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Source: dreamwallpaper.com
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I got this Idea from a Book about the Disney villains I bought in Disney. It was a cute book, but when It listed the juu villains of all time, I disagreed with them. So, I came up with my own list, and here it is. (P.S I have not seen the princess and the frog yet so the villain in that is not listed.)

10. Hades: Lord of the Underworld, Hades was made to funny for him to be put any higher. I mean, he's blue. Not super scary. However if he had been zaidi like the Hades from Greek Mythology, he would have gotten a lot higher.

9. Ursula: now, I always loved Ursula because she was not really evil,...
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 Victor Spinetti died in 2012
Victor Spinetti died in 2012
In 1982-1989, Victor Spinetti did a voice of Texas Pete from Superted, but he died in 2012.

In 1990, George C Scott did a voice of McLeach from The Rescuers Down Under, but he died in 1999.

In 1996, Tony jay did a voice of Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but he died in 2006.

In 1986, Vincent Price did a voice of Ratigan from The Great panya, kipanya Detective, but he died in 1993. That's the mwaka i was born.

In 1996, Tim curry, bizari portrayed Long John Silver from Muppet Treasure Island.

In 1996, Glenn Close portrayed Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatians.

In 1992-1994, Jonathan Freeman did a voice of Jafar from Aladin and The Return of Jafar.

In 1994, Jim Cummings did a voice of Razoul from The Return of Jafar and In 1995, he did a voice of Pete from A Goofy Movie.
 George C Scott died in 1999
George C Scott died in 1999
 Tony jay died in 2006
Tony Jay died in 2006
 Vincent Price died in 1993
Vincent Price died in 1993
 Tim curry, bizari is still around
Tim Curry is still around
 Glenn Close is still around
Glenn Close is still around
 Jonathan Freeman is still around
Jonathan Freeman is still around
 Jim Cummings is still around
Jim Cummings is still around
I've realized that Pixar has a lot of sad/bittersweet moments. I have either cried au teared up in almost ALL of the Pixar movies, with a few exceptions. So, I decided that I should take my juu 5 Saddest Pixar Moments and turn it into an article. Enjoy!

*Just to mention these are not in any specific order!*

-Toy Story 3: When Andy Drives away, leaving his Toys behind with Bonnie.

This moment in the movie crushes my heart. He's playing with his toys for the last time. Reliving memories that he had when he was younger. And then, he has to get up and leave, leaving his toys with Bonnie. SO SAD. I'd...
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posted by melovekendall
 LUV BTR IM A RUSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LUV BTR IM A RUSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Opinion is that Kendall Schmidt is the hottest in the band he's my hero and me and my Marafiki definetly adore him. He was born on November 2nd 19 1990 and we luv him he is currently single right now so for all the kendall luvers out there hes waiting for us ok ok ok ok ok!!!!!!! AHHH! his favourite colouris green and silver so now me and my buds LUV those colours come on peeps if your a rusher holla lets get big time rush on the radio that's what they deserve and NOT 1D. Omg i luv the one of btr where Mercedes comes A.K.A. griffens daughter if wewe didnt see that one au your not a rusher (trader) any ways and it's just so funny. now zaidi about KENDALL SCHMIDT hes so AMAZING Joe is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO Lucky to be dating kendall in the onyesha but i think that they actually dated in real life but anyways now hes single though but i hate the one where Joe leaves to go to new Zeland anyways thnx for kusoma me makala HOLLA!
Chapter 17—Nightmare Bedroom

    Scamp, Angel, Patch, Penny, and Lucky found themselves trapped in the cage that Horace and Jasper locked them up in. The room they were trapped in was a small old bedroom that had beds infested with bedbugs and lacked air conditioning. If the window shade was not left open, it would have been completely dark. A couple of little chairs occupied the room, along with a dawati facing the window. The floorboards were loose and out of place, and it was hard to see anything in the room.
    “This must be meant for only one dog,”...
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Ch. 13—Garbage Cans and Ham Sandwiches

    The car ride with Cruella De Vil was a hard one for the five mtoto wa mbwa to deal with.
    Patch instantly told Scamp and Angel, “Cruella is dangerous. She’s a real… …. .”
    “Wow, you’re allowed to say words like that?” Scamp asked, impressed. “My family would never allow that. It’s so cool to be able to say things like that without punishment.”
    “We weren’t, trust me,” Patch explained. “My parents are strict on rules."
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Chapter 10- Meeting of the Parents

    That night, Lady and Tramp continued to look hard for Scamp and Angel, unaware that they were so close to finding them prior that evening. “Oh, I just hope they’re all right,” Lady sadly cried. “It’s my fault that they’re all gone. I shouldn’t have been so moody.”
    “Aww Pidge, wewe didn’t do any harm,” Tramp comforted her. “Now why don’t we just settle down for the night? A bit of rest could do us some good. Then we can continue looking tomorrow,” Tramp stated consolingly.
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posted by Pyjamarama
 Aladin 3
Aladdin 3
Aladin (Scott Weinger) and Princess jimmy, hunitumia (Linda Larkin) prepare for their marriage. Aladin recovers a dagger, his only memento of his Lost father, who had abandoned his family when Aladin had been a small child. During the ceremony, they and the assembled guests find themselves the targets of a raid kwa the infamous Forty Thieves, led kwa a man named Cassim (John Rhys-Davies), who is after a particular piece of treasure: a staff which is the receptacle of a powerful oracle. Aladdin, Abu, jimmy, hunitumia and the Genie fight back against the thieves, driving them off. They discover the Oracle, who...
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posted by KataraLover
hujambo guys this it where I come back into the story and tell wewe what I'm going to do. This is a very long chapter so I might have to skip some parts but still tell wewe basically what happened. That's the fun part of being the nararator wewe get to fast foward through the garbage wewe don't wanna see. Anyway to the point lets see the first sad part in this chapter, the mothers unset over their missing children. Lady and Perdita are moping in the house worrying about the kids. Tramp and Pongo hate to see them like this and try to talk to them.

"Girls! Come on don't be sad, we hate wewe being so sad"...
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Here is my favourites of Disney sinema that I adore. First I am going to write down the maswali and then I will have the majibu down below the article.

Q1 What is my favourite Disney animated movie?

Q2 What is the most emotional scene in a Disney movie?

Q3 What Disney heroine do wewe love?

Q4 What Disney scene do wewe find the most romantic?

Q5 What Disney ending do wewe upendo the most?

Q6 Favourite Disney prince?

Q7 Favourite Disney animated couple and why?

Q8 Favourite Disney live action couple and why?

Q9 Favourite entrance in a Disney movie?(live action au animated)

Q10 Favourite Disney song?...
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Read th first chapter here: link

And the sekunde chapter is up.

Anyway here is the cover of "A Twisted Fate" well technically its just the daughters of Adam and Belle but still kinda a cover /get to know them...

My inspiration for the characters...

Annette- Ahhhh Annette....she defiantly has her moments. I kinda based her off of me yet we are totally different people...I just needed one of the girls to relate to making it easier to write it. Her personality mainly is her father and wewe begin to realize that as wewe progress in the story. Yeah she has a temper but a sweet moyo and she wont be cursed...
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Musical 'Big Band Beat' - Tokyo Disney Sea
tokyo Disney sea
big band beat
added by Lovetreehill
Source: kwa KrazyKristen12 /media.photobucket.com
Captain Hook plots to destroy Peter and gain his treasure all at the same time. His first part of the plan is to kidnap Wendy to lure Peter to his doom but he mistakenly takes Jane, her daughter. Fortunately for Hook, Pan arrives and Hook summons an undersea giant octopus to kill both Peter and "Wendy". Peter dives down to battle and is seemingly killed. Just as Hook begins to celebrate, Peter reveals to be alive and kwa using pixie dust, Tinker kengele boards the octopus onto Hook's ship. After accidentally swallowing Hook, the Octopus develops a taste and becomes another mamba problem for...
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added by Pyjamarama
Source: Disney VHS Voice Actor
added by TheJennire
Source: TheJennire
added by nerdyrose
Source: Mine: Screenshots
added by cherl12345