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New clip of Game of Thrones S5E5 “Kill the Boy”; has the title of episode 9 been revealed?

ongeza maoni
Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called New clip of Game of Thrones S5E5 "Kill the Boy"; has the title of episode 9 been revealed? | Watchers on the ukuta | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
episode “Kill the Boy” has turned up online after originally airing on the OSN network.
The preview features a Bolton family dinner. Spoilers, naturally!
In other news, it looks like the title of episode 9 may have been tucked into the coding of the HBO website already. A redditor posted today a link to the coding page for episode 9, which along with the usual casting/credits information includes a title.
The apparent title? “The Dance of Dragons.” It’s a slight twist on the title of the fifth book in the
Given what we know of Daenerys and the appearance of Drogon in Daznak’s Pit, it makes sense they’d draw on a dragon reference for episode 9. Filming spoilers had led fans to believe that the Pit would be showing up in episode 9.
Assuming this is legit, what do you think of the title? It’s always great to have a nice book reference in there.
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I guess my question would be: What type of dance will the dragons be performing? I’m hoping it’s a jive, but I have a strong suspicion they may go with the typical interpretive artsy fartsy stuff.
Also, Walda’s days just got numbered, methinks.
Is it just me or does Sansa look exactly like Jeyne Poole did, way back when? (hairstyle, color and collar)
Well … I guess I won’t be joining discussions until after episode 5 airs!!!
I have only myself to blame but that OSN “Behind the Scenes” clip revealed alot of information and I’m mad that HBO let that get out to various video media outlets BEFORE the episode even screened!!!
I’m only human and dangling Roose, Ramsey, Walda, Sansa and Theon before me was too much to resist.
Actually it’s similar to the outfit Catelyn wore in S3. In fact that high collar is identical. A nice homage to her mother.
Sansa’s hairstyle this year is identical to Catelyn’s
Can’t wait for Sansa and Reek to run into each other for the first time.
To add: Iwan Rheon does such a fantastic job as Ramsay. Comes off so subtly creepy and sadistic
This is another quick way to refute the reports from 4chan,
since the guy said Dany would fly on Drogon in episode 10.
Not that we didn’t know about it beforehand, but now it’s a “confirmation”. He might be right, but some things are still off.
‘The Dance Of Dragons’? D&D, you rascals! Always having to alter phrases from the books, no matter how slightly. You couldn’t just add another ‘the’ after ‘of’?
Yes, the outfit and styling is similar to Jeyne’s look. Traditional Northern look perhaps? I’m a little worried about the lovely Walda. Something nasty is happening in WF and I’m not quite sure what it will be?
I’ve been confused about filming spoilers; I thought Daznak’s Pit was in episode 10. What then will we see of Dany in the finale? Based on the title, I guess Rhaegal and Viserion are freed in episode 9. I’m interested to see how Jon’s story line will parallel Dany’s in the final two episodes. Dany has to shed Meereen just as Jon has to leave the NW behind.
go to reddit. Look for post with title “OSN has the “Inside the Episode” for Episode 5″ , check last comment
They like their multiple meaning episode titles. If there is no Aegon and no one is taking his place, I don’t think it’s a stretch to think this episode could reveal Jon Snow’s parentage. They are dropping a tremendous amount of hints now, which in TV land means…it’s coming. And before anyone says it’s too early…is it? They claim they want to go 7 seasons. Episode 9 of season 5 is not too early in that scenario. Plus it sets up tremendous drama for what we think will happen to Jon Snow in episode 10. We learn his parentage, we get excited, we think this changes everything…bam rug pulled out from under you, “dead” one episode later.
There were definitely hints dropped that Ramsay will be killing Walda. I liked the look that Roose gave him when he told him that he thinks it may be a boy. 😀
Apparently the ruins are Valyria, which makes me believe that is a statue and not a stone man.
The question is – who would be the one to divulge this information?
I love how Ramsay says “Reek!” Also, I’m so incredibly excited for this whole storyline, just terrified to see what will happen to Sansa.
I notice that OCN doesn’t even mention the Mannis in their list of characters, and gurgles something about Mance and Jon striking a deal in season 4. Was this what being thrown down the memory hole in Soviet times was like?
The Valyria scenes and Drogon flying with Jorah’s and Tyrion’s reactions – I can’t wait for Sunday! My fav. character already with a second appearance – though only a glimpse in the distance. Plus Aemon! Tormund! And poor, poor Walda.
Notice at 4.08 in the video, the figure in the top left corner that moves behind Tyrion. What the heck is that?
Spoiler tag your post so it doesn’t get deleted again.
Really? It didn’t see it move at all. It looked like it was in a kneeling stance the entire time and doesn’t seem to have any clothes or facial features.
Nevermind, I see it now. I was talking about the one at 3:15. STONE MEN CONFIRMED!
Trystane will be revealed as Aegon in this episode. Toby Sebastian is listed in the episode. Dance of the Dragons is what will happen in Book 6/7 between him and Dany. It has to be then.
I just don’t seem to get spoiler tags rite so I deleted my own post ! lol
Holy crap….I just thought the boat was moving, but that’s scary as hell.
No big mystery… when I see I’ve failed yet again to spoiler tag my post, I just backspace the whole comment and press “save”
I used to have the “spoiler” tag figured out but lost the knack this year. lol
I just went forward in time and asked you how to do something in the past. Boom. 😉
You just add [ spoiler ] to the beginning of your post and [ /spoiler ] to the end of it without the spaces. Not that confusing, I don’t think.
I did wonder how you managed that and just assumed you were a moderator …or a wizard!
There really isn’t any context in which that information could logically be revealed this season.
I thought Steve’s version makes for great TV and a good cliffhanger.
If Melissandre can find Gendry in the middle of the Riverlands with no knowledge of his whereabouts… I could swallow she knows how to see this in her flames.
Yeah that baby news is going to go over just great …
OMG Samwell Tarly does NOT seem to be happy about SNOWs deal with Tormund (he only likes Gilly)
Oh my, I’m super excited for next episode now, lot’s of great stuff coming. <3
The only thing – my personal taste probably – what I kind of didn't like:
Drogon's flight animation – I didn't like it in ep. 2 when he was flying over Mereen – something is odd the way his wings work.
There’s no Aegon plot. This storyline would unnecessarily confuse everything in the show.
Gotta say I called this as soon as I saw the ep5 preview Sunday night.
It’s a stone man that initially looks like a statue, and I’m guessing as Tyrion and Jorah are looking up at Drogon flying past, he will jump on the boat and attack them. Also, for future reference, I’m calling that one of the last scenes of the season is a reveal of Jorah having contracted greyscale. :(((
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