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Just a few things before the story; one, if there's something wewe don't like about it, please tell me! I want it to be as good as it can be. ^-^ Just please tell me in a respectful way, please. I would appreciate that. Thank you.
Also, this story will be a little (well, zaidi than a little) bloody and violent, and there may be some cussing later on. Just a warning.
That being said, I hope wewe like it!

Gnarled branches. Green leaves grew from them—green leaves spotted with yellows and reds. They rustled dryly, talking of the upcoming season of autumn.
    Below the canopy of trees and foliage, a boy slowly awoke to find himself lying on the ground, something sharp digging into his back. His left cheekbone and forehead throbbed with a dull pain, and when he rolled over and sat up to regain his bearings, a sharp twinge shot along his stomach, from his left side to his navel. He winced and looked around, noticing as he did another pain in the back of his neck.
    He was in a forest, that was for sure, but how large it was and how close he was to the edge of it he couldn’t tell. From the darkness surrounding him, however, he could guess that he was deep inside, near the moyo of the forest.
    He pushed himself to his feet and stood, albeit a bit shakily. Dark spots fluttered before his eyes. He shook his head to clear it, then took a careful step forward.
    He needed to get out of the forest. That’s what it felt like, at least. There was something important he needed to do out there; he just couldn’t quite remember what it was.
    He stopped at that thought.
    He couldn’t remember why he needed to get out of the forest.
    He couldn’t remember why he was in the forest in the first place.
    He couldn’t remember how his face and stomach and neck had gotten hurt.
    He couldn’t even remember who he was.
    He stood there for a moment, blinking and letting the shock of this sink in. He didn’t have a name, a past, a purpose. He was just here, in the forest, alone and not having the slightest idea of what he was supposed to do next.
    Get out of the forest, something told him. There was something wewe needed to do out there. Find out what it was and carry it through. Go on.
    Numbly, he forced himself to take a step forward.
    As he did so, his foot made contact with something soft, and he tripped, stumbled, and fell to the forest floor. He rolled over to see what he had tripped over and gasped in horror.
    It was a dead body—the body of a young man, even a boy, not quite to adulthood and yet still not a child. The boy had been decapitated and mutilated, and the cloying stench of rotten flesh rose off of it. One maimed, bloodied hand grasped something in a claw-like grasp—something small, the color of sand.
    He reached over and, shuddering, pried it out from the dead boy’s clutch.
    It was a box—wooden and square and simple. It had flowers carved into the top—a basic design, done plainly and honestly—with a small, steel lock holding it closed. Even though he knew it wouldn’t, he tried to open it.
    The lid stayed firmly in place.
    He sighed and began walking again, manipulating his way through briars and brambles and undergrowth and long, hanging branches. It took a long time—and hour, half an hour?—but eventually he could see pale light seeping out between the trees and knew he was nearing the edge. He ran the last few yards and burst out into the sunshine.
    He was in a narrow, grassy strip of land and ran alongside a dusty dirt road. The nyasi was sparkling with dew, and the sun was rising over the east horizon. pink and pale yellow fingers spread across the sky, and a black bird wheeled about in the air above his head. It was earlier than he had thought.
    The bird swooped down and landed in the middle of the road. It was a crow, he knew, au perhaps a raven; he couldn’t tell. It looked at him, small black head cocked, eyes intelligent and curious, then gave a caw and took off, soaring back up into the sky.
    He looked after it. Crow, he thought to himself. Something about the word sounded familar, as if it were something he heard often. It was an irritating thought, as he felt he could almost place it, but whenever he came close, it slipped away, always just out of reach. He took a few steps into the road and squinted up at the sky, where the jogoo was now just a dark speck on the horizon.
    “’Ello,” someone alisema behind him.
    He jumped and spun around. A tall, scruffy, lank man stood there, carrying a bunduki and a small metal water bottle. Two bloodhounds stood behind him, sniffing at the road and at the man’s heels. The mbwa were thin and scrawny, but their fur, manyoya shone and their eyes were clear.
    “Oh. Hello,” he said. It came out in a whisper, hoarse and quiet. He could tell he hadn’t used it in a long time. He cleared his throat and tried again.
    “Hello.” His voice was still hoarse, but audible. The man nodded and gave him a smile.
    “Never seen ye ‘round here. Ye live in these parts?”
    He shook his head.
    “Where are ye from, then?”
    He stared up at the man. Just another swali he couldn’t answer. Where was he from? He couldn’t say for sure, and he didn’t want to lie, and yet here this man stood, looking down at him, waiting for an answer.
    He pointed up into the forest, in the direction he had come from. “Up there.”
    “In the forest?”
    “Yes. I…my father built a cabin, kibanda about a mile from the edge of it—the other edge, I mean, opposite from this one. I’ve lived there most of my life.”
    “What are ye doing all the way down here? That’s at least a day’s walk, probably more, I would say. When’s the last time ye ate? Drank? Have ye slept lately?” The man peered down at his face, looking genuinely concerned.
    “I…I haven’t eaten for a while,” he said, choosing not to answer the man’s first question. He didn’t really know why he was lying. Somehow the truth just didn’t seem believable.
    “Well, come on then,” the man said. “We’ve got plenty at my house—plenty to eat and drink, and we’ve got a guest room. zaidi of a closet than anythin’, but it’ll have to do. That is,” the man interrupted himself thoughtfully, “if ye’ll come.”
    He nodded. “If it’s alright.”
    “Wouldn’t have invited ye if it weren’t,” the man said, starting off down the road. “What’s yer name, anyhow?”
    He hurried after the man, still holding the box tightly. The man looked down at him expectantly. He stared at the ground. His name. What was his name? Such a simple swali it was, and yet he had no clue how to answer it.
    He thought back to the bird, how familiar that word had been. Crow. Why did that word ring a bell? he wondered. Crow…crow.
    “Crow,” he repeated, thoughtfully.
    “Crow? Yer name’s Crow?”
    He looked up, surprised. Could that be his name? It felt right, at least. And he needed a name. jogoo would suffice, at least for now.
    “Yes,” he said. “My name’s Crow.”
    “That’s quite the unusual name,” the man said. “I’m Jonathan. Live right down the road a little ways, I do. Small, honest cabin, zaidi of a shack, really, but it’s nice and cozy and keeps out the cold in the win’ertime. Not quite big enough for me, my wife, my children, and my hounds, so Poplar and Cedar here,” he nodded to the bloodhounds, “have to sleep outside, on the porch. Can’t say they really like that arrangement, and I can’t say I really do meself, but my wife insists. Don’t really think she wanted to get ‘em in the first place…”
    As Jonathan droned on, jogoo again studied the box in his hand. He noticed a stain on the lid that he hadn’t seen before—a crimson stain, the color of rust. Dried blood, he realized. Shuddering, he wiped it off.
    “What’ve ye got there?” Jonathan asked.
    Crow looked up, startled. “A box. Found it in the woods.”
    “Ah.” Jonathan whistled and called Poplar, who was investigating a rabbit carcass at the edge of the road. Poplar gave it one last sniff, then trotted over.
    “Crow,” Jonathan said, turning back to him. jogoo looked up.
    “Can I ask ye something?”
    More questions, jogoo thought. Out loud he said, “Yes. Of course.”
    “Ye ever seen anything…strange out there?”
    Crow’s brow creased. “Strange?”
    “Yea…strange. The Fair Folk, Crow. Skinwalkers, vampyrs, griffins and phoenix and wendigo. Unhuman-type folk.”
    “I…uh…can’t say I ever have,” jogoo said. “Why?”
    “Nothin’. Just rumors and the like. People say there’s things in the forest, evil, mischievous fellows. Put up protection ‘round their houses, ye know. Horseshoes hangin’ over doorways, crosses all over their property. Had a baby carried away before, ye know. Fair Folk swapped him out with one o’ their own kind. A changeling. Ugly little spriggan spawn, ye know. Died in a week. Human baby never showed up again. So now everyone’s zaidi careful ‘bout them unhuman-folk, ‘specially the Fair Folk. Them’s the worst. Wicked little creatures, them is.
    “Ah,” Jonathan said, nodded at a small row of cabins lining the side of the road. “Here’s me shack now. C’mon, now, Crow, and my wife’ll take good care o’ ye—wash ye up and give ye some chakula and a place to sleep. Ye look like ye could use it.”
    Jonathan turned into the yard of one of the houses and thumped up onto the porch, jogoo trailing behind him. Jonathan knocked loudly on the door.
    After a moment the door swung open, revealing a woman wearing a long, pink checkered dress and her golden-brown hair pinned up in a bun. She had an hourglass figure and a round, pretty face that lit up when she saw Jonathan.
    “’Ello, Dina,” Jonathan said.
    “You’re back,” Dina said, still beaming. She seemed to not have noticed jogoo standing there with his head bowed, as she went on talking. “Your hunting expeditions never do last long, do they?”
    Jonathan smiled and shrugged. “Never long enough to catch much, that’s fer sure.”
    Dina smiled and embraced him, then pulled away, one hand resting on his shoulder. “You didn’t get anything this time, did you?”
    Jonathan stepped back and swept an arm at Crow. “I got this.”
    “Oh!” Dina looked a bit shocked, and she took a step backwards, towards the front door. She blinked, then repeated herself. “Oh. Oh, hello.”
    Crow looked up at her. “Hello.”
    Dina took a few steps towards him—a bit cautiously, it seemed to Crow. “And who are you?”
    Crow looked back down. He felt out-of-place and uncomfortable, shy. “Crow.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “His name’s Crow, Dina,” Jonathan interrupted. “This here’s me wife, Crow,” he continued. “Dina Carlson. Dina, could ye fix him somethin’? I’ll take him to the washing room, so he can clean himself up a bit.”
    Dina nodded and stepped inside, holding the door open until Jonathan and jogoo had entered. Then she let it swing closed with a bang and set about in the kitchen, taking out pots and pans and various ingredients.
    “What would wewe like, Crow?”
    “Pardon?” jogoo looked up.
    “What would wewe like to eat?”
    “Um…just toast is fine, ma’am, if it’s not too much trouble.”
    “It’s not. Jonathan, get the children up, will you? It’s eight-thirty already. Crow, the washing room is just down the hall and to the right. The basin is filled up, but it might be a bit chilly; I’ll heat it up for wewe if you’d like.”
    Crow nodded. “Alright. Thank you, ma’am.” He almost winced. The words sounded too polite, too formal for this household. He gave a slight nod of his head and ducked out into the hall, following Dina’s directions until he reached the washing room.
    He stepped inside and closed the door, then surveyed the room. It was small, claustrophobic, almost, with the basin for him to wash in, a mirror hanging on the ukuta to his right, and a small white cabinet which, jogoo assumed, was filled with soap, sponges, combs, and other such appliances. He opened it, found that he was correct, and picked out a bar of soap. Then he turned and glanced at himself in the mirror. His eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step back, bumping into the wall.
    Two large bruises, both the size of a small fist, were blooming on his cheekbone and forehead, purple and green and black. His skin was deathly pale, almost white, and he had dark circles under each eye, as if someone had smeared his face with charcoal. His hair, straight and black, was oily and filthy, his face covered with grime and dirt and his lips chapped. He understood now why Dina had looked so shocked when she first had seen him.
    He looked like a wild animal.
    Crow blinked at his reflection, then shook his head and turned away, pulling his shati up over his head for his bath. The shirt, he noticed, was tattered, and also had a considerable amount of dirt coating it. jogoo dipped it into the water and scrubbed at it with the soap, then hung it on the cabinet door to dry.
    As he did so, he felt the sharp twinge stab through his stomach again, worse this time. He gasped from the pain and looked down.
    A long scar stretched across his abdomen, in the same place the pain had shot through; from the side to the center of his stomach. He stared at it, feeling this was important, feeling like he should know what had happened, how he had gotten such a wound.
    The feeling gave him the sensation of being empty and blank, as if someone had hollowed him out and then left him alone, to figure out how to best go about things.
    And he was going to, he decided. He was going to figure it out, figure everything out—who he was, what had happened to him, why he couldn’t remember anything. He was going to figure it out.
    Crow crossed his arms over his chest, shivering, and tightened his grip on the box.
    It did little to comfort him.
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In the distent land of isis, there lived a young princess, who loved to be outside. on one, perticularly nice, day, she went out to talk to the birds, when suddenly she was captuerd kwa an evil mage, and told the king if he did not reliquish his kingdom to him, he would keep the princess untill her death.
in desperation, the king sent his greatest knights to save his duagter, but alas, it was all in vain.
the king had almost Lost all hope, when he heard that a young sorccerer had come to his kingdom. the disstresed king called for the sorccerer to be brought before him.
when he saw the sorccerer...
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Dear Diary,

I hate my life now. I am now going against everything of what I stand for. It's all because of one stupid mistake. I can't write about it now. It's just too shameful to write about it. Today I mostly hung around my room. au my new room in Jerry's house. Man I hate him so much now. wewe are probably thinking Who are you? What are wewe talking about?
I am Lily. I'm a super hero. Actually no I am not. I can die like a normal person but I can't get hurt easily. I have zaidi than one powers so I live a normal life span.
You know I am actually not a super hero anymore but I'm working on that....
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posted by mermaidluver34
PLEASE READ!: Ok so for the spells without instructions put your hand au foot in water just to be safe. These following side effects will occur for the first four spells:Keeping legs crossed
Very itchy legs
Singing a lot
Rash on legs
Making un-normal sounds
Acting a bit out if the ordinary (goes on and off for about 6 hours)
Drinking lots of water. Where it says blue and dhahabu that was just and example. wewe can choose your own colors and powers. Most girls that did these spells got tails when wet within 45 hrs. The spells don't have to be on a full moon unless the instructions alisema so. Don't...
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Bumblestripe padded into his pango and looked around for Dovewing, then he remembered she was out hunting around for us. All of his instincts told him to go and find her and hunt with her. Be her warmth on the leaf-fall night.
Then he got up and did so, he raced all around the territory looking for Dovewing but there was no sign.
Then he looked up at the moon and remembered she might be at the island. He raced over to the island and stepped onto the branch.
He looked up at the moon and saw the Great Oak. There were two Cats at the juu of the Great Oak. They were sharing tongues...
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posted by Liz4Avril
One morning on Goth Lane, Janet Leyman woke up, she did her usual routine. She got dressed took a shower, and put on her makeup. But meanwhile... she didn't know what was waiting.
Her inayofuata door neighbor, is a vampire. She went over to her neighbors house, Antoniette. Then while she knocked someone opened the door, a tall skinny lady with pale skin and dark hair. "Who are you?" Asked Janet. "I'm Avoca, Antonitte's sister. Why are wewe here?!!?" alisema the stranger in a negative cold voice. "I, I just wanted to see Antoniette." alisema Janet. "She's over this way follow me." alisema Avoca, motioning Janet...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Two

Olivia Meyers hopped in her used brown truck. Today was the siku she was going to prove everyone wrong. She wore her purple halter dress with a thick, black ukanda around her waist. She also had some fishnet stockings and black boots that almost reached to her ankles. Her mom had left this outfit out on her kitanda this morning. Olivia felt wrong for not wearing it but it made her feel too exposed so she wore a gray koti, jacket also. Her strawberry-blonde hair was extra curly today then usual. It was also extra thick.

She cranked the car four time for it to finally start running. It was her dad's...
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For the 3rd time already today i was checking the mailbox to see if my scedule had arrived yet. I went through all the mail, the contents was nothing but bills, bills, and a magazine with a school supply sale. i went back inside, dispointed.
Ugh, I said
What's wrong, my mom asked
Oh, nothing it's just that the school schedule still isnt here, I said
oh well it should be here soon, well the mailman is probably late.
Yeah i guess, I said.
I then i went in the jikoni to get a bowl of some cereal, we had, matunda Loops,Lucky Charms, Cinnamon toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes, and some boring adult stuff...
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As I awoke the inayofuata morning Mother was already hard at work makeing breakfest and cleaning the house even though it was already spotless, "Mother are wewe alright?" I asked comeing from upstairs still kinda dizzy from last night's ordeal, "Yes dear just doing some cleaning." Mother replied as she started to clean the bookshelf, "Mother it seem's something has spooked you." I alisema siting down at the meza, jedwali "It's nothing Max!" she replied with fear in her voice I looked at her with great concern, *Barking* "What is it boy?" I alisema with a worried tone as I reached to pet him but something was wrong,...
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posted by MerlinLemon
~ Beginning ~

Me and my best friend, Leo, both work at the same dumb pizza duka mostly every night of the week, we both get paid the same amount and work the same number of hours. The only difference – I do the deliveries.
I ride this crappy little flat-tyred around the neighbourhood – which, kwa the way, is so small I memorised it kwa the age of seven – delivering pizza after pizza. Sometimes I wonder how such a small town can order so many pizzas. I deliver about twenty each Thursday night… to the same houses. Still, they know me so well the tips are considerably higher.
But moving...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Nick looked around. "Hmmm. How 'bout we play the Wii. I bet I can bet you." I smiled. "You're on!" We played bowling and he beat me. We played golf and I beat him. My mom came in. "Karleigh, come here for a minute." "Coming." I yelled. "Nick, just keep playing. wewe can take my turns if wewe need to." "Mmhmm." I walked into the kitchen. "I'm taking wewe and your sisters to the movies. We are going to see Toys Story 3!" "Yay." I alisema lamely. I walked away. "What was that all about?" Nick asked. "My mom wants to take me and the girls to go see Toys Story 3. I-" Nick interrupted. "I wanna go see...
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Chapter One
Ashelyn (Ash):

    The first thought I had waking up in the morning was, today’s finally the siku I’ve been waiting for all my life.
Pushing away my thoughts, I rolled over on my bed, and wiped the sweat off my brow. Pushing aside the velvet curtain that covered the hole in the ukuta that was my window, I squinted in the early morning light.
    It was mid-September, and the heat was something awful. Even now, not even eight hours into the day, I could see the sun beating down on the ground. Dirt from the paths swirled in the air, making it...
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posted by emmett
Lonely Girl

So peaceful in sleep she lies
Brown hair spilled across her pillow
I can picture her beautiful eyes
Looking into her dreams…

She looks like she’s not listening
But really she’s deep in thought
Remembering forgotten memories
When she lived life as she ought

Stolen kisses in the night
Laughing with her friends
Little did she know back then
This is where it all would end

Her moyo is filled with regret
Always looking back
She wishes she would just forget
And find happiness once zaidi

I don’t think she’ll ever forget you
But for now there’s joy on her face
She keeps reminding herself
It’s not a race, to be the first to find your place

Now as the sun goes down
She’ll say a prayer
Wishing perhaps for you
But really, life’s not that fair
There’s nothing this Lonely Girl can do
posted by BellaSwan636

There isn't a lot left to say. I guess happy endings can happen, but the struggle to get there isn't always that straightforward.

It wasn't that easy. And I wouldn't wish it was. Because that made it worth it.

I glance down at my hand for the umpteenth time that day. The small circular stone set on a silver band.

I'm twenty that's seven years. Seven years since...

I never have and never will regret any of that.

"Serena, are wewe even listening to me?!" Kayla shrieks from the other side of the dressing room door. "Come on! You've been in there, what, fifteen dakika now?"

She graduated...
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posted by BellaSwan636

We got to go the hospital. A nice lady wearing white stuff gave us lollipops, and we got to play teaparties. There was another girl there, and she was five. I wanna be five. But I'm turning four in, um, I think mommy alisema a month? I dunno. But wewe have to be four before wewe can be five, I think. Why can't I just skip it?

Anyways, now there is a big girl living in the guest room. She says her name is Kayla. She has shiny goldish hair. Like Jamie's mom, but with brownish stripes in it. It's long. Like if she sits down, she almost sits on it. My hair is only halfway as long.

My mommy gets...
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Chapter two: Secret Lab
The doors of the elevator swung open. The three walked in slowly curious on what was in that room.”This place is really dusty” Kylie said. She got her special clean handkerchief and dusted off an area in the dirty room. Under the clump of dirt she dusted off, was a big bright blue button. The button alisema “Lab generator”. “What’s that?” asked Alia. “Well, only one way to find out” Daniel said. He pushed the button and the room began shaking. “Whats-up-with-you-and-pushing-buttons” asked kylie as she began shaking with the room.
The room stopped shaking....
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posted by karah1999
 Willow May Rains. 15 Yrs Old!:)
Willow May Rains. 15 Yrs Old!:)
Tik Tok on the clock,but the party don't stop!!Tik Tok!"

I covered my ears so I wouldn't hear the rest of that horrible song.People must be tone deaf to actually like it.

I watch as my sister went to turn off her alarm clock.That's when I remembered. Today we were going to see that horrible band in tamasha because my bestfriend got tickets.My sister likes them too.The band name is Snakebite.I think they are a horrible band that are wanna be screamo/rock popstars.They suck ass.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Willow May Rains,your regular fifteen mwaka old girl.I upendo screamo and rock bands.Real screamo/rock...
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