Elena is all about white picket fences and rainbows; Damon is all about unconventionality, recognition and adventure, something Elena will never be able to give Damon. At the same time, Damon also wants someone to stabilize him and to challenge him and Elena does no such thing for Damon whatsoever. All Elena does is manipulate him endlessly; there is no direct and open communication between DE. Not only that, but for Damon, it is an emotionally stifling relationship. Damon is going to have to literally alter his personality in order to be in a relationship with Elena and he shouldn't have to do that whatsoever. He should be able to be who he truly is with someone and that person will upendo and accept him wholly and completely.

Ultimately, what I am trying to say is that both Beremy and Delena will never work in the long run. Why? Because BOTH OF THESE RELATIONSHIPS ARE STRICTLY FOR DAMON AND BONNIE'S SPIRITUAL AND PERSONAL GROWTH. Both of these relationships are necessary and essential for both Damon and Bonnie so that they can learn, evolve and grow on their separate spiritual journeys. Bonnie needs to figure out who she is and what she stands for and she doesn't know that yet, so that is why she is in a relationship with Jeremy. Damon needs to learn a lot about upendo and he needs to learn how to be helpful and compassionate towards others and so that is why he has these "feelings" for Elena. Both relationships are for Damon and Bonnie's personal growth, nothing more, nothing less. It is the exact same way that being in a relationship with Oliver was for Lois' personal evolvement and being in a relationship with Lana was for Clark's personal evolvement. Do wewe see a pattern here? The way I see it, OLIVER/LOIS = JEREMY/BONNIE; CLARK/LANA = DAMON/ELENA. And as wewe can all understand, both the relationships of Oliver/Lois and Clark/Lana were emotionally heartbreaking for both Lois and Clark, but again, like I alisema earlier, this was highly essential for Clark and Lois's spiritual growth and evolution as individuals. They needed to go through this pain so that Clark and Lois could prepare themselves for each other. This is the same thing for Damon/Bonnie. And this is why I compare Damon/Bonnie to Clark/Lois from Smallville because the dynamics are so similar in terms of development. One day, when Damon and Bonnie have spiritually evolved enough, both of them will come to realize the special connection that they have. Because it is only until then, that they will both discover that they fit each other, that they complement each other in absolutely every single way imaginable; that they ultimately match each other and that there is no other person who could complete the other the way that they do for one another.

One day, Damon and Bonnie will come to realize that theirs was a connection and a upendo written kwa the stars. A pair of star-crossed/destined lovers, where two stars collided in their names. Those two stars being Damon and Bonnie who were inevitably destined and fated to be together when the time was right. And although the time isn't right yet, there will come a time in the future when it will be right.
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