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posted by nocofangirl218
So, part 16. :3's all good. I quickly wanna thank the two greatest co-writers ever! Aka: Rotcalex2011 and Cascada1007! wewe two are the best! X3 Anyway, onto the story!


*at elimination ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to podium with a bunch of bruises and scratches* Well, well, well, if it isn't little Alex and his big bad team of losers! *laughs evilly*

Alex: *glares at Chris* Better be careful Chris, those of fighting words!

Chris: *sarcastic tone* Oh, I'm SO scared of Alex! In fact, I'm shaking in my freaking shoes just thinking about what he'll do if I make him mad. In fact, if I were anymore frightened, I'd run off the stage screaming like a little girl!

Noah: Shut it Chris! I know sarcasm, and I'm NOT afraid to use it!

Chris: *rolls eyes* Sure. know the drill. Okay, the first three salama are; Gladys, Owen, and.... *groans* Alex. *throws the three popcorn bags*

Alex: *smirks*

*everyone other than Izzy and Ezekiel are called and aliyopewa popcorn bags*

Chris: Okay, there are two of you, and one popcorn bag. Who will be safe? Find out right here and now! Anyway, the last one salama for tonight is..................................Ezekiel. *throws Ezekiel the last popcorn bag on his tray thing*

Ezekiel: *gets sad look* Izzy, I'm really sorry, eh.

Izzy: Ah, don't worry about it Zeke! In fact.... *grabs him kwa the shati collar, and pulls him into a kiss* *after a moment of this, she lets him go* there's something to remember me by! *winks, and runs off into the night*

Ezekiel: *is blushing, and smiling like an idiot*

Chris: So, while Ezekiel goes and gets a rabies shot, I want everyone to go back to the cabin. So....yeah....night everyone! *grabs Ezekiel kwa the arm, and drags him off*

-The inayofuata morning-


Alex: Man, I know Izzy was sort of beneficial to our team,'s SO nice to have her gone! Also....of that little per-Madonna -aka Chris! - thinks he's gonna get the better of my team, he SO has another thing coming! *laughs evilly*

**end of confessions**

*in Craft Services*

Crystal: *walks in* Hello everyone! So, as wewe can see, I've gotten free from that closet, and am back to host the crap out of this show!

All: *clap and cheer*

Crystal: ^u^ So.....what time is it Destery?

Destery: It's.........RE-CAP TIME!

Crystal: Bingo dude! :D So, last time on TDR, I was tied up so......I have no idea what really happened. :P Although, I heard Chris made wewe all run this Marathon of Misery. Man....what a freaking lame! Anyway, after the whole thing was over, Jake beat up Chris for locking me in a closet. Aw, how sweet was that! So, what will today's challenge be? Will I be tied up and locked in a closet again? Find out these maswali and more, right now on......Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays*

Destery: I'm SO glad Chef didn't do the re-cap this time! I mean, it just seemed like he wasn't even trying!

Chef: *randomly walks up* *glares at Destery* Do wewe have a problem with the way I do the re-cap, wewe little cockroach?!

Destery: *gulps and salutes Chef* Sir, no sir!

Chef: I thought so! *gives Destery a: 'I'm watching you' look, and leaves*

Crystal: Well....that was random. :P Okay, y’all should know the drill kwa now! Anyway, I gotta go check on something so.....yeah, see ya. Crystal out, PEACE! *gives a peace sign, and leaves*

-with Team bacon Hawks-

Riley: *raises her glass* To the greatest come-back of to greatest team in the history of great-ness!

All of Team bacon Hawks: Yeah! *clinks their glass's together*


Riley: *sighs in relief* I'm SO glad everyone on my teams getting along! Well.....except for Mirra and Rikki fighting occasionally.....But that's okay! Their fighting isn't as often as it was, and it hasn't interfered with the team winning. So.....I guess it's not anything to really be concerned about! :D

**end of confessionals**

Rayla: *is humming the “Adventure Time” theme song*

Destery: *sits inayofuata to her* wewe know what I don't understand? If Walmart is better that K-mart, then why does K-mart still get business?!

Rayla: *gasps* I know right! Walmart is just SO Sparta! As for K-mart......their just poo. :P

Destery: Agreed! :)


Rayla: I'm so glad Destery's my friend! We have the same interests, same sense of messed-up humor, and he same weird obsession for pie! ^w^ It's like we were made to be friends! But....lately.....I'm starting to wonder if there's know, zaidi than friendship between us. *groan* I really hate trying to explain romantic crap like that.

**end of confessionals**

-with Team explosion-

Alex: *is sulking*

Noah: *pats his back sympathetically* Cheer up Alex; Gladys only in the medical tent for one whole day. It's not like your never gonna see her again.

Alex: *sighs sadly* I know, but.....I just really miss her. *continues to sulk*

Noah: *has a sad look*


Noah: Poor Alex. :( I mean, his new GF's hurt, and he can't see her for one whole day! That must be really crappy for him.....

Alex: *sighs sadly* I miss my Gladys.....

**end of confessionals**

Ezekiel: *stumbles in with a love-struck look*

Griffon: hujambo Zeke. So, guessing kwa the love-struck look on your face, I take it wewe liked the kiss Izzy gave wewe last night?

Ezekiel: *giggles bubbly* wewe bet I did, eh!

Owen: …...................


Owen: I know Izzy and I broke up, but......I can't help but miss that crazy chick! She....she could burp better than any guy I knew. *starts to heavily sob*

Ezekiel: *sighs dreamily* That Izzy.... -w-

**end of confessionals**

-30 dakika later-

Kate: *runs into the tent* Quick, Noah, grab a hold of my arm! *extends her arm to Noah*

Noah: *looks at her as if she were crazy* Uh...........okay? *takes a hold of her arm*

Kate: *turns around, and holds her other arm in the air* RANDOMNESS! *stands their – as if expecting something to happen* Huh.........I guess if I ask someone to grab a hold of my arm and hold my arm in the air while screaming something bila mpangilio won't make me fly and leave a upinde wa mvua behind me........ THE MEMO LIED TO ME, JUST LIKE THE CAKE!

Noah: -.- *lets go of her arm*

Kate: *sighs sadly* Oh well.....I guess it's tome to get wewe all to your inayofuata challenge. *sulks out of tent*

*all follow her to studio 65. They go inside, and see that the set has been changed. It is all forest, and very hilly. They also see Crystal standing with two huge things of supplies on either side of her*

Crystal: Hello all! Aw, Kate, wewe look sad. Something wrong?

Kate: *runs up to Crystal, and puts her hands on her shoulders* Crystal, don't believe the memo's! The memo's lie, just like the freaking cake! *runs off crying*

Crystal: Alright then. So......let me tell wewe all what today's challenge is! Since I upendo to go camping, I thought, hey, why not have everyone go camping! *throws both teams their supplies* Everything wewe need to complete this challenge is here! Portable tents, some marsh-mellows, a compass, and the map that tells wewe how to get to the camp-grounds! guys better get going. *sits down on the grass*

Noah: Uh....aren't gonna come with, or.....something?

Crystal: Nah, I'm gonna hang here. Besides, I'll be there when wewe all get there.

Noah: *shrugs, and goes back to his team*

*both teams gather up their supplies, and run into the forest. They all go in the same direction for awhile, but then they come to a fork on the road. Team bacon Hawks go left, and Team Explosion goes to the right*

-with Team Explosion-

Owen: *inhales deeply* Ah, nothing like a walk through an artificial forest to make a man feel on juu of the world, huh Zeke?

Ezekiel: wewe alisema it, eh!


Ezekiel: I'm so happy me and Owen are friends, eh! I honestly thought he'd be mad at me cause Izzy kissed me, but I'm happy to see he's zaidi mature than that. :)

Owen: Sure, I'm still ticked Izzy kissed Ezekiel, but that doesn't mean I can't be nice to him.


DJ: *see's Alex sulking, and gets a concerned look* Hows he holding up Noah?

Noah: He's been better.....

Griffon: *is carrying most of the supplies* *groans* Hey, Alex, how about wewe stop sulking for, like, five sekunde and help me!

Alex: *sighs sadly* Whats the point? Even if I help, Gladys will still be hurt.....


Griffon: And he thought I obsessed over Crystal!

DJ: Okay, Alex usually seems like a cool guy, but he seriously needs to get a grip. I mean, Gladys only has a twisted ankle! Not like it's anything life-threatening..... *gets a concerned look* That wasn't to mean....was it? Oh crap, it WAS to mean! *runs out crying*

**end of confessionals**

Katie: *is looking at the map, and smiling* Come on guys, the maps says we're almost to the camp-grounds!

*all of Team Explosion groans, and pushes on*

-with Team bacon Hawks-

*everyone is walking through thick woods with Mirra leading the way*

Rae: Mirra.....are wewe sure we're going the right way?

Mirra: *smiles* Of course!


Rae: Yeah.....I think Mirra got us lost. No offense to the girl, but she isn't exactly the first one I'd be picking to read maps.

**end of confessionals**

Alejandro: *looks over Mirra's shoulder, and gets wide eyed* Uh....Mirra, I think wewe need to take another look at that map.

Mirra: Why?

Alejandro: *takes the map from Mirra, flips it around, and hands it back to her* Cause, wewe had it turned upside down.


Mirra: o-o Crap....

Rikki: *smirks evilly* This is perfect! If we lose, I can just convince everyone to vote off Mirra since she got us lost! Then Alejandro will be mine for the taking! >)

**end of confessionals**

Rikki: *scoffs* Nice going Mirra! Now we'll never catch up to the other team!

Mirra: WAIT! I'm sure there's something close to here that will put us all in the right direction! *looks over the map, and gets a relieved expression* Hey, it says here there's a narrow path just ahead that leads right into the camp-grounds.

Alejandro: *smiles*Alright, great job Mirra!


Mirra: YES! I got a complement for Alejandro! *squeals in delight*

Rikki: DAMN! He gave her a complement! >.< *groans* Well, if I want Mirra gone, it looks like I need to bump things up a little. >:D

**end of confessionals**

*all of Team bacon Hawks head to the path Mirra was talking about*

-at the camp-grounds-

Crystal: *is whistling “Caramel Dancing” as she waits for the teams*

*all of a sudden, both teams run into the camp-grounds at the same time – all huffing, and trying to catch their breath*

Crystal: Finally! I was getting bored waiting....

Noah: O.O did wewe get here before the rest of us?!

Crystal: I has my was little Noah, I has my ways. >) Okay, since both teams arrived at the exact same time, no points will be given! :D

All: *groans*

Crystal: Glad to see wewe all understand! ^w^ Okay, it's now time for part two of your camping challenge! So, as everyone knows, wewe can't go camping without somewhere to sleep and chat with your friends! For this part, all wewe have to do is set up your teams tent and make a fire! Team Explosion will get the right side, and Team bacon Hawks get the right side. wewe all have a half-hour to complete this task,!

*both teams rush to their sides*

-with Team Explosion-

Owen: Okay; me, Robin, Noah, and Alex have got the tent covered. So, that leaves Griffon, Katie, DJ, and Ezekiel on moto duty!

Ezekiel: wewe got it Owen!

*Owens group goes to the tent area, and Ezekiels group goes to the moto pit*

Alex: are we gonna light this thing? We have no matches, no lighters, no nothing if wewe really think about it.

Katie: Hm...AH-HA! I've got the perfect idea! *runs off, and comes back with two stones*

DJ: Katie....that's genius! :D

Katie: Aw, that's DJ! *starts hitting the two stones together, and sparks immediately start to fly of them*

-with Team bacon Hawks-

Riley: Alright; so it's me, Destery, Rayla, Rae, and Alejandro with the fire. That means Melody, Justin, Mirra, Rikki, and Gwen got the tent. Can wewe guys handle it, au do wewe wanna switch with us?

Gwen: *scoffs* Please, putting up the tent will be a piece of cake!

Owen: *runs over* Did someone say cake?! I want some! 8D

Robin: *sees Owen on the other teams sight, and groans* *calls out* Owen, we could use a hand over here! *gestures to Noah – who is Tangled in the tent poles*

Owen: o//3//o *goes back to his team's sight*

Riley: -3- Okay....... So, lets get started then!

*Riley's group goes to the moto pit, and Gwen's group goes to the tent area*

Mirra: So....who knows how to put up a tent?

Gwen: Don't worry, I've gone camping with my mom and brother a lot. I could put this up in my sleep, but I will need some help. I need a few people to hold the actually tent up so I can threat the poles into the little loops. Plus, I need someone to hold and hand me the poles when I need them.

Rikki: *smiles evilly* I can hold and hand the poles Gwen. >:)

Gwen: Cool. So, the rest of wewe cool holding up the tent then?

The rest of Gwen's group: *nods yes*

*Gwen then hands Rikki some of the poles, and goes over to the tent. The others then hold it up as Gwen starts to slowly thread the poles into the loops. Then, when no ones looking, Rikki 'accidentally' slaps the poles into the back of Mirra's head*

Mirra: Hey! Don't hit me with the poles!

Rikki: *gives an: 'I'm totally innocent' look* Oh, I'm SO sorry Mirra! The poles slipped, and hit in wewe in the back of the head kwa accident.


Mirra: *sarcastic tone* Yeah, and I'm the freaking Queen of England! Man, that Rikki is a lying little.... No Mirra, remember: your on national TV. Lets just say she's what they call a female dog.

Rikki: All according to plan. >:)


Gwen: Just drop it Mirra! Besides, we could use a little help over here!

Mirra: *momentarily glares at Rikki, but then goes back to helping Gwen set up the tent – watching Rikki from the corner of her eye the whole time*

-30 dakika later-

Crystal: Aaannnddd time! Alright teams, lets see what wewe have!

*both teams have similar looking sights. Well-built tents, and good sized fires with stumps put around them*

Crystal: Hm....this is a tough decision, but......I think Team Explosion wins this one.

Team Explosion: *cheers*

Crystal: Whoa, hold on their guys! There's still zaidi to come! Alright, so after a long siku of camping, it's custom to sit around the camp-fire and roast marsh-mellows till the sun comes up!

Destery: But.....don't people usually roast marsh-mellows at night?

Crystal: -.- *claps her hands, and the lights instantly go out – stimulating night time* Satisfied Destery?

Destery: O.O ….....very.

Crystal: Good! :D So, since it's tradition to have a camp-fire, I'm having all of wewe go to Team Explosions moto tonight! Of course, before wewe do, *songs kengele goes off* I want both teams to pick a good fire-side song, and sing it! Also, the team with the best song gets these handy-dandy roasting stick! *holds up metal roasting sticks*

*both teams huddle up shortly, but then brake at the same time*

Crystal: Okay, Team bacon Hawks, lets hear your song.

Destery: *pulls out a guitar, and starts strumming it* Lets gather around the campfire
Rayla: And sing our campfire song
Gwen: Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Justin: And if wewe don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
Melody: But it'll help if wewe just sing along
Rae: Bum Bum Bum

All of Team bacon Hawks: C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if wewe don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if wewe just sing along

Destery: C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Patrick! *points at Alejandro*

Alejandro: Song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E!

Destery: Squidward *points at Rikki* *she says nothing* Good!

All of Team bacon Hawks: It'll help
It'll help
If wewe just sing along!

Riley: O Yea!! *takes Destery's guitar, and smashes it*

Crystal: Very epic guys, very epic. V-V Okay, Team Explosion, your up!

Griffon: This is a little something to remember Courtney by. *starts to clap his hands*

Griffon: We are the CIT's
Noah: So pity us
Katie: The kids are brats
DJ: The chakula is hideous
Ezekiel: We're gonna smoke (eh)
Owen: And drink
Alex: And fool around
Robin: We're nookie bound
All of team Explosion: We are the TD CIT's

Crystal: Hm......I liked the song, but it'd be zaidi epic if Courtney were actually here. :P Because of this, Team bacon Hawks wins the challenge!

Team bacon Hawks: *cheer, and run up to get their sticks*

Crystal: Enjoy the sticks wewe guys! As for Team Explosion, I'm sure there are some regular sticks lying around.

Team Explosion: *groan, and go looking for sticks*

*Team bacon Hawks take their sticks, and go to the camp-fire Crystal was talking about. Meanwhile, Team Explosion are still looking for sticks. They soon find enough sticks, and go jiunge Team bacon Hawks at the camp-fire*

Owen: *with a mouth-full of smores* Mmm, these smores are really good!

Mirra: wewe alisema it Owen! :D

Rikki: *smirks* wewe know Mirra, I'm actually a little proud of you.

Mirra: *with a mouth-full of smores* Really?

Rikki: Of course! I mean, anyone who cares about what others think about them usually watches their figure, but wewe don't. But, hey, I guess we're all over-weight at one time au another. >:)

All: Ooohhh!


Mirra: Oh, she SO didn't just call me fat!

Riley: Wow, that was seriously harsh! Okay......maybe Rikki and Mirra's fighting is a little zaidi attention-needed than I thought.

**end of confessionals**

Mirra: *glares at Rikki* wewe little witch! *makes a swing at Rikki*

Riley: *holds Mirra back* Calm down Mirra! Rikki isn't worth your time and energy!

Mirra: *struggles against Riley for a bit, but then finally gives up, and sits back down* *she then starts to softly cry*

Alejandro: *pats Mirra's back sympathetically*

Noah: Well........this is an awkward moment here....

Griffon: Yeah it is.....

DJ: *looks over at Katie* So.........uh.........Katie, that thing wewe did with the sticks was pretty cool. I never would've thought of that.

Katie: *smiles* Aw, thanks DJ! Your sweet. :)


DJ: Do I like Katie? Well................yeah, but she doesn't really seem interested in me. *sighs* Maybe I should take my mommas advice, and just tell Katie I like her. *smiles hopefully* Yeah....I'll do that! *stands up, but then sits right back down* On sekunde thought.......this confessional is pretty cozy...

**end of confessionals**

*everyone continues to talk and eat smores. After all the marsh-mellows and chokoleti are gone, Crystal pops up out of no where*

Crystal: He everyone! Okay, since all the marsh-mellows and chokoleti are gone, it's time for the last part of the challenge! So, all wewe gotta do is pack up, and go to the entrance. And, yeah, I made wewe all put up the tents for nothing. *snickers* Anyway, I'll just be waiting for wewe all there then. *sits down*

Noah: So.....your just gonna sit there?

Crystal: Yep, and wewe know what? I'll still make it to the entrance before wewe all! :D

Noah: -.- *goes back to his team*

*both teams quickly take their tents down, and put out the fire. They then run down the path they took getting to the camp-grounds. Soon, though, they meet up. They then all start to race, but, soon, they come to the entrance – where Crystal is waiting for them*

Crystal: Well...this has never happened before.

Chris: *comes up from no where* Whats never happened before?

Crystal: Well, both teams had a point, so I was gonna make whoever came to the entrance first the winners. But....the problem is.....they both came at the same time.

Chris: Can't we do a tie-breaker au something?

Crystal: Normally yes, but we have no time to! This is only a half-hour show.....remember?

Chris: Hm......Wait! What if.........both teams have to send someone nyumbani tonight? That way we can get a double elimination out of the way!

Crystal: Actually.....that's a pretty good idea. Alright, both teams lose today.

All: Say what?!


Alex: Both teams lose?! *groans* Chris is SO not gonna get away with this!

**end of confessionals**

Alex: *whispers to Riley* Hey, do wewe wanna teams up, and beat the snot out of Chris? It's gonna be totally epic. B)

Riley: *smiles evilly* Sure. >)

*Alex and Riley quickly spread the word, and, soon, everyone is glaring at Chris – which is making him very uneasy*

Chris: Uh....can I help wewe all?

Alex and Riley: Get him!

*everyone then chases Chris – who is screaming like a little girl. Crystal then comes in front of the camera with a smile*

Crystal: Well, looks like there's only one thing left to do.........THE ENDING QUESTIONS! ^w^ So, did wewe like that both teams lost? Will Rikki and Mirra ever become friends? And are we truly mistreating Chris? Find these majibu and zaidi in the same place wewe left them, inayofuata time on....Total Drama Rama!


Yep, it's another episode. :P Anyway....please vote off one person from both teams. I'd give a list, but......I be lazy. XP

Till inayofuata time!
Chris: those are all really good songs, but only one team can only win. winner cannot be Trent but he does win invincibility for doing a good job and hitting all of the notes in the duet song. the winner's team will get to decide what is the loser's punishment is. okay and the winner of the challenge is Owen imba Jessie's Girl! congratulations to team A-list!

Team A-list: YES!
Chris: Okay team Cook kids and team A-list go to the auditorium to check out what is your punishment in 30 minutes. And I will give wewe the options on what the punishment is.
Quinn: What! we can't make up one!?!
continue reading...
“Hello everyone, I’m Stella Carver and we are live from the set of Total Drama Musical!” A girl with long blond hair said. She wore a red dress and had blue eyes with black eyeliner around them; she wore purple eyeshadow and pink high-heels. “I’m here at one of the many Hollywood studios, but this one is the set of the brand new hit show, Total Drama Musical, I’m currently awaiting our contestants’ arrivals. During this season, our contestants will have to sing, dance, and act their hearts out in order to win the $100,000 grand prize. Each week, our teams will be aliyopewa a theme...
continue reading...
posted by Rainbow_Veins
Total Drama Killer Stage (TDKS)

Chris: Well is the fucking light on the camera on? Oh...its rolling? Oh. Hello US!! We are broadcasting to wewe live from Lawrence, Kansas to bring wewe to Total Drama Killer Stage!! We are at Allen Field House on the KU campus. Here come our contestants!! First returning from the first 3 seasons, Duncan!
Duncan: Um Chris? Where the fuck are we? Chef didn't even know.
Chris: We are in Kansas, Duncan.
Duncan: Wow. What a crappy state...
Chris: Here are two new contestants!! Twins Sally and Isadora!!
Duncan: *stares at Isadora and Sally* songesha over come two...
continue reading...'s another aftermath! XD Anyway, I REALLY have fun uandishi these, and I hope wewe have fun kusoma them! :D it is! X3


*Aftermath theme plays and the camera comes in with Geoff, Bridgett and Pixie sitting on the aftermath couch*

Pixie: hujambo those viewing this show!

Geoff: That's right. It's once again time for the aftermath! *audience cheers wildly* Wow, that got a bigger response then I thought it would. :)

Bridgett: Well, this is where all the real drama is. :) And, as always...
continue reading...
posted by Animetama
And we're back with our grand adventure, maybe our last, to jump off that cliff and most likely land in that death trap! Yaaaay~! Heheh, I think not! It's worse than smelling Owen's butt, au licking his arm pit! Ewwwww...

Anyways, we were back up on the mountian and Chris' back side was facing the camera, "Ok!" He went on, "today's challenge is free fall. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high clift; into the lake!"

Wait, did he say lake? Umm, that's too big to be a lake, but I could see how anyone would make that mistake when wewe look down...

"Piece of cake," smiled our favorite...
continue reading...
posted by starburst-rock
(Well, (Insert apoligies here) and finally I'm extra sorry for not posting this yesterday. Enjoy!!!)

Rayla walks into the mess hall looking like hell. 

Cody: *sarcastically* Rayla!, looking better then ever!

Rayla: Oh! Shut the front door!

Cody: But it's not open.....

Rayla: -.- 

Destrey: intr-

Rayla: SHUT UP!!!! I was getting to that. *yawns then says very tired* Last time on Total Drama Blank. *yawn* Teen drama's anyone? That was probably the most dramatic *yawn* episode yet... What's gonna happen this week?.. Find out on Total. Drama! BLANK!

Noah: Someones had to much vodka.

Rayla: -.- Actually...
continue reading...
posted by dxarmy423
(this story has both oc and td characters)

*Early morning in the town of Wawanakwa*

*Camera goes to noahs house*

Noah: *sleeping*

*alarm clock goes off*

Noah: ahh *fall out of bed* ouch

*Camera goes to Blaines house*

Blaine: *sleeping*

*alarm clock goes off*

Blaine: *breaks clock* *goes back to sleep*

*7:30am at the high school*

Noah: *gets off the bus* *yawns* to early for school

Duncan: *pushes noah* songesha it nerd

Noah: *falls* dumbass

Duncan: hujambo thats not nice *punches noah in the shoulder* later nerd *goes inside*

Noah: *stands up* ahh that hurt

Chilly: *walks by* *to noah* normaly I would just ignore...
continue reading...

Lexxi: So, Ronny's gone. Im Fine with that!

Zack: Ronnys gone. Thats uh, good i guess...

Zoey: I have NO idea who got voted off!

Annie: I wonder who got voted off...

Jordan: I bet Duncan got voted off of their team!

*Confessionals end*

*At a bila mpangilio Starbucks*

Jared: I wonder who got voted off of their team, Dont wewe guys wonder?

Jordan: Yeah! I want to know so bad, so we can work out some stratigy au something!

Annie: Look, their coming!

Rochelle: hujambo Guys!

Duncan: Sup.

Zoey: So, Who got voted off?

Briony: Ronny...

Jake: Tragic...*laughs*

Chris: hujambo everyone! Todays Challange is going to take...
continue reading...
~Episode 1~
Chris:It's season 4 *points out 4* of the hotest reality onyesha Total Drama!This season we told the campers that they're gonna be
living in a 3-stared hotel and the new season is gonna be called Total Drama Waiters,but instead of that we took them back to one
of their favourite places-Camp Wawanakwa *spreads his arms* in the new season Called "Total Drama Deja Vu".The new challenges are gonna
be bassed on old challenges as the campers remember the good-old times back here!O,that's them!*boat coming by*
Ronny:*supprised*We're back in Camp Wawanakwa?This can't be happening!What The...*boat...
continue reading...
posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back everyone we are now in a serious fashion show! Well lets see who struts there stuff and who cracks under pressure! lets see what they are up to!

Raging Raccoons
Chey:No the guys arent allowed to see especially Buster
Chey:You look beautiful so i want it to be a surprise!
Jessica:Actually the dress soed look nice on you
Kylie:Even though wewe say wewe dont like models wewe are a very good one!

Buster:Why do wewe think the girls wont let us see?
Shawn:I dont know they are girls

Screeching Hawks:
Sammy:Ok ray wewe know what your doing right?
Ray:YES! of...
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posted by dxarmy423
*Theme muziki plays*

*Fireworks go off on the titantron*

Chris: *graps a mic* Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the newest TDW event The Elimination Chamber!!!

Chris: Tonight we will see 6 TDW superstars fight inside the Elimination Chamber for the TDW World Championship!!

Chris: Now for a little info about the chamber

Chris: It weighs over 16 tons, has 2 over miles of chain and is 36 in diameter!!!!

Chris: the steel floor is level with the ring and the holding cells are made from bullet proof glass

*Camera goes to geoff and bridgette at the announcer table*

Geoff: ok here is how the match will go 1st...
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posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back everyone! Lets see what the campers are up to!

Guys Trailer:
Jake:I miss Penny so much I havent seen her in a long time!
Ya'vanti:Its only been 2 days
Ya'vanti:Ok dude wewe are becoming crazy i dont want wewe to end up like Trent

Girls Trailer:
Penny:I miss Jake!
Maddi:Its only been 2 days since wewe last saw him
Penny:Oh what do wewe know!
Maddi:What is that suppose to mean!
Penny:You dont have a boyfriend so wewe dont know what it is like to be not loved!
Maddi:WHAT! what did wewe just say! My parents abandoned me i went to tafuta for them i found...
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Chris:GOING THROUGH mashabiki THE FASTESS!!!!!!!!!!!
Chief:Um chris?
Chris:NOT NOW!
Blaine:Um,this will be easy!!!
Gwen:ok Blaine!
JJ:who wants to help me get through?
*all boys raise their hand*
Chris:Ill be timing u and the team with the less time wins a reward,2nd team gets nothing,3rd team kura someone off!
Sara:Oh my god!
Chris:TEAM popcorn GO!
*they run*
*after they finish*
Chris:42 seconds!TEAM AWARD GO!
*after they finish*
Chris:OUCH!59 seconds!
Chris:If team nyota beats u u guys vote someone off!GO TEAM nyota GO!
*after they finish*
Chris:Winners are team popcorn!
Team popcorn:YAY!!!!!!!!!
Chris:And 2nd place is.......TEAM AWARD!
Team award!:YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris see u at elemination team star!
(if your a team nyota vot off one of these people)
Chris: Okay everybody, whoever dosnt get a pokeball with a berry in it will be elemanated! The pokeballs go to Ryan,C.Rose,Desiree,Mack,Crystal l.,Gemz,Jake,Terra,Brock,Duncan,May and Sarah.

Everyone who got a pokeball: YES!

Chris: Okay, Noah and Owen. wewe two are the only people pokemon things that didnt get a pokeball. And one of wewe will be voted off, tonight well really its 5:00 so i dont know if its really night au not but still one of wewe will be voted off. And the last pokeball goes to....

Chef: dun, waliopelekwa dun, waliopelekwa DUNNNNN!

Chris: *glares at chef* the last pokeball goes to Noah!

Owen: Awww man! Why did wewe guys vote me off?

Mack: Cause wewe Lost the challange for us!

Ryan: And wewe piss me off.


*Owen goes in the jet of sadness*

Chris: Stay tuned for the inayofuata episode of TOTAL DRAMA POKE-MON!
Chris: and your challange is............. a race around hawii!
Jamie: wewe say what now?????
Rochelle: is that even posable?
Chris: Oh and all teams are merged!
Jar3d: than how would we know who gose to first class?
Chris: easy. There will be a 1 winner with invenceability every eposde until the finle 5 than after that no incenceabilty.
Annie: I don't get it.
Natalie: yeah she's dumb and i don't know.
Chris: who ever wins. he's au her last team mates will go in first class.
Buddy: what about me and Draven over there?
Chris: Buddy wewe will be on team USA! Draven team Win.
Rayven and Jamie: sweat!

continue reading...
*Non-First class*

*Bridgette crys*
Rayven: wewe got to gte over Jordan! I mean your as bad as ray when Noah left!
Ray: Never menchen that again! *starts to cry*
Rayven: aaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... I'm going over to the storeage room with Jamie.

*Storage room*

Jamie: what are wewe doing in here???
Rayven: ray and Bridgette are crying over there loves.
Jamie: my upendo is Duncan.
Rayven: wo wo wo!!!!! Duncan????? He's like was on the other team.
Jamie: So he's still hot. I bet wewe have a crush on someone!
Rayven: Nope no one.
Jamie: I can hardly belive that!

*First class*

Jax: Dang! Those girls can cry!
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posted by cookiewasted9
Eh,no part 2.....I'm bored with it-___-

Sorry to that one person who read it.

Better luck inayofuata time,huh?

........… zaidi waffles,they're good for the soul.

Tell your mom I had a great time last night;)

Here's a orodha of the following things I don't like:
Green Day
Marvel Comics
Belly Buttons
The word ain't
Most People I see on the street
Having to be 'that guy'
Public Pools
Dropping change in the grass
Robin Williams
Really bad boob jobs
Cold water hitting my teeth
Red Meat
When a small child bites me
Waking up and having something stuck to my face

posted by StarWarsFan7
Chris was watching Rayven's every songesha with popcorn like it was a movie. Rayven wanted to lose the challenge so they could vote off Alex L.

Rayven: *in confessional* If Alex Leonard-o wants to play with our team then he can kiss himself goodbye.
Cause he is going HOME! *smiles deviously*

Chris: Anyone gonna get Leeroy?

Rayven: No, cause we want to lose.

Whole team: WHAT?!

Rayven: That's right, no one is getting Leeroy down.

Leeroy: But I don't wanna stay up here forEVER!

Jordan: How about I get ray down?

Bree: That sounds like a great idea.

Rayven: Yeah? Well, where have wewe been the past 5 minutes?...
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Chris: So... looks like wewe guys forgot the sunscreen. Anyways. Nobody won! Your all unable to go to the beach, pwani and have a good time!

So vote....

Zoey: I vote off Andrea! She's nothing but a bully!

Ray: *whispers* Andrea, please!


Mizzie: OK, well i didnt really go to the beach. But I heard what she's doing to Zoey. SHE"S LEAVING!

Jar3d: ICE POP!

Addrey: *Picking at back* I think I got sand down my shirt!

*End of confessionals*


Alejandro,Harold, Mizzie,Melody, Annie, Ray, Lucas, Jar3d, Addrey, Storm.

Final two are....

Andrea and Zoey.

But tough luck, kid. Andrea you're going.


Chris: Well, that was weird.

(After a bunch of chats in both cabins, all the campers entered the challenge studio.)

Chris: Okay campers, your challenge will be a scavenger hunt. Here a orodha on what wewe should find.

(Chris handed them both a list)

Izzy: Hey, it doesn't say kubeba food!

Eva: au dumbells!

Duncan: Oh well.

Chris: Okay, wewe all have 45 dakika to find it all. The team that finds the most stuff wins. Ready? Go!

(45 dakika later)

Chris: The nyota Monkeys win the challenge!

Gwen: I knew we can do it.

Leshawna: Good job, team.

Chris: Famous Penguins, i'll see wewe all in the Studio of Doom.

(Back in the Famous Penguins cabin,...
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