Michael Jackson Club
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posted by Whisperoflove7
It was nearly 1am on a cold November night and the runway at Luton airport was deserted. A private Jet just landed and taxied to a secluded spot near the perimeter fence. Two rented minibuses, their windows blocked out with white sheets, drove to the tail section where a narrow stairway was being lowered. Driving the first van was bodygaurd Steve Tarling with one thing on his mind- to get Michael Jackson off the jet as quickly and as secretly as possible. Custom and Immigration officers boared the plane to check documents and Steve moved in. Nothing could have prepared him for the shock of seeing Michael Jackson.

He says: He was sitting alone and appeared to be asleep, a red tartan blanket was wrapped over his legs and a Black Trilby was tilted over his eyes. He was wearing a Black shati with a big Red collar, alama and a big Black cardigan with a ukanda around the waist. He had on Black Loafers which were really scruffy.

Elizabeth Taylor, her husband Larry Fortensky and Jackson personal Doctor David forcast were trying to tell him to get up. Taylor shook him awake and said: “Michael, wewe have to get off now”. He was completely out of it, he was so drugged up he looked like a zombie. He just looked like a Lost soul.

When his hat came off and I saw his face for the first time I was physically shocked. I had this image of Michael Jackson the performer in mind but the sight I saw was nothing like that, he looked terrible. He wore full make-up with smudged Red lipstick and eye-liner. He was covered in White paste like a clown. He looked like a Transvestite who had had some make-up on for a couple of weeks. What shocked me most was the tip of his nose, it was jet black. His whole face was white except for his nose which was black a looked like a painful scab.

I wanted to get him off immediately, because the longer we stayed the zaidi vulnerable we were. It was pandemonium on the plane, security men and and airport ground staff were unloading baggage but Jackson was oblivious to it all.
Taylor had two mbwa she wanted to take with her. It was impossible because of quarantine laws but she still asked me to smuggle them off. I alisema no way, so she told Larry to stay on the plane with them. He looked fed-up that he was being told what to do, while Jackson was getting all the attention.

The original plan was for Larry and Liz to stay on the plane and fly to Switzerland to throw the media off the scent. But Liz insisted on staying with Jackson until he got to the clinic. But when Jackson tried to get up his legs collapsed and I had to hold him up. It was like he had druck two bottles og scotch and was so paralytic he couldn’t co-ordinate. It was a sad sight. I held on to him and someone pulled the blanket up over his shoulders and covered his face with his hat.

I carried him like wewe would carry a tree-trunk. H is very tall so he was leaning over my shoulder. It was awkward going down the narrow stairway down to the tarmac, and I remember thinking: “My god, if I fall, he’ll end up in hospital for other reasons, not his drug problem!”

As Steve laid Jackson in the first bus, another security gaurd pulled off an amazing decoy stunt, hidden in the sekunde bus was a look-a-like wearing exactly the same clothes.
As the singer was carried off, the lookalike was smuggled on to the plane and curled up on his kiti, kiti cha pretending to be asleep. The decoy worked and as far as the passport control were concerned, Jackson had never left the plane.
The lookalike and Fortensky were to wait for Elizabeth to return then fly to switzeland as if the stop to Luton had only been to refuel.

Therapist Beauchamp Colcough, known as Beechy-was waiting in the first van. He began asking us if he understood why he was there and if he knew he had a problem. Beechy started explaining how the cure treatment would work.
Steve says: Beechy was laying down the rules of which Jackson would have to follow, he told him he would have to make his own bed, wash his clothes, and generally do everything for himself. Jackson was mumbling his majibu and kept saying he wanted to use the phone, Beechy alisema this was not allowed. He told Jackson he would have to earn his phonecalls.

Suddenly Jackson alisema very calmly and coherently, “excuse me, can wewe turn this bus around and take me back? If I can’t use the phone, i’m calling the whole thing off”

It made everyone realize that he wasn’t such a spaced out idiot at all. Beechy had to comprimise and alisema he would allow him to make two calls. Taylor was in the bus and got angry when she realised Steve had changed the plan. Earlier in the siku he had checked out the Charter Nightingale Clinic in Marylebone, Central London, only to find photogaraphers staking it out. He felt it was too risky to go there and had fixed up a stay at the 2million nyumbani of Joh Reid, Elton John’s manager in Hertfordshire. Steve says: Taylor wasn’t happy. She said, “This is bull**** and started asking about my credentials. As I drove around a round-about she screamed out hysterically, appaently the songesha had hurt her back.

As I pulled pulled up outside the house a guard slid open the door and Jackson fell out. He slumped out like a corpse. Thankfully we caught him before he hit the ground and carried him inside, he was all floppy and dead to the world.
We lay him lay him on a settee in the living room and surrounded him with cushions , then put his hat on him. I crossed his hands over his chest. If someone had come in they would have been convinced he dead. “His face was white, he was lying completely still and looked like he was hardly breathing, it was a bizarre sight. Before Jackson landed Beechy had been worried sick, he alisema he would be finished if he didn’t succedd but would be set up for life if he did. At one point waiting for the plane, he was shaking with fear. As Beechy came in the house, I shouted out “You can stop worrying now, he’s dead” It was a silly joke but the situation was so unreal.

Within an hour, Taylor insisted Jackson was taken to the clinic. She felt he would react better to treatment in a hospital environment and the Doctors agreed.Taylor returned to the plane which flew to Switzerland as other decoy stories to confuse the press were released in Europe and the U.S. Some papers reported Michael had been in a clinic in the French Alps.

Steve found it easy to smuggle Jackson into the clinic. He arrived at around 5am and the few photographers still there were asleep in their cars. He drive through the rear entrance and took Jackson to the juu floor which was sealed off; But the singer locked himself in his room and refused to come out. Steve say: He turned up his radio, the whole building seemed bare and uncomfortable, I knew he wouldn’t put up with it for long and I was right. I left one of Elizabeth Taylor’s bodygaurds in charge while me and one of my ground men checked the ground floor. We went down stairs when the receptionist rang up saying “Quick, Michael Jackson’s trying to escape!”

The bodyguard had been lying on his kitanda while Jackson had left his room and jumped in the lift. He had presed number 1 thinking it was the ground floor, the numbers are different to American lifts. Jackson had been wandering around, politely asking patients ” How do wewe get out of here”? I felt really sorry for him, wewe can tell he was determined to get out and was ready to walk the streets of London in the freeezing cold. Half the worlds media were searching for this man and he nearly walked right out into the open on his own! Can wewe imagine if that had happened?

I told my man to guard the back while I rushed to the first floor. Jackson was getting zaidi and zaidi frustrated and was slapping his hand against the wall. He was saying in his high pitched voice “I wanna get out of here, I don’t like it here” The nurse and I got him into the lift, I held on him and he started to calm down.Later that first morning Jackson agreed to meet some ex addicts. Nurses were ordered to tafuta the nyota for drugs. The first session of therapy lasted about three hours but mainly concentrated on laying down the rules. I felt really bad when they searched Jackson’s personal things. He had an old yellow bag with a tape machine and diaries inside. The nurses emptied it and found 13 bottles of pills which they confiscated…

…Beechy made everyone introduce themselves and say what their problems were, Jackson was very friendly towards me because he knew I didn’t have to be there. He smiled at me when I alisema my bit, which I thought was nice of him, he didn’t want to speak, but Beechy alisema he HAD to; eventually he alisema very quietly, “Hi, I’m Michael and I’m addicted to drugs.”

Meanwhile reports had surrounded the clinic and it was decided to smuggle Jackson out to be treated at John Reid’s house. The whole lot had to go with him. He disguised the staff as patients and throughout the siku they left through the front door on foot au kwa Black cab, They were collect kwa cars waiting less than a mile away at Lords Cricket ground.
Jackson left around midnight. Steve dressed him up in a baggy tracksuit, a long coat, hat and scarf, Jackson went through an underground walkway to the building inayofuata door and waited in the basement until a message kwa walkie talkie told him to walk.

Jackson was as cool as wewe like, he waited for my signal, then walked to the car just outside and we drove off. He liked the disguise but refused to change his shoes. It was daft because they gave him away. He walked on his toes, just like Michael Jackson. If anyone had of looked they would have guessed, but no one did we were gone within seconds.

‘Minders’ agony as they weaned him off drugs onto Hobnobs’

MiCHAEL JACKSON’S desperate trip to Britain during 1993 to fight his addiction to painkillers was shrouded in secrecy. The world’s media were frantic to find out where he was being treated. Steve Tarling smuggled him into Britain and was his bodygaurd for ten days. He was never paid a penny but only now has Londoner Steve, 33, revealed the truth about being his minder.

Michael Jackson went crazy with sleepless nights as he was weaned off his addiction to pain-killers and sleeping pills.
Night after night he was unable to sleep without being drugged up, so he spent hours trying to amuse himself at Joh Reid’s mansion where he was secretly undergoing therapy under Beechy Colclough. Steve Tarling, who protected Michael during his stay in Britain was forced to listen to Jackson’s melancholy singing. Often Jackson would wander down stairs for a chat and a drink.

Steve says: He had a terrible time getting to sleep during the early days, he was so used to being drugged up…you could hear him imba at 4am, he had a portable tape machine which he sang into whenever he wanted to record a song. He seemed to be uandishi material all the time and the songs seemed sad and slow…maybe that was due to his state of mind.

He would spend hours on the telephone also, a luxury he insisted upon. He would be on the phone for up to two hours and called all around the world. He would also come down to speak with me and my colleague Andy he seemed concerned for our lack of sleep also. We also used to take him for walks also.
Once him came down for a cup of tea, we got the impression he wanted us to make it for him but we alisema “sorry Michael, you’ll have to do it yourself, it’s all part of the therapy” . It was true, Beechy instructed evryone to look after themselves, there was to be no nyota treatment. It was odd watching someone like Jackson make himself a cup of tea. It was like a major exerscise for him…you could tell he wasn’t used to it. “The chai he made looked disgusting, it was really weak, the colour of chicken supu and he piled in 5 au 6 sugars…He also had a hankering for Hobnob biscuits, he had six au 7 and dunked them all in the tea. He didn’t appear to mind making the chai himself, he seemed quite normal at times, and he has a great sense of humour, he used to call Beechy ‘The mad professor’.
Andy mentioned the famous moonwalk…we all tried to do it but made a hash, reli of it and Jackson was really giggling and alisema we had done okay, then he alisema “okay guys, Im going to bed’. With that he spun around and glided out of the jikoni backwards in a perfect moonwalk. He was still giggling and had the drink in his hand while he did it….It looked brilliant, wewe could tell he got a kick out of doing it for us.
Jackson’s eating habits suprised Steve. The singer would eat in the large jikoni with beechy and all the other ex-addicts. Everyone believes Jackson is a strict vegan..but he likes Chicken,.. but not the dark meat. Generally though he eats very little and mainly picks at the food.
As part of Beechy’s therapy Jackson was told not to wear make-up. At first he refused to wipe it ff, telling everyone that it made him feel comfortable, but gradually he stopped tarting himself up. Steve says: Jackson actually looked alot better without make-up, zaidi human and natural. He used to wear long false eyelashes as well as white face paint which made him look ridiculous. He used to wear a plaster over his nose, but as he became zaidi comfortable he relaxed, I think he felt he didn’t have to hide behind the make-up with us. He also stopped wearing his hat all the time, at first he wouldn’t take it off apart from at bedtime. Then he’d leave it on the banisters and put it on when he came down, then it stayed there all the time.
Jackson gradually started to muck in with the others and began to vacuum his bedroom and make the bed. When he was not in therapy he enjoyed watching films in the small cinema in a ghalani at the side of the house which Reid had converted into a games room and gym. He liked to watch ‘Whatever happened to baby Jane?’, he watched that 3 times, and also Uncle Buck with John Candy.

Most of all he wanted everyone to watch his favourite film ‘Gone with the Wind’. I was sent out to get a video of it, I drove for miles but no-one had it, the closest I could get was ‘The makin of GWTW’. I thought he would get all uptight that I had failed, but instead he alisema “That’s fine, thanks for trying” He was very well mannered like that. He also watched TV but it was regulated so he didn’t have access to the news. Steve laughed when the news bulletins came in saying he was staying at the Charter Nightingale clinic in London.

Once he went on his knees and started playing kinanda in the barn. He played a few notes then began singing. It was a upendo song and sounded really good and he had actually written it right there in front of me. It was amazing to watch, it took him about 6 minutes. When he got up I alisema did wewe just write that? He alisema “yeah, but I have forgotten it already” Then he started looking for something else to do. “No matter what his problems are, the man is a complete genius”

‘Michael arrived an addicted Zombie and left us a real fun guy’

Minder Steve Tarling saw an astonishing change in troubled superstar Michael Jackson after he arrived in Britain to fight his addiction to pain killlers. Steve who gaurded Jackson throughout his secret stay last mwaka says:
In just a few days he turned from a sad Lost soul into a happy person who could communicate again.

“In the beginning he was withdrawn and nervous and hardly alisema a word. He was in his own world, but gradually, as he was weaned off the drugs he came out of himself; he started to relax and was zaidi comfortable with everyone. He laughed alot zaidi and chatted with everyone. Before his treatment he was too messed up to be bothered. But afterwards wewe could have conversations with him.”
Steve, 33, watched while the treatment went on in a mansion at Rickmansworth, Herts, owned kwa Elton John’s manager John Reid. He says: ” Jackson is actually a bright and intelligent person. He is very interested in our Royal family and he asked me lots of maswali about them and alisema how much he likes Princess Diana. A lot has been alisema about him not being able to look people in the eye but that never happened as the treatment began to work.”
“He has incredibly striking eyes, I likened them to Bambi’s-wide and innocent- and he never avoided eye contact when he was chatting to me. The change in him was quite amazing- a really massive improvement. He started to sleep better and would often be the last one down to breakfast. Everyone had breakfast together between 8:30 and 9:00. Towards the end of his stay Jackson would come down at 9:45 after a good lie-in.
“He also started to eat more. He used to pick at his chakula but he he ate well and noticably put on weight. He looked much brighter and his confidence began to grow in every way.”
“Beechy Colclough and David Forecast did an amazing job and all credit must go to them. The circumstances could not have been zaidi stressful for them. Jackson had serious problems which had to be dealt with, on juu of that they had the whole world chasing him.
As Jackson’s condition improved, Steve was able to take Jackson out for the siku to give him a change of scenery. They secretly went for a drive in the country to a Marafiki house where Jackson played computer games with the young son of Steve’s friend.Steve says: It was an amazing house, very wealthy looking, but Jackson has all that and was zaidi interested in playing racing-car games with the boy for hours.
“I was aware of the allegations against Jackson but the two behaved like two little kids having fun and it was all totally innocent. Jackson kept getting beaten…whenever he made a mistake he would shout ‘Jesus Christmas!’ Apart from that he never swore and was always well-mannered and polite….Near the end of Jackson’s first week his business advisors made a panic-riden call to the star. They were scared stiff that public opinion was turning against him and that everyone thought he was hiding out to avoid charges brought kwa Jordy Chandler. They insisted that Jackson should be filmed at the house undergoing therapy to prove that he was sick and need treatment.
“They were really uptight and paranoid. They called the house and started bullying everyone around….but the deal was for me and Elizabeth Taylor’s security man to to look after him, Liz wanted Jackson totally away from his people to give him a chance of recovering. Things started getting very confused when his people flew over on the tenth siku and wanted to take him to another house. Liz’s bodyguard didn’t want them to take him and started talking about hiding Jackson in a cupboard when they arrived. It was farcical trying to hide him from his own people, in the end I was told they were taking over.

I was assured that I would be paid in full, they trusted me with the job and I dropped everything to do it. In turn, I trusted them to honour the financial side of things. I have tried many times to get paid but have either been fobbed off with excuses au ignored. I worked round the clock protecting Jackson, and paid people out of my own pocket, and what did I get?…nothing. Jackson has millions, yet this is how I get treated. I doubt this is down to him because I don’t think he has a clue about business. But the people around him should know better….

kwa Robert McGibbon
 A loving relationship
A loving relationship
1. Katherine Jackson~ I kept thinking and thinking of who to put up as number 1. I was going to put Tatiana first until I thought, "Wait, it doesn't just have to be women in his upendo life. It could be just any women in his life!" And no woman was as loving and as loyal to Michael as his own mother. Katherine was an angel. She is so sweet and kind. Katherine has gone through a lot and so has Michael. They have been there for each other. Every siku of the 2005 trial Katherine was there for her son. She loved her son so much. I feel so sad for her now. Her little baby boy is gone. The little boy...
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 Need I say moooore?
Need I say moooore?
1.Gold Pants~ Need I say mooooore????

 A smooth look
A smooth look
2.Smooth Criminal Outfit~ This white and shiny blue outfit looks so good on Michael. I really don't know why I upendo this outfit so much. But whenever I see it I go crazy.

 Black and Red!
Black and Red!
3.Red top, black pants~ Michael had such a good taste of style! I upendo that he wore red and black so much! It looks so good on him (well anything dose).

 gold! gold! Gold! GOLD!
gold! gold! Gold! GOLD!
4.Remeber the Time Outfit~ Bright! Breathtaking! Beautiful! That is what this outfit is! It lights up Michael's whole body, and the entire muziki video.

 A clasic
A clasic
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1.Scream~ I upendo this muziki video so much. I upendo the song too. I upendo how the B&W brings out Michael's beautiful eyes. The idea of a space ship is just so cool! I upendo that Janet is in the muziki video too. I upendo her hair! The way Michael and Janet act and dance together in the video is so cute! Like where they are both playing video games together. I also upendo it when Michael smashes things. Is it just me au dose something strange always happen when Michael Jackson yells? Like in Black au white when he yells the whole town goes crazy. And in Moonwalker when everything brakes because he...
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 Michael handcuffed ;(
Michael handcuffed ;(
wewe know, the whole Arvizo family was just crazy. They alisema that Michael saved them and then they alisema that he molested and kidnapped them. The Arvizo mother, Janet, wanted all her kids to be actors. And that's what this family was, a bunch of actors trying to get celebrity money any way they could. When they saw that Michael's weakness was children, (in a good way! Michael could NEVER resist helping, au giving something to a child), so they alisema that Gavin's dying wish, (Gavin had cancer)was to see Michael Jackson, (even though there were a few other people higher on their lists) and of course...
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posted by cherl12345
 Inside Michael's Palatial Estate
Inside Michael's Palatial Estate
As they went into the living the living room, Michael grabbed his car keys and headed out the door in order to pick up chajio, chakula cha jioni and dessert. "Before wewe do anything else" he replied, "I'd like for wewe to call Hannah and let her know that you'll be spending the night with me, and I'll take wewe nyumbani in the morning on my way to work". "Okay, I will"' Maris replied, as he walked out the door. "By the way, I really do want to make yourself comfortable for the duration of your stay here", he replied, "whatever wewe want, it's yours at your disposal".

"Thanks, I really appreciate your hospitality and...
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I smiled at the sound of AJ's tiny little feet scurrying down the hall and into my bedroom. She climbed on the kitanda and asked "daddy why are wewe packing our suitcases?" I alisema "remember, I told wewe a couple days after your third birthday we would be leaving because I have to go back to work." She alisema "daddy I don't want to leave! I want to stay here!" I alisema "I know and trust me I don't want to leave here either! We won't be gone very long this time though! We'll be back about 35 days from now." She responded "35 days… that's going to take forever!" I alisema "just think about it; when we get...
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posted by cherl12345
 The Backyard At Michael's Palatial Estate
The Backyard At Michael's Palatial Estate
Sitting at his vanity, Michael let Maris do his makeup; in addition , to fixing his hair. Maris couldn't figure out why he requested, but she did his makeup without any hesitation, and the idea of her hands stroking his face gave him a warm feeling inside of him. Like adding a shade of paint on a canvas, Maris applied the makeup on his face just like a professional makeup artist.

While doing his makeup, Maris used the specific cosmetics, which he requested she used on his face such as some of the Fashion Fair cosmetics; in addition to the Lancome eyeliner and coal black mascara. After she did...
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posted by cherl12345
 Michael Working On "Maris' Song"
Michael Working On "Maris' Song"
"I know it you're probably wondering why I'm asking wewe to do my makeup, but this part of the process of wewe being comfortable around me", he replied, "I want to feel your warm hands touching my face; as well, as my body, which you've already when you've already when took a kuoga together". This was a very unusual romance for the two lovers, and it was starting to get very interesting kwa the dakika aliyopewa everything that's happend between them during the last two weeks of their unusual courtship.

Taken aback my Michael's request, Maris agreed to do what was asked her on maswali asked. After...
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posted by MJisLove4life
Smile - Lyrics

Smile, though your moyo is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...

If wewe smile
With your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If wewe just...

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time wewe must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If wewe just...

Smile, though your moyo is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by...

If wewe smile
Through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If wewe just smile...

That's the time wewe must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If wewe just smile
posted by cherl12345
 Kind Hearted Person
Kind Hearted Person
Seeing how he's been apart of lives for over four decades, Michael has no idea just how much we miss him, and how much he's meant to us in regards to his life and legacy. Michael has been in the public eye for most of his life, but never had a normal just like wewe and me. Speaking for myself, I miss him, but I got all the good memories of what he's done over the years to look back, and I play his muziki on occasions and reflect on his life and his legacy.

Everybody not only liked, but loved him for the reason was a kind, caring and down-to-earth individual, who take no stuff off of anyone especially...
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Chapter 16,

January 2, 2009,

I was lying in my kitanda with Carter in his crib, kitanda cha mtoto mchanga on the other side of my large bedroom. Dad came in and alisema as he walked over to pick up Carter because he was crying "AJ; wewe need to get up." I put a mto over my head and rolled over. He alisema "you need to get up!" I complained "Carter kept me up all night long every saa and a half! I'm tired; can it be your turn?" He alisema "no, no, no, that's not how it works! I told wewe that if wewe wanted to raise Carter as your child then it's your responsibility to take care of him; not mine! I understand that you're tired but;...
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Q: Michael, your mashabiki want to know your ideas about a first date!
MJ: On a first date, I like to bring a girl over to my house for a barbeque and a swim, especially on a warm summery evening! I know that some chicks get mad if wewe don't take them somewhere fancy and spend alot of money on them on a date, but I'm not interested in those kinds of girls. I want someone who I can feel comfortable with just sitting and talking to, au sharing a fun, casual time with! I'm not sayin' that we wouldn't ever go out. I upendo to go out to movies, concerts, and restaurants, but I think it's important to know...
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 The Band
The Band
"Mike, come on wewe can't be over there all the time kissing wewe beautiful wife during soundcheck!" One of the band members alisema chuckling over at Michael who was literally zaidi over talking to holly then working. Both Michael and holly laughed. "Boy's i'm so sorry i'm distracting him," holly alisema kissing Michael once more. One of the other band members spoke up and said, "Hey if I had a wife that looked half as beautiful as wewe I wouldn't be working either." The rest of the band member 'Ohhed' and 'aahed' over it. Michael walked over to the mirophone stand and grabbed the mike. "Now boys boys...
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As we all know, Michael had all the qualities a woman wants in a man; in regards, to treating the ladies with the utmost respect. As told to journalist, Oprah Winfrey, in his 1993 interview, Michael considered himself a real gentleman when it comes to the ladies; as well, as his female fans.

I'm sure we all have wished we could find someone who has those same exact qualities like Michael, but it can hard at times for the reason that good men are hard to come by, and some of them may have alternative motives. The main reason why the ladies like was Michael is because he's so down-to-earth, polite...
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Another siku finally passed and it was time for Michael to go back nyumbani to Neverland. He was so excited, because after spending some quality time with Prince and Paris he would be going to Veronica's work to meet her once again. During the entire plane trip Michael basically did nothing except for hearing Frank snore but think of Veronica. He wondered what her reaction would be when they do meet again? Then his mind keep rewinding back to that siku he saw her two days ago. She looked stunning in her warm ivory kanzu, koti and scarf, her perfect curly hair placed exactly right that framed her face beautifully....
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posted by cherl12345
Maris looked at Michael as he was kissing her, and started to giggle like a schoolgirl. As they gazed into each others eyes, she moved and inch closer to him and kissed him passionately on the lips while sitting on the sofa. "Wow, " he replied, "what's was that" "I kissed wewe because I just wanted to," Maris replied, and she kicked off her shoes and placed her feet on the sofa, which Michael didn't seemed to mind at all. "Would wewe like another glass of champagne", he asked, "yes, I would," Maris replied, and Michael poured two zaidi glasses for the both of them.

The mood and the atmosphere...
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posted by MJisLove4life
 Paris Through The Years
Paris Through The Years
I Dont Understand Why MJ mashabiki Are Dissing On Paris Just Because She Is Changing. She Is Still Trying To Find Out Who She Is As A Person. And To Be Honest I Dont Care What She Does To Her Hair au What Clothes She Wears She Is Still A Beautiful Yong Teenager. Im 18 And Im Still Finding Out Who I Am Today. And If Paris Ever Went In The Wrong Direction Her Grandmom Will Help Her Get Back On The Right Direction Again. We Should Not Hate On Pairs Because She Is A Teenager And She Is Changing Her Hair. God Forgive Me What Im About To Say But At Least She Isnt On The Streets Selling Her Body au Doing Drugs. Her Dad Raised Her Well And Its the Same Thing With Prince And Blanket. And To Be Honest Again I Would upendo To Be One Of Paris's Marafiki Not Because She Is Famous au Her Dad Is The King Of Pop But Because Of Her Personality. Thats All Im Going To Say.
 Plz Stop Hating
Plz Stop Hating
 The Lovely Paris, Prince & Blanket
The Lovely Paris, Prince & Blanket
posted by cherl12345
Like a chameleon, Michael could reinvent himself in many whether it's a new hairstyle, au a new fashion trend. Having been in the entertainment industry for over 40 years, Michael has made the successful transition from child performer to the world renowned entertainer we've come to know upendo over the years. Michael was the one who reinvent in so many ways, and I guess that is why other entertainers were in awe of him.

As a recording artist, Michael showed his mashabiki he sing any type of muziki from a different genres ranging form soul, pop, rock and new jack swing just like the songs on his 1991...
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Chapter 7

January 13, 2000,

I was hanging out with dad in his recording studio at the ranch. He paused the track that he was working on and had the chef bring us some food. The chef knocked on the door and dad let him inside. He brought us each an egg saladi sandwich, sandwichi and went back to the main house. Dad came over and sat down across from me at the small meza, jedwali that was there.

I alisema "daddy I want to be just like wewe when I grow up!" He asked "you do? In what way do wewe want to be like me?" I alisema "well; I want to be a singer and a dancer who is famous just like you!" He alisema "yeah; it can be awesome...
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