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HelloGiggles Interviews Margot Robbie About 'Suicide Squad'

ongeza maoni
Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Margot Robbie is actually the most excited out of all of us for "Suicide Squad"
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Know who’s actually the most excited about the upcoming
? Harley Quinn herself. When we talked to Margot Robbie about her upcoming new movie with Tina Fey and Martin Freeman,
information. Like, the fact that she’s dying to see the movie herself. It actually sounds like we’re going to have to fight Robbie to get to the front of any ticket line for prime seats—for this one, and maybe the sequel (!?).
And judging from our first-look at Harley Quinn in the movie, she’s going to win.
, and let’s be honest, Harley Quinn has already emerged as the fan favorite in everything we’ve seen. Are you as excited about
Margot Robbie: I think I’m more excited than anyone about this movie. I’m not even going to pretend to play it cool. I am
to see it. When people are like “I can’t wait to see it.” I’m like “Y
, I want to see it more than you do!” I think it’s going to be
cool, and I just love that there’s a chick character who’s that badass, and who’s actually, like funnier and crazier and stronger than some of the males. I think that rarely happens.
The most fun in the group. It’s an ensemble movie, and the ensemble is
strong. Every single cast member is brilliant. Everyone’s character is
good, everyone gets their moment in the film, and working with them was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. I love this squad.
 movies, obviously you’d be the first one to sign up for it?
MR: I was actually about to sign up for another project, and Warner Bros. heard that I was about to sign on to something else. Before I signed on, they quickly jumped in and said, “Before you do that, just consider this role, because you don’t want to miss this! You’d be right for it!” And I was like “Oh, ok, let me read the script.” And they were like, “There is no script!” And I was like, “
who else is in it?” And they were like, “No one yet!” And I was like, “
The only information [they gave me] was, “Harley Quinn, a comic book character,” and I never read the comics. Then [they told me] David Ayer [is] directing. That’s all I needed to hear. I heard David, and I was like, “Oh I’m in.” I was obsessed with
, and I thought that was such a brilliant movie, and I saw it like four times. I think he’s so talented, and to do a comic book movie with a director like David, who is going to make it so dark and cool and different, just to me, that sounded like exactly what I thought they should be doing with comic book movies. I was on board. And you know, fortunately the end product [became] something even better than I could have ever imagined.
HG: That is amazing to hear, and makes me even more excited for it. It can’t get here soon enough. But would you have still have been game for the role had they tried to dress you in Harley’s early court jester outfit?
MR: Oh, we tried on every variation of the costume. I cannot emphasis
how many outfits, and how many variations of the Harley Quinn costume we tried. We tried the court jester costume, we tried the corset and skirt, we tried leather pants, we tried literally every type of costume possible for her. I really love where we ended up. And who knows, maybe in the sequels we’ll go with the court jester one. I think there’s a world of possibilities.
HG: I keep reading things about how Jared Leto went completely method from the role, and from what I’ve seen in the trailers you do have a lot of screen time. did you find yourself completely falling into the character too?
MR: No, I’m not a method actor, I don’t think anyone would still be friends with me if I were trying to be method with Harley. My best friend, who is my assistant, I don’t think she’d put up with that!
opens on August 5, 2016. We’ll see you there, Margot.
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