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Agapanthus africanus
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Common names: ~Lily of the Nile~ ~Blue African Lily ~ ~African Lily~

Agapanthus originates from South Africa. The scientific name refers to the Greek word ~agape~ for ~love~ and ~anthos~ for ~ flower.~

The lily-like florets clustered on a long, thick leafless stem are available year-round in purple and white.
Agapanthus is sensitive to the presence of ethylene gas. This maua, ua should be kept away from naturally occurring gas, i.e. ripening fruit.

Agave americana L.
Family: Agavaceae
Common Names: ~Century Plant ~ ~West Indian Daggerlog ~ ~Rattlesnake-master~ ~False Aloe~ ~American Aloe~ ~Aloe~ ~Spiked Aloe~ ~Flowering Aloe~ ~American Agave~ ~American Century~ ~Miracle of Nature~ ~Maguey~

Grows in the arid and semi-arid regions of tropical America and in some parts of Europe. Agave is considered to be the ~Mexican mti of Life and Abundance,~ because the people of that region have had so many uses for it. Its maarufu name ~Century Plant~ comes from the mistaken notion that it blooms only once in a hundred years. The time of blooming depends upon the plant's vigor and the conditions under which it grows. In warm countries flowers appear in a few years. In colder climates it requires from 40 to 60 years. After blooming once, the plant dies.

The sap has disinfectant properties. Water in which century plant fiber has been soaked for a siku can be used as a tonic for falling hair. The Aztecs made paper from the leaves, and the leaf fibers were made into strong thread. The leaf, when dried, can be smoked like tobacco. An extract of the leaves, made into a ball, lathers like soap. The leaf thorns can be used for pins and needles. The dried maua, ua stems can be used to make a thatch that is impervious to water. The maua, ua stem is fermented to make a wine called Pulque which is a maarufu alcoholic drink in Northern Mexico. The leaves were also used medicinally kwa Indians of the Southwestern United States and this plant is also a modern chanzo of steroids.

It is the National maua, ua of Antigua.

Allamanda cathartica
Family: Apocynaceae Juss.
Hawaiian name: ~Lani Ali'i ~
Malay Names: ~Akar Chempaka Hutan~ ~ Bunga Akar Kuning~
Common Names: ~Golden Trumpet~ ~Yellow Allamanda~ ~Common Allamanda~ ~Yellow Trumpet Vine~ ~Golden Allamanda~ ~Golden Cup~

Alamanda means ~Heavenly Chief.~ It is a showy climbing shrub which bears bright yellow tubular flowers with spreading lobes. The name Allamanda comes from Dr. F. Allamanda, a professor of natural history in Leyden in the latter part of the 18th Century.

Allamanda is native to Brazil. All allamandas are very poisonous if ingested. In Suriname's traditional medicine the roots are used against jaundice, complications with malaria and enlarged spleen. The flowers are used as a laxative. It has also an antibiotic action against Staphylococcus.

Aloe barbadensis
Family: Liliaceae
Common names: ~Lily of the Desert~ ~Plant of Immortality~ ~Medicine Plant~ ~Burn Plant~ ~First-aid plant~ ~Miracle Plant~ ~Single Bible~ and ~Quinine Leaf~ ~Barbados~ ~Aloe Barbados~ ~Curacao Aloe~
Sanskrit Name: ~ Kumari~
Chinese Name : ~Lu hui~

Aloe, is native to Africa, and derived it's name from the Arabic word ~alloeh~ meaning ~bitter~ because of the uchungu, chungu liquid found in the leaves. In Latin, its meaning ~true aloe~ is considered to be ~the most effective healer. ~ It originated in the Cape Verde islands but according to early historical records, it appeared in Egypt, Arabia, and India. Aloe reached the West Indies in the 16th century and is widely cultivated there.

First documented kwa the Mesopotamians in 1750 B.C., and later kwa the Egyptians ~550 B.C.~ and the Greeks, aloe vera has been used to treat everything from constipation to minor cuts and burns.

Ancient Assyrians used Aloe vera as a drink. In 1500 B.C. Egyptians recorded its use in treating burns, infections and parasites. The Egyptians, Chaldeans and Hebrews valued the juisi of the aloe as a precious and holy medicine. Both Cleopatra and the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti used aloe to preserve their skins against the Egyptian sun. The Egyptians were also believed to have used the aloe plant in their embalming process.

In the Bible, Aloe is mentioned 5 times; ~Numbers 24:6,~ ~John 19:39,~ ~Proverbs 7:17,~ ~Psalm 45:8~ and ~Song of Solomon 4:13-14.~ Ancient Greeks, Arabs and Spaniards have used it throughout the ages. African hunters still rub the gel on their bodies to reduce perspiration. Aristotle persuaded his mentor, Alexander the Great, to conquer the island of Socroto off the East Coast of Africa, for the sole purpose of obtaining sufficient amount of Aloe to maintain his army medical stores. This was the primary medicine used to heal the wounds of his soldiers.

Missionaries who followed Columbus to the New World, documented their work with many references to the healing properties of Aloe Vera. Those same records document the widespread use of Aloe kwa the ancient peoples of Mexico, Central and South America.

Aloe is alisema to have the powers luck and protection. It is believed that an aloe plant in the nyumbani is known to guard against evil influences and prevent household accidents. It also brings good luck.

The plant is about 96% water. As a chakula supplement, aloe is alisema to help digestion, aid in blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as kidney, liver and gall bladder functions. Aloe can aid in keeping the skin supple, and has been used in the control of acne and eczema. It can relieve itching due to insect bites and allergies.

The leaves contain a special gel that is used in cosmetics and skin creams. The clear gel has an ability to heal wounds, ulcers and burns. It was known to Greeks and Romans, who also used the gel for wounds. One blade of aloe can be used for weeks. The severed end of the blade is self healing. The juisi is uchungu, chungu and extracted for medicinal use. Aloe was a inayopendelewa purgative during the Middle Ages. In China, similar uses developed to those in the West, although only the gel is used; in India, the gel is a highly regarded cooling tonic. In the East Indies, aloes are used as a varnish, to preserve wood from worms and other insects. Aloes are used for preserving ships from worms and the adhesion of barnacles.

Aloe has been used at least 2,000 years kwa the Chinese, who call aloe vera ~Lu Hui.~ The juisi of aloes was formerly used in Eastern countries in embalming and to preserve dead bodies from putrefaction.

Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Common Names ~Red Cock's Comb~ ~Lady Bleeding~ ~Love-lies bleeding~ ~Prince's Feathers~ ~Flower Gentle~ ~Flower Velour~ ~ ~Pilewort~ ~Prince's Feather~ ~Spleen Amaranth~ ~Velvet maua, ua ~

Amaranth comes from the Greek word meaning ~never-fading flower.~ The garden maua, ua globe amaranth is not related to this plant.

Amaranth is believed to have been a staple in the diet of pre-Columbian Aztecs, who thought that it gave them Supernatural powers and incorporated it into their religious ceremonies.

After conquering Montezuma in 1519, the Spanish forbade its use and Amaranths have been introduced only recently to contemporary cuisine. Amaranth is grown for its leaves, which are used in salads. The seeds are tiny, golden, and round. They can be sprouted, popped, toasted, au cooked to make cereal. Amaranth flour has a strong malt like vegetable taste and is beige in color.

The Greeks regarded the Amaranth maua, ua as a symbol of immortality because it retains it's freshness for a long time after being picked. To demonstrate their belief, it was common practice to spread the flowers over graves.
The ash of amaranth has a very large salt peter content. Some species of amaranth are known as ~Pigweed.~ None of the species are poisonous and many are used as pot herbs.

Hippeastrum spp: Amaryllis spp.
Family: Hippeastrum
Common names: ~Dutch Amaryllis~ ~South African Amaryllis~ ~Oxblood Lily~ (red varieties)

Two different bulbs are called ~Amaryllis.~ Related, both are from the tropics and sub-tropics; both have stalks of large, trumpet-shaped flowers. However, they are different and have differing cultural requirements.

Amaryllis means ~horseman star. ~ It is a tender, flowering bulb, originally from the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru. The plant was named after a shepherdess in Greek mythology. The word also means ~sparkling~ and refers to the attractive bloom.

Amaryllis was discovered in 1828 kwa Eduard Frederich Poeppig, a young physician from Leipzig, on a plant hunting expedition in Chile.
It is associated with the nyota sign Aries, being passionate, enthusiastic and adventurous. Amaryllis means splendid beauty au pride in the language of flowers.

Common names: ~Windflower~ ~Smell Fox~

Anemone is originally derived from the Greek word ~ánemos~ meaning ~wind~ hence the name windflower. It belongs to the buttercup family.

According to other Greek myths, Anemone was the name of a nymph that Zephyr, the sweet Spring wind, and Borea, the god of the West Wind were in upendo with. Chloris, the goddess of flowers, took revenge on the nymph and turned her into a maua, ua which withered kwa the time Zephyr arrived. Yet another legend says, that anemones came from Venus's tears when she was weeping for Adonis. The story goes that Aphrodite, being in upendo with Adonis, kept him longer kwa her side, than what was allowed kwa the Gods, thus triggering the vengeance of Persephone. While weeping for his death, Aphrodite swore he will live for ever and the beautiful maua, ua Anemone, is born out of her tears.

In Palestine, the Anemone was thought to have grown under the kuvuka, msalaba of Jesus.
Superstitions about the anemone existed in Europe, and Egypt. Anemones were thought to carry diseases. The Egyptians believed that the Anemone as the emblem of sickness, because of the flush of colour upon the backs of the white sepals. The Chinese call it the ~Flower of Death~. In some European countries it is looked on kwa the peasants as a maua, ua of ill omen. The Romans used it as a charm against fever. In Europe it was a custom to hold your breath while running through a field of anemones. They believed that even the air around the anemone was poisonous. Anemones were used as charms against disease. They were often worn around the neck au arm. Englishmen once believed that the anemone possessed magical properties. They recommended everyone gather in the earliest anemone they saw, and keep it as a charm against pestilence. It was carefully wrapped in silk and carried as an amulet au charm about the person.

Greek legends say that Anemos, the Wind, sends his namesakes the Anemones, in the earliest spring days as the heralds of his coming. Pliny affirmed that they only open when the wind blows, hence the name ~Windflower.~ The old herbalists called the ~Wood Anemone~ the ~Wood Crowfoot,~ because its leaves resemble in shape those of some species of Crowfoot.

Angelica archangelica
Family: Umbelliferae
Common Names: ~Angel Plant~ ~Holy Ghost Root~ ~Herb of the Angels~ ~Herb of the Holy Ghost~ ~Amara Aromatica~ ~American Angelica~ ~Archangel~ ~Archangelica~ ~Bellyache Root~ ~Dead Nettle~ ~European Wild Angelica~ ~Garden Angelica~ ~Goutweed~ ~High Angelica~ ~Holy Herb~ ~Masterwort~ ~Purple Angelica~ ~Purplestem Angelica~ ~Wild Angelica~ ~Wild Celery~

According to legend, Angelica was a gift to mankind from the Archangel Michael, as it is alisema to bloom on his feast siku ~May 8 ~ and to have angelic healing virtues. It is associated with the spring-time festival of the Annunciation and the Archangel Gabriel, as well as the Archangel Raphael.

All parts of the plant were believed efficacious against spells and enchantment. It was held in such high esteem that it was called ~The Root of the Holy Ghost~ in Germany, and was believed to eliminate the effects of intoxication and also to render witchcraft and the evil eye harmless. In England, where it was also known as bellyache root, dried angelica roots were made into powder and mixed into wine to ~abate the rage of lust in young persons.~

This herb's angelic name comes from a legend in which an Angel appeared to a monk during the 14th century plague and told him about the healthy properties of this plant. Angelica wasn't believed to cure the plague but protect against it; a piece of root was held in the mouth as an antiseptic. Used medicinally since the Middle Ages, angelica is alisema to have protected entire villages during the plague.

The plant yields an essential oil used for perfume. It's leaves are used for herbal tea, to decorate chakula and for poaching fish. The leaves au stems are candied and used as a confection. Blanched stalks are edible and used for making jam. Seeds are used in Candy and cooking.

It strengthens the moyo and stimulates the immune system. Chinese medicine uses at least ten varieties of angelica. Chinese and Tibetan medicine make use of talismans. Angelica leaves, whose fragrance is alisema to smell like that of an angel's, is what gives the plant its name. It protects one against witchcraft when worn on the body, carried, au placed about the house. It was common practice to put a leaf in the crib, kitanda cha mtoto mchanga au under the mattress au pillow. Traditionally, Angelica was planted at all four corners of a house to ward off disasters and pestilence; lightning, witches, spells, evil spirits and evil of all kinds.

In old-world Latvia, peasants would march into town with armloads of this herb and suddenly burst into song in languages that no one, not even the singers, understood. Angelica was unknown to the ancients.

Around 1665 the King, who was also an herbalist, made a potion, au a tea, using the angelica herb, nutmeg, treacle and other herbs, which the physicians of London called ~The King Majesty's Excellent Recipe for the plague.~ They used this recipe for a number of diseases. kwa the 17th century, Culpeper, the astrologer-physician, pronounced Angelica an ~Herb of the Sun in Leo~ to be gathered then, for most effective use.

American Indians used angelica medicinally. It is a traditional ritual herb of the Candlemas and Beltane Sabbath. Angelica is ruled kwa the Sun and Leo. Another chanzo claims Angelica is ruled kwa Saturn and associated with the metal lead, the stones onyx and lodestone, and with the animals; mole and lapwing.

Dream mto - good for stress, nightmares, insomnia; Make a mto and in it put angelica along with your inayopendelewa dried flowers au herbs; It will give a pleasant, relaxing sleep. Angelica stands for magic and poetic inspiration. In the Language of Flowers it symbolizes Inspiration.

Datura Candida
Family: Solanaceae
Hawaiian name: Nana-honua
Common name: ~Angels' Trumpet~ ~Floripondio Tree~ ~Jimson Weed~ ~Thorn Apple~ ~Toloache~ ~Tolguacha~ ~Datura~

Datura is native to Brazil. There about 20 different species. The Hawaiian Name of this flower, Nana-honua, means ~earth gazing.~ Angel's Trumpet is an ornamental mti which bears long, white, au salmon, kengele shaped flowers that resemble heavenly trumpets. The sap is highly poisonous and will cause eye injury.

Datura has been used for a very long time. Originally, it was used kwa the shamans, to help them gain entrance to ~other worlds of existance.~ People discovered its medicinal properties through shamans, au ~Medicine Men.~

This plant is poisonous but the natives in Brazil smoke the leaves for a strong narcotic affect alisema to relieve asthma. The leaves are sometimes smoked. Other parts are brewed in hot water. In the Andes small amounts of seed are pulverized and added to beverages. The Hawaiians smoked the leaves as a hallucinogenic. The seeds cause mental confusion and delirium followed kwa fitful sleep with colorful hallucinations. This species is zaidi toxic than Datura inoxia. Excessive amounts may cause amnesia. An infusion is aliyopewa orally au rectally in adolescent ritual among some western amazon tribes.

Anthurium andraenam
Family: Araceae (Arum family)
Commn Names: ~Heart of Hawaii~ ~Painted Tongue~ ~Flamingo Flower~

Anthuriums have become one of the signature flowers of Hawaii. They were brought to Hawaii from Colombia via London in 1889 kwa an English missionary S.M. Damon.
In Greek, it means ~tail flower,~ ~anthus~ meaning ~flower,~ and ~oura~ meaning ~tail. ~ It is also known as the ~painted tongue.~
Anthurium is a native of Colombia, and belongs to the family Araceae which includes zaidi than 100 genera and about 1500 species, mainly from the tropics.
Anthuriums are known for their long vase life. Depending on the variety and season, it can retain its freshness for up to 45 days.

aster spp.
Family: Asteraceae
Common Names: ~Starwort~ ~Michaelmas Daisy~

In Latin ~aster~ means ~star,~ the name also used kwa the Greeks for for its star-like blossoms, while ~wort~ means ~root~ which signified plants with healing properties. There are over 600 species of aster, the most maarufu being the Monte Casino. Considered sacred to Roman and Greek deities, asters are ancient wildflowers of the daisy family.

According to one legend, the field bloomed with asters when Virgo scattered stardust on the earth. The other claimed that the Goddess Asterea began to cry when she looked down upon the earth and saw no stars. The asters bloomed where her tears fell.

Known as ~Eye of Christ~ in France and ~Starwort~ in England and Germany, asters were thought to carry magical powers. The early English name ~Starwort~ was later changed to ~Michaelmas Daisy~ as it blooms around St. Michaelmas siku in September.

It was sacred to the gods and so wreaths of asters were placed on their altars. aster leaves were burned to keep away evil spirits and drive away serpents in ancient Greece. The bite from a mad dog was cured kwa an ointment made from asters. Virgil wrote that the flavor of honey would be improved if asters were boiled in wine and placed near a beehive. One ancient myth arises from the Iron Age, when people learned to make weapons of iron, the god Jupiter, was angered kwa all the fighting wiith these iron weapons that he decided to destroy the entire race kwa a flood. The gods fled the earth and the last to go, the goddess Astraea, was so saddened that she asked to be turned into a star. When the flood waters receded, all that was left was mud and slime. Astraea felt so sorry for them she wept, her tears falling as stardust which turned to lovely starflowers au asters.

Another myth comes from Greek mythology. Every mwaka Aegeus, king of Athens, would send seven young men and seven maidens to the king of Crete. There they would be sacrificed to the Minotaur, a creature with a bull's body and human head. One mwaka Aegeus' son Theseus volunteered to be one of the youth, believing he could slay the Minotaur. When he sailed for Crete he told his father, who dearly loved his son, that when he returned he would fly white sails on the ship instead of the black ones that were raised when the ship left. Theseus did arrive at Crete, where he fell in upendo with the king¹s daughter Ariadne. With her help, he entered the labyrinth and killed the Minotaur. However, on his return to Athens, Theseus forgot to hoist the white sails. Seeing the black sails his father, believing his son had been killed, then killed himself. Purple asters sprang up from the ground where his blood flowed, the result of a spell put on him kwa sorceress Medea, who had been once been his wife.

According to the Cherokee Indian legend, two warring tribes, fighting over a choice hunting ground, waged war over a hill, down a valley and into a village. All the villagers were killed except for two sisters who hid in the woods. Both wore doe skin dresses, one dyed lavender-blue with fringe, the other one bright yellow. The sisters sought out the Herb Woman who lived over the mountain in another valley. This woman gathered herbs kwa siku and brewed magic potions kwa night, a gift aliyopewa to her kwa the gods. As the sisters slept that night under the stars, the Herb Woman looked into the future and saw that these little girls would be hunted down kwa the enemy. So she sprinkled them with a magic brew and covered them with leaves. In the morning there were two flowers where the sisters had been. One was the lavender-blue aster, the fringe from the dress having been turned into the outer maua, ua petals of the aster. The other maua, ua was the yellow goldenrod.

Roman mythological legend holds that one of the dryads presiding over the forest, meadows and pastures, the nymph Belides, was responsible for the origin of this flower. While dancing on the turf at the edge of the forest with the other nymphs, Belides attracted the admiration of the deity who presided over the orchards whose name was Vertumnus. She transformed herself into the maua, ua bellis, it's botanical name, to escape the pursuit of Vertumnus. The bellis maua, ua is derived from the Anglo-Saxon ~daeges eage ~ ~ day's eye~ from the habit of this maua, ua to close its petals at night and on dark rainy days.

Ancient people believed that the odour of the leaves of the aster, when burnt, drove away serpents. Asters were laid on the graves of French soldiers to symbolize afterthought and the wish that things had turned out differently.

A perfect filler maua, ua for arrangements au bouquets, aster stands for Elegance and Daintiness. It is a talisman of Love
maua, ua of the mwezi of September and the herb of the goddess Venus.
In the language of flowers asters are a symbol of Love, Faith, Wisdom, Valor Hope, Light, and Power. Asters convey an afterthought au variety. In China, where they signify fidelity.

maua, ua Emblem of France

Callistephus chinensis
Family: Compositae
Common Names: ~Chinese~ ~ Mini Rainbow~ ~ upinde wa mvua Aster~ ~China Asters ~

The Mini upinde wa mvua aster is not really an aster. These flowers were brought from Peking and introduced to America in 1806. The scientific name is derived from the Greek word ~kallos~ meaning beautiful and ~stephanus~ meaning a ~crown~ which refers to the showy, maua, ua buds.

This native Chinese plant is maarufu for its mum-like blooms in deep rich colors. Like chrysathemums, it comes in a variety of maua, ua forms, including pompon and spider-like flowers. The Chinese often planted different varieties in pots inayofuata to each other and were thought to resemble a upinde wa mvua and thus the common name upinde wa mvua Aster. A perfect maua, ua for arrangements au bouquets. Flowers are suitable for pressing.

Common names: ~Peruvian Lily~ ~Ulster Mary~ ~Peruvian Princess~ ~Petite Alstroemeria~ ~Inca Lily ~

Alstroemeria is named after the Swedish botanist Baron Klas von Alstroemer. This South American flower's seeds were among many collected kwa Alstroemer on a trip to Spain in 1753.

Each leafy stem has a terminal cluster of delicate flowers that have three outer petals with a predominant color, and inner petal with contrasting spots. Varieties are available in a wide range of colors including pink, purple, yellow, and white. Hybrids have been developed in England and Holland.
Alstroemeria has a vase life of 14 - 21 days

Rosa hybrida
Family: Rosaceae

There is a Talmudic legend, that tells how the rose became red. At midnight before the vernal equinox, when Cain and Abel were to make their offerings to the Lord, their mother, Eve had a vision. She saw a little kondoo, mwana-kondoo bleeding its life away on Abel's altar, and the white roses he had planted about it were suddenly full blown and red. Voices cried about her, as in despair, but they died away and only a wonderful muziki was heard instead. Then, as the shadows lifted from her eyes, a vast plain unfolded, zaidi beautiful than the paradise she had left, and grazing there were flocks watched kwa a shepherdwhose vazi of white was so fine and shining that the eye was dazzled kwa it. He wore a wreath of roses which Eve recognized as having lately grown about the altar, and he struck the strings of a lute, waking entrancing harmony. siku broke, and, dismissing the vision as an idle dream, Eve watched her sons as they went forth to make sacrifice to the deity. She heard the cries of the little creatures of the flocks as they were put to death, and was glad that her children were willing to do this thing in the belief that suffering was agreeable to the mwandishi of life and love. At evening her sons were still afield, and as darkness came she went to seek them. Her dream returned to her, and she was disturbed. The fires on the two altars had burned out, and the bodies of the lambs were charred and broken. From a cave hard kwa sounded roarings of despair: she knew the voice for Cain's. And before his younger brother's altar lay the most pitiful sacrifice of all: the body of Abel, cold and rigid; and his blood had bespattered all the roses he had planted. Eve sank upon the body of her son, and again the vision of the night returned: she saw the shining one again, and it was Abel who shepherded in the new paradise. He wore the roses, but they were beautiful and fragrant, and, striking the harp in a triumphant measure, he sang, "Look up and see the stars shining promise through your tears. Those cars of light shall carry us to fields zaidi blooming than Eden. There sighs and moans change to hymns of rapture, and there the rose that has been stained with innocent blood blooms in splendor."
Rose Completion, Achievement, Perfection. Meanings vary depending on the color, shape and number of petals. For example, the blue rose symbolizes the impossible, the golden rose the pinnacle of achievement, an eight petal rose regeneration.

Tulipa hybrida
Family: Liliaceae
Common Names: ~Tulipa~

A thousand years ago,Tulips grew wild in Persia. Found in central Asia in 1554. Native to Turkey, Iran, Syria, and parts of Asia. The Turks of the Ottoman Empire were the first culture to cultivate and hybridize the tulip. Persian poets sang its praises, and their artists drew and painted it so often, that the tulip was considered to be the symbol of the Ottoman Empire. Holland has been the main breeder and supplier of new cultivars for hundreds of years. Tulips became a status symbol for the rich, as only the wealthy in Holland could afford them. They were called ~Pot of Gold~ because of their high cost.

In 1610, French ladies wore corsages of tulips, and fabrics were decorated with tulip designs. Most of the bulbs were grown in Flanders kwa monks. The bulbs became a currency, and their value was quoted like stocks and shares. About ten million bulbs were represented in the market. It is believed the word bourse [stock exchange] derives from that period, because those who speculated in the tulip market held their meetings at the house of the noble family van Bourse. In 1637, speculation became illegal, many people, in Holland, were ruined as prices fell. In the seventeenth century, a small kitanda of tulips was valued at 15,000 to 20,000 francs. tulip mania flourished between 1634-1637… and people abandoned jobs and businesses to become tulip growers. The frenzy spread from France, to Europe. Tulips continued to be prized in Turkey and an eighteenth century manuscript notes that the Sheik Mohammed Lalizare, official tulip grower of Ahmed(1703-1730) counted 1,323 varieties. Annual tulip festivals were held. In the1600s, tulip became the national emblem of Holland. It is the national maua, ua of modern Turkey.

One of the largest members of the lily family, the tulip has zaidi than 100 species of flowers. There are many varieties and sub-varieties of tulips. An interesting fact is that tulip stems continue to grow after they are cut and will bend toward a chanzo of light. The name tulip originates from the Turkish word, ~tulbend~ meaning turban, because it resembled the colourful Turkish tulband (turban). The word was later corrupted to ~tulipan~ and much later, abbreviated to tulip.

According to legend, a Persian youth named Farhad, fell in upendo with a maiden named Shirin. One day, word reached him that she had been killed. Gripped kwa unbearable grief, he mounted his inayopendelewa horse and galloped over a cliff to his death. From each drop of blood that trickled onto the ground, from his wounds a scarlet tulip sprang, a symbol of his perfect love. Due to this, the red tulip became a symbol of passionate upendo in ancient Persia.

Shortly after World War II, the Dutch shipped hundreds of thousands of tulip bulbs to Ottawa, Canada, to onyesha their gratitude to Canadian soldiers for freeing Holland from the German occupation, and for welcoming Queen Maria to reside in Ottawa while the war raged on.

The Ambassador of the Roman Empire sent tulip seeds and bulbs to Clusius in Vienna who did not know what to do with them so he planted them and when they matured, he gave a hundred bulbs to his grocer who fried and ate them with oil and vinegar. In Japan a flour is made from them. In times of famine the Dutch ate tulip bulbs when no other chakula was available.

Red tulips are used on Valentine's Day. It is alisema that in the 16th century the Sultan of Persia displayed his affection with tulips, kwa presenting a crimson tulip to his beloved as a symbol of the burning flame of his love. The first red tulips were tinged black at the base of each petal which is alisema to onyesha that the sultan's moyo was charred to black coal. Due to this overt suggestion of sexual attraction, the Victorians hardly used tulips as an expression of love. tulip is the ~Flower of Spring~ and symbolises ~ Imagination~ ~Dreaminess~ ~Perfect Lover~ ~A declaration of love~
Variegated tulips are for ~Beautiful eyes~
Red tulips indicate an ~Irresistible love~
Yellow tulips denote a ~Hopeless love~ with no chance of reconciliation.
Flowers have a vase life of 7 - 10 days.
okay, so people, my friend Megan and I are making a SECRET club that anyone can join!!! Though it's not a secret any more... Yeah, the SECRET club is called F.S. which stands for Fishy Stuff. And we made a spot on fanpop for F.S. soo wewe can join. Here is the club's rules:

1. Rules are made for breaking
2. Fishy stuff is not a club for people who want to discuis eating fishies
3. In order to jiunge F.S. wewe must eat at least 100,000 muffins.
4. Ignore theses rules
5. Break every rule appart from this one.
6. chai is like soup
7. Don't drink the laptop
8. EVERYTHING is yellow
9. this rule does not exist,...
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posted by TDIlover226
1# wait till there talking on the phone and say "your talking to that hooker again arn't you, I know she has problems but theres no need to go all phycaitrist on her.

2# stand inayofuata to her and go "toast?" and wait like your waiting for an answer, then go "hello, arn't wewe even gonna answer?" wait till they say what? then go "well, wewe need an aointment to go to that hair stylist", then wait again for them to say something else and go "YOU NEVER RESPECTED ME!" and run out of the room.

3# (this ones for boys) wait until your sister is talking with Marafiki then run up and sit between them and go...
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So there has been a lot of new horror sinema coming out and a lot of people doing dumb stuff in that movie.

So I'm gonna help wewe survive. you're welcome.

1. Don't take a trip to a secluded area.
-You could go to Vegas, New York, Paris so why the hell go into a damn desert.

2.Don't invite your boyfriend and the local village slut on the same trip. And don't get mad when they have sex.
-You knew she was a slut so don't get mad when it goes down

3.Don't run out of your hiding spot if the killer can't see you.
-He can't see you! He doesn't know where wewe are! Stay there and shut the hell up.

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posted by jeannette27
 laminin protein cell
laminin protein cell
Now tell me that our God is not the coolest!!!
The glue that holds us together....ALL of in the shape of the cross.
Immediately Colossians 1:15-17 comes to mind.
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For kwa him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth , visible and invisible,
whether thrones au powers au rulers au authorities;
all things were created kwa him and for him.
He is before all things,
and in him all things HOLD TOGETHER. "
Colossians 1:15-17
 laminin protein cell
laminin protein cell
 laminin cell
laminin cell
Developing word recognition is the main and outstanding benefit of link. Specifically, whenever wewe need to tafuta for a word in a huge number of words au in case wewe face troubles with the arrangement of letters, Word finder will be the best solution. So, what Word finder can help you?
- Learning context clues
- Expanding vocabulary and supplementing education resources
- Completing word searches
Do wewe know any other advantages of word finder? Please let me know!
Chapter 2: Spirit Of The Fox, Part 2: Into The Forest

After the light had vanished from the school, it then reappeared in a forest-similar to the one Taju had been dreaming about. sekunde after appearing, the light formed into the shape of Taju and the fox--indicating that they had still been inside as it disappeared from the school. The light that surrounded them finally faded, and Taju wanted some majibu out of

"Alright, fox, wewe know where I live, and where I go to school--what's this all about? What do wewe want from me?" he asked the fox.

It took him a sekunde to remember that the fox, mbweha couldn't...
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posted by podcastlover123
Please listen to P.E.C podcast fanpop mashabiki it’s a great podcast! I would rate it 5/5 stars ⭐️ because the trailer seams great but they alisema they will start posting episodes on Friday. So please listen to it. So get off your vitabu and get out your screens and type “P.E.C podcast” and it will change wewe for life the podcast is run kwa Olivia and Hattie who are loads of 🤩 FUN. So please once wewe have listen 🎧 to the podcast leave a maoni and say podcast like 👍🏻 au podcast dislike 👎🏻. Bye for now

I know it might seem like me just being a Freddy fan, especially as Krueger is number one. But I have to be entirely honest. I always found Friday the 13th kinda overrated. It's not till the films started becoming self parody's when Jason became a zombie that they started getting fun. The rest of them are just zaidi 80's slashers with annoying characters that we just want to see Jason kill. But that's just me. I know people enjoy these films. The fact he's on the orodha at all is still a compliment. And honestly he was way zaidi terrifying in that remake film..

9; CHUCKY;...
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posted by blossomyumyum
Have wewe looked at someone and just thought,
“We don’t know each other’s names. We have so much in common, so close yet so far.”

Everyone always dreams of having a song sang to them, every guy needs to have their sing sang back.
Here are some ways that wewe can find your soulmate:

First, realize that upendo is love. That whatever comes will come naturally.
Kiss slowly and gently, because gay only means happy.

Listen to each other’s input. Give time to inaonyesha interest.

Let each other sing.
Music is often your best way to express feeling and emotion.
Realize too that sometimes lyrics are the best...
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Wow, what is this now? Now I know what we’re all thinking. Is this supposed to be an in-season April Fools joke? Is this like an epic prank gone wrong gone sexual? This can’t truly be, Nik. You’re not really going to tell us about the actual intelligence of this film. No…. I’m dead serious. This is a review of the film, a review that actually talks about Freddy Got Fingered… But positively. Yes. Really. So this film has been considered not just one of the worst films of the decade, not just one of the worst comedies ever, but it’s also been considered one of the worst sinema of...
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Finally, a full review of a licensed game here on these reviews. I already did a quick look at the Simpsons: Hit and Run game, but that was only a little mini review in a series of mini reviews. This time, we got ourselves a full licensed game. And probably one of the most obscure and best on the PS2. So The Warriors movie from 1979 is one of my inayopendelewa sinema ever. It was a short, fun thriller about a small mitaani, mtaa gang being framed for the murder of a big crime lord and now must make it through the streets of New York back to their turf alive. It had thrills, chills, spills, and was just...
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added by BB2010
So when it comes to buying physical copies of PS2 games, there’s always one issue that stems from it. That being the case of some games can be brutally expensive. Like I was hoping to buy a copy of Rule of Rose for the PS2 because I heard it was one of the most painful games to play with one of the best stories ever written. That was until I found out that the going price regularly is six hundred USD. So, yeah, no fucking thank you. I like to live in a house and eat food. But of course, Rule of Rose was far from the only game to do this. And with some games I wanted to buy on the PS2 like...
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 Elijah Jones "Razilee and Elijah" need fixing
Elijah Jones "Razilee and Elijah" need fixing
Though displaced kwa fusion. Elijah Jones and his hivi karibuni album "Beautiful Insanity" deceives the art of true kindness and blames others for judging while feelings guilty of judgement. Elijah Jones isn't the once thoughtful artist we once knew back in 2017. He has manipulated to trick us in thinking he is kind and nice!! He sucks!! His muziki album and his documentaries are horrible and does not teach any valuable lesson as expressed! Why does many favor him and his followers?

Three good reasons...

Beautiful Insanity FAILS to deliver the message behind judgement.

Razilee and Elijah Part 2 doesn't...
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Well, it’s that time of the mwaka again. Halloween, the mwezi of scares, despite the fact that the mwaka 2020 has been a fucking nightmare zaidi than anything Halloween could do. Last mwaka I looked at five exploitation horror films. Some were good. Some were absolute trash. But I wanted to do that again. And this time, I wanted to up the ante. I wanted to take it a step further. Not with graphic content. God no. Nothing will ever make me sick like Nekromantik, I think. But in scale. Instead of five films, I decided to check out ten this year. Ones of differentiating quality. Will there be diamonds...
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posted by Ranty-cat
Year 1920. Mir Jack. Mir is a detective. But, he doesn’t investigate cheating wives au crooked business partners. He investigates things that go bump in the night . When a beautiful blonde strolls into his office and says someone is trying to kill her, he smells danger. Too bad he needs the money.

How he got started with paranormal investigations is a long story. Something took his wife from him. Jane was his whole world. Now she's gone. He has been running down leads ever since.

It's an arduous task, prying into the dark and creeping things. Plenty of people won't even acknowledge...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Link: *At the castle* Gee. It sure is boring around here.
King: Mah boi. This peace is what all true warriors strive for.
Link: I just wonder what Ganon is up to.
Gwonam: *Arrives on a flying carpet* Your majesty, Ganon, and his minions have ceased the island of Koridai.
King: Hmm. How can we help?
Gwonam: It is written, only Link can defeat Ganon.
Link: Great. I'll grab my stuff.
Gwonam: There is no time. Your sword is all your need.
Link: Great. I'll grab my stuff.
Gwonam: *Face palm* Please tell me that someone can defeat Ganon besides this retard.
Link: *Using a sword to pick his nose* I think I...
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Well this was a little late, but better late than not at all, right? The 2010s were a big year, probably for a lot of us. We all had that point in our lives in that decade where things were changing, some small, others massive. But who cares about all that person stuff. Let's talk about material things that we just like. Movies, video games, animation, all that great stuff. This will be a five part makala series, so look mbele to zaidi makala coming afterward. Let's start off with something simple, movies. Talking about my inayopendelewa film of each year, as well as my least inayopendelewa from that...
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