Zero Kiryuu Club
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Yuki was not about to go back to her room, she couldn't stand to be around Ruka just at the moment. Her father would be even worse. She needed to be alone. She needed air. She needed to be far, far away from Kaname.

Not caring that her clothes were rumpled from having been slept in and her hair mostly uncombed, Yuki snagged the first elevator heading to the ground level of the hotel and took one of the rear exits, letting herself outside. She'd meant to just go out for some air, but there was a group of employees loitering near the rear exit on a smoke break and so she quickly hurried further away, cutting across the hotel parking lot and making her way down the alley beyond. She remembered passing a park somewhere in this direction when she and the Chairman had driven over yesterday and had the vague notion that she would head there to try and collect herself. Her destination wasn't all that important. Moving was the thing. Not stopping. Not feeling.

Yuki didn't even know how to qualify the feelings running through her. Surprisingly, it wasn't actually jealousy; at least, she didn't think so. She was so confused she didn't know. If she had walked in and found Kaname with Ruka, or... somehow it seemed even zaidi unthinkable yet just as hurtful – Zero with another girl... then she would have been jealous. She would have felt betrayed. But Kaname and Zero? It was so... weird and unthinkable. She was used to them hating each other; she was used to having to be the one to stay between them to keep the peace. But the incredibly perfect, passionate picture they made on the bed... she couldn't get it out of her head. Oddly, not because it was disturbing, but because it had been so... beautiful. That wasn't the right word, but she didn't know what the right word was.

It was definitely odd to her, thinking about two guys liking each other in that way, but that wasn't what was making her miserable. She was glad they were happy; she was... they were the two dearest people in the world to her and she should be happy for them! But... if they liked each other, if they both liked guys and they looked so intensely content together... where did that leave her?

Nowhere. She was losing them. No... she'd already Lost them and she just hadn't known it. When had all this happened? When had everything changed so much? Why was she such a stupid little girl who never seemed to know what everyone else knew au catch what was really going on? Why did nothing make sense anymore?

Yuki scrubbed desperately at her eyes, tears clouding her vision and making her unable to see where she was going. She stumbled and had to stop before she fell. Leaning her back against the ukuta of the building beside her, not even caring what building it was, Yuki sank down to sit on the ground, knees bent, her face buried in her hands.

Kaname alisema he loved her... he'd alisema that to her many times now. But how could she believe him? How could she believe him after what she had seen? wewe couldn't upendo two people at once, could you? And he had to upendo Zero, to be... doing that with him.

He'd better upendo Zero! A small, protective flash reared its head inside Yuki a bit at that thought. Zero acted so tough, but his moyo was so deep, so vulnerable underneath. If he was in upendo then she'd be furious if anyone broke his heart.

Oh God... Zero in love... why did that thought hurt so badly? Why did it hurt just as badly as thinking of Kaname in upendo with someone else? Zero was like a brother to her, her sometimes-best-friend... so why did thinking of him in upendo make her hurt so bad she couldn't even breathe?

Yuki screwed her fists into her eyes, holding her breath to try and stop crying. She wasn't a little girl, she should be dealing with this in a zaidi rational and mature manner... somehow. It just hurt so badly. Kaname and Zero... they had always been part of her life. But now... they would go on... and eventually she would be left behind. Maybe she was being selfish, she didn't want to be... but her moyo was breaking.

Kaname dragged his head up when someone knocked at the door. He rolled off the kitanda and didn't even bother telling the person on the other side to wait a dakika as he morosely went through the motions of dressing. It was Ichijo knocking, he could tell. Kaname knew Ichijo would wait for him without being told.

Why hadn't he noticed when Yuki was at the door? How could he have been so utterly careless and stupid? Was Zero okay? He wouldn't go and do anything foolish, would he? What about Yuki? This was such a huge mess.

Kaname accidentally popped one of the buttons off his shati from shoving them through the holes too viciously. He knew he probably should wash again, but just at this moment, he couldn't even muster the strength to care if Zero's scent was still on him. Right now, it felt like nothing mattered anymore.

Kaname tugged the door open and just stared at Ichijo, his dark gaze silently demanding to know what the other wanted.

For half a second, Takuma was shocked silent kwa how crappy his friend looked. It wasn't anything physical, but Kaname was radiating a dark, disturbed, despondent aura that was like getting hit in the face with a slap of cold salt water.

Takuma could smell Zero on him clearly this time. But he could smell lingering trace of Yuki in here too. He could guess why. Coming out of the kuoga with the door to their room still propped open because of the maid, he'd seen Yuki running past, down the hall away from this room. She'd looked pretty upset. He couldn't pretend to understand this whole situation, au what his pureblood friend thought he was doing, but whatever was going on, he could tell that Kaname was hurting. Deeply.

"So... I saw Yuki leave," Ichijo alisema quietly. Maybe it was taking his life in his own hands to bring up the subject, but he couldn't just ignore the situation, and he'd known Kaname too long not to speak up. "I'm guessing it had something to do with wewe and Kiriyu?"

If Kaname was surprised that Ichijo had figured it out, it didn't show. He looked for a moment like tearing Takuma's head off might just be a much needed form of stress relief, but he didn't. Instead he merely stepped back, wordlessly half inviting, half commanding Ichijo to enter.

Takuma complied and Kaname let the door shut behind him.

"I don't think anyone else has figured it out," Takuma assured after a moment of uncomfortable silence. He kind of hated the way Kaname would do this sometimes. The way he would stay silent and simply look at wewe until wewe found yourself tripping over your words and saying zaidi than wewe intended just to try and fill the awkward gap. The pureblood had it down to an art form and even though Takuma knew that, he always fell into it anyway.

"Kaname, whatever wewe want to do is your business and wewe know I'll never say a word. I just came over because... I was worried about you." There. He admitted it. Takuma searched Kaname's troubled, unreadable face with concern. "Are wewe okay?" he asked quietly.

The note of genuine care in the other's tone leeched through the icy walls Kaname was holding tightly between them. The pureblood ran a hand over his face with a sigh.

"Why are wewe even here, Ichijo?" he murmured quietly, but shook his head when it looked like the other might try to answer. "No, I heard what wewe just said. I mean why at all? Why do wewe follow me when it has cost wewe everything? When all I have ever brought wewe is pain and loss? Even when we were small, wewe had to endure being in my shadow in your own home. So why do wewe care? I know, I know, wewe have no choice." Kaname looked away. He'd never felt like this before in his life, but for a few moments he actually, truly hated what he was. Not being a vampire, but being a pureblood. He hated knowing that the only reason anyone was with him, was loyal to him, was because they physiologically had no alternative. Zero and Yuki did have a choice... and they had both rejected him.

"I understand wewe have to obey, but why don't wewe hate me like wewe should?" It was a soft, almost hoarse whisper.

Takuma was almost as shocked as he'd ever been. He'd never seen Kaname like this. Never. It was deeply disturbing on one level, and yet... completely touching and compelling on another.

"You're the closet thing I'll ever have to a brother, Kaname," Takuma alisema quietly. "I've never alisema that before because I didn't want to insult you, but it's how I feel. I never envied wewe the spotlight wewe were shoved under all your life and I don't follow wewe because I have to. Neither do the others. Kain, Aido, Ruka... we're not here just because we're your subordinates, Kaname. We're here because we're your Marafiki and we believe in you."

Kaname's gaze flicked to meet Takuma's and he read truth there. The pureblood sank down to sit on the edge of the kitanda again, burying his face in his hands. Takuma's kindness touched him, but somehow made him feel even zaidi miserable at the same time.

"I'm an idiot, Takuma," he muttered softly. How could he expect to do justice to the faith and trust of those following and depending on him when he was capable of making such an incredible mess of his own personal life? "I should never have let any of this get started."

"Maybe," Takuma replied slowly. "Maybe not. I don't know. Life isn't always logical. Kaname, I'll tell wewe the truth. Ever since your parents and the Kimura's died, I have felt that wewe changed. wewe locked your moyo away inside a box and let no one close. Don't be afraid of taking it back out again, no matter the consequences."

Kaname remained silent, staring at the carpet, but after a dakika au two his hand slipped up and caught Takuma's, giving it a tight little squeeze. The pureblood's head finally came up again. His eyes were still haunted, but composed.

"Go back to the others, Ichijo. wewe know what needs doing. Make sure they all pick up where we left off last night. I need to prepare myself a little better, and then I shall jiunge you," he said, glancing down at his partially buttoned shirt. He didn't say it, but if Zero and Yuki weren't already back, then he was going to go looking for them as well. He knew Yuki wouldn't have gone far, he wasn't so sure about Zero, but neither could be allowed to wander aliyopewa the current danger, no matter how much they might not want to see him right now.

Ichijo simply nodded and turned for the door. "Of course, Kaname."

Zero wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, his other gripping the brick ukuta inayofuata to him tightly for balance. His stomach was still heaving, but no longer bringing anything up. The dull, miserable ache in his chest remained a tense knot of nausea.

He hadn't made it very far away from the hotel before he'd had to stop so his roiling stomach could have its way. Now, he wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't go back... how could he ever face Yuki again? au any of the others once they knew...? But where else could he go? Other than kuvuka, msalaba Academy, and those people back there, he had no one in the world. He had no other home. There was nowhere that a mixed breed like him belonged.

Acidic bile and a deeply lonely ache burned the back of his throat as he straightened up, spitting disgustedly to clean his mouth. He was on the fringe of a small, run down little park and he spotted a water kisima, chemchemi near some benches. Making his way over, he used the water to wash out his mouth and took a few sips to try and quell the burning in his throat.

He shivered slightly at the cool water and the cool air. A passing jogger stared at him for a moment without breaking stride.

Oh. Yeah... he was still shirtless and shoeless, his hair a spiky mess and he probably looked like a bum au a drunk, but that was about the last concern on his mind right now. Hands sliding into his pockets, Zero slid back into the less exposed patchwork of alleyways behind the park, away from curious stares and prying eyes.

Zero wanted to be furious, because that was a much easier and less complicated emotion than what he was currently feeling. He wanted to hate Kaname for creating this whole painful situation. But he couldn't, not completely. It took two to create this mess, and it was as much his fault as Kaname's.

Zero bit his lower lip and rubbed in frustration at the burning, almost biting ache throbbing at the base of his neck. Kaname must be pretty upset. aliyopewa how badly he'd already been feeling that morning... Zero gripped the ukuta and banged his forehead against it, not too hard, but hard enough to sting. He was such a friggin' idiot! Even now, he couldn't help sitting here and worrying about the pureblood.

What was he going to do? What could he do? The hurt in Yuki's eyes haunted him. He'd hurt her. He'd known how she felt about Kaname, and he still... Zero pressed his eyes shut, fingers cracking the bricks he was gripping. All he ever did was hurt her, and everyone else. It was a good thing that his gun was locked up in the bus locker downtown with the rest of their gear from the other night, and Kaname had the key. It would have been very tempting to eat it right now, because every other option just seemed impossible.

Soft sounds intruded on his keen hearing, along with a familiar scent. Zero froze.


Despite how much he wished to avoid her, he was concerned that she seemed to be nearby, and it sounded like she was crying. Slowly, his feet reluctantly drew him towards the chanzo of the sounds.

He paused a few buildings down when he caught sight of her sitting on the ground, leaning against a building, shoulders hunched, face buried in her hands. Zero drew his breath in slowly as he watched her dejected form. Seeing her reminded him why he needed to keep trying, even when he would so much rather just give up. He felt worse than miserable, but he knew he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself and try to do something about the damage done. And he needed to stop blaming Kaname for his own feelings. Yuki had found him and Kaname together because he had crawled into the pureblood's kitanda this morning. As horrible as he felt right now... he needed to take responsibility and stop running away. He owed Yuki that. He owed Kaname that too.

Yuki wiped her eyes with the heels of her palms. The mitaani, mtaa and the building were cold and the cold was leeching into her, reminding her uncomfortably that she still needed to use the bathroom. It felt stupid to have such normal, everyday needs at a moment like this.

"Yuki?" a quiet voice made her head snap up. Yuki quickly tried to blink away her embarrassing tears as she saw Zero making his way hesitantly towards her.

"Z-Zero... um... hi." Yuki tried to smile and pretend she hadn't been crying. She failed miserably.

Zero managed a weak smile back and crouched in front of her. He felt his cold skin flushing again with embarrassed heat at facing her again, at knowing what she had seen and what she must think of him... but there were years of trust between them too. Years of being like family. Of being Marafiki who could fight and argue, but who always protected each other.

"Yuki... I'm sorry," he murmured softly, hoarsely.

Yuki didn't respond, not sure how to deal with the apology and so ignoring it. She couldn't meet his eyes. "Zero, your shirt... you're gonna catch a cold," she chided softly instead, her brows creasing in concern as she took in the fact that he was only partially dressed. She automatically started tugging off the light koti, jacket she was wearing over her school blouse, even though it was many sizes too small for Zero.

Zero caught her wrists lightly in his hands, holding them gently together in front of her so she was forced to be still and look at him. "Yuki, please," he alisema quietly. "I can't make any of this right, but at least let me apologize. I never wanted to hurt you."

Yuki forced a desperate, brave attempt at a smile. "You didn't, Zero. I-I'm happy for wewe and Kaname, I really am, I just... I was surprised, that's all. I didn't mean to barge in like that." Her voice trailed off to an almost inaudible whisper at the end as her throat threatened to close off. Yeah, sure, she looked real happy.

Zero sighed in frustration. He really couldn't take Yuki trying to be selfless right now, nor her intimating that he and Kaname were like... going out... au something. "Oh stop being so... so darn sweet, Yuki!" he alisema miserably. "You just found me in kitanda with your boyfriend for crying out loud! You've every right to be angry with me! To-to hate me!"

Yuki flushed again, looking down at where Zero was still holding her hands between his. Ironically, Zero being crabby with her was somehow comfortable to Yuki, a small element of normalcy in these bizarre circumstances.

"He's not my boyfriend, wewe idiot," she muttered, her voice still a little raw. "And I could never hate you." The last part was spoken softer and her eyes slid back up towards his again, reluctantly. "Zero... I didn't know wewe felt like that about him. It always seemed like wewe two... wewe know... hated each other. But I guess there's probably a lot I don't know about vampires. I want wewe to be happy. I want Kaname to be happy. I-I already told him it's okay. I understand, Zero. Really, I do," she alisema earnestly, mustering every shred of strength she had to try and convince him. To try to not start crying again.

Zero could clearly read the pain there, when Yuki spoke of Kaname. It was... ironic, he supposed. That she was obviously zaidi upset with the pureblood about all this than she was with him. He choked on a sardonic smirk at her continued misunderstanding of his and Kaname's relationship. Oh boy. He really needed to explain, didn't he?

"Yuki, listen to me," Zero alisema quietly, settling down into a zaidi comfortable kneeling position in front of her, hands sliding from her wrists, to hold her hands. "I can't pretend to understand what's going on with Kaname and me, but it's not entirely what wewe think..."

Zero explained to Yuki as best he could from the beginning, how Kaname had let him drink his blood, to prolong his life and to save him. How Zero had returned the favor that night in the woods, and the resulting bond that had formed because of it. Haltingly, he explained about Ichijo, and what the elder vampire had done to Kaname when he was a prisoner. About the devastation it had caused Kaname when the Aristocrat died and... Zero flushed hotly the whole time, but he confessed to her in short, vague, miserable phrases that Kaname had needed their bond to survive, and what had happened afterwards.

Zero swallowed hard, staring at the ground between them, unintentionally squeezing Yuki's hands almost hard enough to cut off circulation as he finished. This was probably the hardest thing he'd ever done, but he needed Yuki to at least understand how things had come to be where they were, even if nothing else was understandable.

Yuki listened quietly, her moyo hurting for Zero, and for Kaname. She hadn't realized the extent that the pureblood had suffered. The hurried, vague way Zero told it to her, she ended up with the semi-mistaken impression that Ichijo had actually raped Kaname. That wasn't quite the case, but emotionally, she wasn't too far wrong. She felt horrible for what she'd alisema to him before she left and ached to take the words back. Even if she was sure of nothing else, she was sure that he was a dear friend, and she hadn't known he was still hurting.

Yuki carefully twisted one hand free of Zero's unintentional death grip and reached up to cup his cheek tenderly. She wasn't crying anymore. Her moyo was still in turmoil, but how could she not be moved kwa what she had heard?

"Oh, Zero..." her voice was tender. She wished she could make him understand that she thought the world of him for the sacrifices he had made. Even if the resulting situation was hard for her to reconcile, she of all people understood what it must have taken for him to allow a vampire so deeply into his life, and a pureblood at that.

Zero swallowed hard, and hesitantly lifted his eyes to hers, hand sliding up to capture the one against his cheek. He couldn't understand how she could look at him so gently, how she could actually look like she forgave him, au at least understood... but then, he'd never understood how she could forgive him for using her blood to survive either.

"Neither of us wanted things to end up this out of control," Zero admitted softly. "We've tried to just end it, but... I-I don't know what to do." The desolation of feeling completely isolated and completely worthless showed in his silver eyes.

"You do whatever your moyo leads wewe to do, Zero," Yuki replied just as softly, her eyes sincere. "You're not alone; I'll never let wewe be alone. And despite what I know wewe think about yourself, wewe deserve happiness as much as everybody else and nobody's got a right to tell wewe where wewe can and can't find it." Yuki swallowed softly around the lump in her throat. "Kaname's a good person, Zero. It may not always seem like it, but his moyo is gentle and kind. I wish wewe knew him like I've known him. He's just... different than us, but not..." her throat closed off too much to continue again, nearly choking her. She didn't mean to get all emotion again, and she was afraid Zero would think she didn't mean what she said. She did mean it. That didn't mean she wasn't still hurting and confused herself. But it was in her nature to try and make everything right for others, whether au not everything was all right for her.

Zero saw the pain and the sincerity and he squeezed her hands gently. He knew she meant what she was saying, but it was obviously still breaking her moyo to try and contemplate giving up Kaname. What he couldn't see was that it wasn't only Kaname that she was having a hard time giving up.

"Yuki... I know we've got this bond thing going on, and I know it seems pretty messed up, but... I think Kaname really does care for wewe in his own way. I doubt he's about to give wewe up unless wewe tell him to get lost." And maybe not even then...Zero couldn't help thinking from personal experience. He realized just how screwed up that sounded, especially coming from him and he grimaced somewhat awkwardly. It was beyond ironic that he found himself in this position, found himself defending Kaname to Yuki.

"I mean... I'm not saying its right, au that wewe should accept that at all. I guess I'm just saying that as screwed up as it all is, I understand how he feels, because I..." Zero paused, drawing a deep breath in. He'd never found the courage to tell her this before. He'd never felt he had a right. But ironically, this whole situation with Kaname had made him zaidi willing to simply act on his feelings and let things fall where they may. Ironically... the fact that everything was completely screwed and he felt he didn't have an icicle's chance in hell with her anymore, finally gave him the freedom to say what he'd never dared, au felt worthy to say before.

"Because I upendo wewe too, Yuki. I always have," he confessed quietly. It was surprisingly... easy. Maybe Kaname had rubbed off on him zaidi than he knew... because Zero found himself holding her startled eyes with his and leaning over, closer. There was a certain, desolate freedom in feeling that wewe had hit rock bottom and things couldn't get any worse. It gave him the courage to take chances. The hunter's lips caught hers and he kissed her, warmly but briefly, as he had ached to do for so long.

Yuki froze in shock, but she didn't pull away. Her fingers curled against his cheek as his warm lips moved so softly against hers. There was no explaining the way her body flushed with warmth and her moyo leapt up to pound in her ears.

Zero smiled sadly as he pulled back again, rising to his feet. He was still a little too afraid of the inevitable rejection to wait for any kind of reply au response. "It's okay; I know wewe don't feel that way. But I –"

Zero froze; other thoughts fleeing as his hunter senses suddenly rang a sharp, urgent warning. There was a vampire nearby, and his scent was familiar. But it was not one of the Wanyonya damu from the hotel. It was...

"Yuki, go back to the hotel, right away," Zero alisema quickly, his voice and manner abruptly taking on a completely different, serious tone.

Yuki couldn't sense what Zero did, but she rose quickly to her feet upon seeing the change in him. Her head was spinning and she felt like she was lagging about a hundred miles behind whatever was happening. "Zero... what...?"

Zero shook his head, looking around and trying to pinpoint the presence he sensed. Close. Too close for comfort... and getting closer fast. "Now, Yuki! Get back to the hotel and tell Kaname that Rido's here. He's found us."

Yuki's eyes widened. She hesitated, obviously wondering what Zero intended to do... but she already knew. Zero was going to stay to check things out and cover her retreat if need be. She was tempted to refuse to leave him... but she knew Zero was right, if Rido had found them, he might be in the process of springing a trap and the others at the hotel could be in danger.

"Hurry up!" Zero hissed. His senses were on full alert now and he was already back in irritated big brother mode.

Yuki shot him a look, but nodded and sprinted off. Be careful Zero...

Yuki had barely disappeared before Zero felt a cold sensation crawl up his spine. A vampire was watching him. Rido, possessing the body of another vampire, registered as distinctive, double 'glow' in his hunter senses. He tensed and spun around quickly.

Rido was standing a few feet behind him. He was wearing a long, dark kanzu, koti that hung open. His hands rested casually in the pockets. He appraised Zero's partially dressed state with a slow lift of one eyebrow.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the ex-human. You're a little far from your master, aren't you?" Rido smiled darkly. He'd obviously not forgotten the trouble Zero had aliyopewa him the last time they'd crossed paths.

Zero's fists balled warily. He seriously felt the absence of his gun, au any other suitable weapon. He wished strongly that his hunter training had not cut off when it did. He knew some charms, but they probably weren't going to be enough in a situation like this. Zero eyed a couple of trash cans out of the corner of his eye, his periphery vision sweeping the alley for anything he could use.

Rido hadn't really expected the boy to run, although that would have been a perfectly logical reaction. But the boy was too stubborn, au else knew how useless fleeing would be. Anyway, it was zaidi fun this way. Rido's gaze narrowed, his hands sliding from his pockets. One hand slipped up to his mouth. "You shouldn't wander alone. wewe never know what wewe might run into..."

Rido bit his thumb lightly, spilling his own blood. After that, he moved almost too fast to see. Snaking, razor tendrils of blood shot out from his fingers, detaching and whizzing towards Zero like grisly boomerangs.

Zero was ready for some kind of attack and ducked swiftly, dodging to the side. One of the whirling 'blades' cut a sharp turn and came back again, slashing a shallow cut across his ribs. Zero winced but didn't let it throw him off. He dived for the trash can. Snatching up the round, metal lids he spun around. He caught one of the spinning blood blades with the edge of a lid, throwing it off course and sending it slamming into the wall.

Rido was suddenly behind him again and Zero turned swiftly, just in time to throw the garbage can lids up between them and deflect the snaking tongues of the blood whips Rido sent coiling and snapping viciously towards him. The defense worked, but the sharp whips curled like prehensile serpents around the lids, cutting them into sharp, jagged pieces. One of the tendrils snapped around Zero's arm and yanked him forward.

Zero was thrown off balance, his arm stinging sharply. He caught himself as he pitched forward, tucking his shoulder at the last moment and turning it into a controlled roll. He gripped a jagged piece of the can lid in his free arm. As he uncurled from the roll, right at Rido's feet, he sprang up and slashed mbele as if to stab the other vampire. Rido moved swiftly, but Zero had faked him out, reversing at the last moment and slashing the sharp piece of twisted metal across Rido's face and neck instead.

Blood welled and spurted, spraying both of them and Rido snarled, clutching at his neck with one hand. He used his blood grip on Zero's arm to snap the boy sideways, throwing him into the nearest wall. Zero hit hard enough to crack the bricks. His head spun and he reeled as he tried to recover himself. He didn't have time. Rido's seething tentacles bit tight into his arm and snapped him the other direction, slamming him into the opposite ukuta with equal force. Zero's world exploded in pain and he slid down the wall, barely able to see around the flashing, dancing lights in front of his eyes. Rido was on him in a flash. Something slammed harshly into the hunter's face, knocking his head back sharply against the ukuta again and finally dropping a curtain of darkness over his world.

Yuki's feet churned swiftly as she made her way back towards the hotel. She hadn't realized she'd ended up so far away from it. As she ran she tried not to let her mind wander to what Zero had alisema to her a few dakika ago. She was still somewhat in shock. She hadn't consciously realized, not until she actually heard him confess his feelings... that she... she felt... what?

She'd cared deeply for him almost since the siku the Chairman brought him nyumbani and she'd looked into those hurting, silent silver eyes and wanted to make him happy. Her feelings had always seemed shrouded from her conscious mind, hidden beneath the veil of sisterly love. But the way her whole being had responded when he kissed her... that wasn't just sisterly love, was it?

Yuki could still feel Zero's touch on her lips, his taste lingering there as she ran. She cared deeply for him... but did she upendo him? And for her to even consider it... How was it possible? She loved Kaname, truly she did... how could she think she might feel that way about Zero too? Maybe she was the one who didn't know what upendo was, for her moyo to be so easily divided. What had she been thinking earlier...? It was impossible to upendo two people at the same time? Then what did that make her? What did that make any of them?

Yuki was relieved when she saw the hotel ahead down the mitaani, mtaa and she forced a last burst of speed. Suddenly a familiar voice called to her from a side-alley.

"Yuki, in here!"

She'd been distracted, thinking of Zero and Kaname and of warning the others. The voice sounded like Zero. She caught a familiar flash of silver hair and the outlines of face and body in the shadows of the alley and skidded into a quick turn towards him.

"Zero, how did you..." Yuki froze as the boy who had called to her stepped out of the shadows. It wasn't Zero. It looked like him, sounded like him, but the silver hair was too long, the eyes too cold and the tojo and earrings missing.

"Ichiru..." Yuki panted warily, backing away from Zero's twin. She hadn't seen him since he'd disappeared from the academy. After having almost brutally murdered Zero. Yuki wasn't about to forget au forgive that.

Ichiru smiled unpleasantly. "I'm sorry, wewe were hoping maybe for my brother? That happens a lot, but you'll have to settle for me..." he advanced slowly, hand resting on the handle of the blade hanging from his belt.

Yuki backed up swiftly, starting to turn and run... and ran smack into the body of another man who had appeared behind her, blocking her escape.

Kaname loitered unobtrusively for a moment kwa the exit to the rear of the hotel lobby. He could smell a lingering trace of both Zero and Yuki on the push-bar handle. They'd definitely passed this way recently. He felt a small flush of frustrated anger with them for being foolish enough to go wandering at a time like this.

Calm down. He told himself rationally. They're fine and you're overreacting. They hadn't returned to their rooms and they weren't in the hotel lobby. But it had only been a grand total of maybe twenty au thirty dakika since last time he'd seen them and Kaname hoped the nagging feeling in his gut was nothing zaidi than a result of his overly emotionally involved state. This was why good chess players shouldn't become involved with their playing pieces. Kaname frowned at the thought as it flittered through his mind. Logically it made sense. Emotionally it left a uchungu, chungu taste in the back of his throat.

Trusting Ichijo to be seeing to things with the others for now, Kaname had slipped down here to the lobby to look for signs of Yuki and Zero. He'd already checked the pool area and restaurant. Now that he was fairly sure they were indeed no longer in the hotel, he weighed whether au not he should simply try to track them down himself, au get any of the others involved. He was leaning towards the former...

Suddenly there was a figure at his elbow. It was a bit of a surprise, because Kaname, although admittedly distracted, had not really sensed the other's approach until he was right near him. And he should have sensed this person's approach. His scent was familiar.

For a moment, it was almost like Zero's, but different enough that Kaname had no illusions about who he was going to see when he turned swiftly and found himself staring at Ichiru, who was standing unadvisedly close to him.

The hunter twin's striking resemblance to his brother hadn't mattered much to Kaname last time he'd seen him. This time... Kaname hated the fact that he actually felt a small, funny little hitch in his chest for a very brief instant, just because Ichiru looked so much like him. He didn't let it show, instead fixing the human with a dark, cool look.

"Shizuka taught wewe how to mask yourself, I see. Did she also teach wewe that it's very unwise to try to surprise a pureblood?" he inquired neutrally, his eyes hard and cool. Under the surface, he had an uncomfortable sinking apprehension in his gut. If Ichiru was here, that meant Rido knew where they were. And if Rido was involved...

Ichiru smiled coldly. "Relax. I'm just the messenger, Kuran. And I think it's a message you're going to want to hear."

Ichiru pulled a video cell phone from his pocket and waggled it lightly. "Let's step outside."

Kaname gave the human a long look, before he slowly opened the door and stepped out with him. He'd play this one's game for the moment and find out what was going on. If he didn't like what he heard au perhaps even if he did... well... he hadn't forgotten this boy's culpability in nearly killing Zero, and putting Kaname into the compromising position that landed him in Rido and Ichijo's hands.

There were two maids standing out back of the hotel, chatting up a storm, but Kaname gave them a silent look and they suddenly decided they both wanted to vacate the area and go back inside. Ichiru looked darkly amused. He'd seen Shizuka do that so many times. God... Shizuka... His jaw tightened. He was looking mbele to what was to come.

He thumbed the thin black phone's touch-screen and punched in a speed dial number. He spoke into the phone for a moment, then pulled it from his ear and held it out towards Kaname. "It's for you."

The phone had switched to video mode and a slightly pixilated, but clearly recognizable image of Rido filled the small screen. He must be in some kind of vehicle because the picture vibrated and jounced slightly and there was the faint sound of a motorized thrum. It was obvious that he could see Kaname on his end as well. He smiled darkly and Kaname couldn't help the tenseness that immediately set into his bones. If Rido looked that pleased, this wasn't going to be good.

"Hello, Nephew. I think you've been looking for me. Well I've been looking for wewe too. We should meet. We could have dinner... I've picked up a couple of tasty little treats I'm bringing nyumbani right now."

Rido turned the camera phone he was holding around. The picture jumped and jerked a bit as the video lagged a few frames behind the sudden change of scene, then resolved into the image of two very familiar figures. Yuki and Zero were sitting back to back on the floor of a small, dark area. Possibly the back of a windowless van? It was difficult to tell. Steel wires bound them together, digging visibly into their skin. Zero's chin was resting on his chest, his slumped form limp. Disturbing dark stains smudged his mouth and his bare chest and Kaname couldn't tell if it was just shadows and bad picture quality, au if those were bruises mottling his bare skin.

Yuki was obviously very much awake however. She twisted uncomfortably in the tight, biting bonds. She was gagged with what looked like a scarf bound around her mouth. She started when she recognized Kaname's face on the small screen being turned towards her. She tried to speak urgently, but the gag muffled her and the distance between herself and the phone, coupled with the interference of the motor made the mangled sounds unintelligible except for their urgent tone.

Kaname felt ice running through his veins for the sekunde time today. His stomach dropped out through the floor. No. Oh please, no... This was very bad. He was aware that Ichiru was watching him closely though, and he didn't onyesha any visible reaction.

Rido's smug grin filled the screen again. "What about it, Kaname? Care to drop in for a bite?" he mocked. "Oh... right... I forgot, you're all vegetarian now, right? wewe get your meals from a pill. Good for you. Me... I like my blood fresh, and both of these two smell absolutely delicious. I have to commend your taste on that score at least."

Kaname knew Rido was playing him, was looking for a reaction. He refused to give it, no matter how much the cruel, casual words were filling him with fear. "Your lack of wit still does not amuse me, Rido," he alisema flatly. "Did wewe really call just to waste my time with trivia, au was sending Ichiru to me your idea of a present? wewe do know how to tempt one to break their 'vegetarian diet..." Kaname shot Ichiru a purposefully hard, hungry look.

Ichiru looked appropriately wary, but to his credit he didn't flinch, his hand remaining steady on the phone he was holding. Of course, he had spent the past four years au so with a pureblood.

Rido cocked an eyebrow. He knew Kaname was putting up a disinterested front and was not fooled. He'd seen Kaname go through hell to keep this girl safe, and he knew the lengths to which his nephew had stooped to preserve the ex-human. He may never understand Kaname's fetish for these little human pets, but they were a very useful, very exploitable weakness.

"Ah, well, if wewe don't want to jiunge me, then I'll have to feast alone..." Rido alisema carelessly, the image jostling as he crouched down beside his captives. "Hmm... which one, which one...?" he deliberated cheerfully. Grabbing Yuki's hair he yanked her head to the side and lathed her neck with his tongue. "Does this one look good, Kaname? She smells good... and as I recall, she tastes delicious..." he purred smoothly, fangs sliding against pale flesh.

Kaname's fists clenched tightly at his sides. There was no hope of convincing Rido he didn't care what happened to Yuki and Zero. Rido had already seen him react to Yuki being harmed down in the basement prison of Ichijo's mansion. Time to change tactics.

"All right, Rido. You've made your point and you've got my attention. What do wewe want?" Kaname growled quietly, cutting to the chase.

Rido looked satisfied, although he remained crouched where he was. "I told you. I want wewe to come for a visit. Alone. Ichiru will bring wewe to me. wewe are to remain with him at all times and leave right now. Be aware, he's not the only operative I have watching your position. If wewe try to alert au communicate with anyone else, if wewe kill him au give him the slip, if wewe so much as blink too much, I will kill both these little morsels before wewe can even figure out where I am au where I am heading. That I promise you, Nephew. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly," Kaname alisema in calm, dark, clipped tones. He was already scanning the area with his senses and periphery vision, trying to pick up on any of his uncle's other spies. "You want me to walk into a trap and deliver myself to wewe all wrapped up with a bow. Tell me, Uncle, if I did value those two tidbit's lives enough to do as wewe say, what exactly do we have to talk about that's so important wewe would go to such lengths to arrange a meeting?"

"We can discuss that when wewe get here. And wewe will come, Kaname. I know wewe will and wewe know wewe will. But maybe I'm wrong. That's fine too. I'm a patient man. I've waited this long, I can wait longer. Sooner au later, we'll meet. In the meantime, I haven't had a good meal in a while... if wewe do intend to cooperate, then don't take too long getting here. I might forget that I only intend to snack..." Rido threatened smoothly. He dipped his head and sank his fangs into Yuki's neck and shoulder, drawing a trickle of blood and a sharp little gasp from her behind the gag. He let Kaname watch for a moment au two before he thumbed the phone off, the glossy touch screen going dark as the call was cut off.

Kaname was half a heartbeat from grabbing the phone, crushing it and ramming its broken pieces down Ichiru's throat. Mostly because Ichiru was handy. What he really wanted was to crush Rido's neck in his bare hands gouge the smirk off his face. But he was agonizingly out of reach, as were Zero and Yuki.

Kaname breathed slowly but tensely through his teeth. He'd already spotted a vampire loitering down the street, pretending to read a newspaper. The man was an obvious plant though, meant to draw suspicion. Meaning there were doubtless others. Kaname didn't doubt for a dakika that Rido would do exactly as threatened if he deviated at all from the instructions given. Gravel crunched quietly as a car pulled out of the hotel parking lot and came towards them.

Kaname ran through his options. They weren't good. Rido was on the move. He couldn't have gotten very far in the short time Zero and Yuki had been missing, but in this maze of a city, he could still be anywhere, and getting further away kwa the moment. Even if Kaname had had his normal level of resources to mobilize... he would never be able to find and get to Rido before it was too late. Obviously, Rido knew that quite well. Cleverly maneuvered, Uncle...

Ichiru slid the phone back into his pocket. "Sucks to think about losing someone wewe care for, doesn't it?" he alisema with far too much cold relish. "Personally, I don't give a damn what Rido's planning. I'd just as soon he killed that little brat girl and my freak brother. I'd just as soon wewe understood loss first hand. So please, kwa all means... try something, pureblood. Please."

Ichiru's eyes were hard, dead as he held and weathered Kaname's intense glare. The boy may still be entirely human, but he had the eyes of a vampire. zaidi than Zero would ever have. Because for all Zero's anger, Ichiru understood far better how to hate.

Kaname knew Ichiru wasn't playing him. He meant it. He was here for his own reasons and he was using Rido as much as Rido was using him. It was vaguely amusing, actually. Kaname doubted Rido knew his lackey was quite so clever au manipulative. Shizuka really had taught him well.

The car stopped inayofuata to them and the rear door opened. Kaname paused a moment, gaze still holding Ichiru's. Then he turned and slid quietly into the car, which was obviously here for them. There was a vampire driving, and another sitting in the back seat, carefully covering the pureblood with an anti-vampire weapon as he got in.

"Get in the car, Ichiru. Your master's waiting," Kaname alisema with cold condescension. He wasn't about to let this boy's personal vendetta jeopardize Yuki and Zero. Rido had planned this too well and Ichiru was a loose cannon. For now, Kaname would have to play along and wait for an opportunity.

Ichiru smiled coolly, looking almost disappointed as he slammed the door shut behind Kaname. Tugging open the other passenger door, he slid into the front seat. The car accelerated away even as he tugged the door shut. Ichiru turned around in his kiti, kiti cha as they pulled out onto the main road, leaving the hotel swiftly behind them. He smiled at Kaname, who was sitting quietly, under the guard of the trained assassin sitting inayofuata to him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you..." Ichiru alisema with unpleasant amusement as he pulled a heavy lycra and leather bondage style blackout kofia from the wheel well kwa his feet. "You get to wear one of these."

Kaname's lips pressed into a tighter line, but he didn't resist. He understood. They didn't want him to see where they were going, and the nature of the kofia would muffle his other senses like hearing and smell to a certain extent as well. He also understood he had no choice.

Leaning back around the seat, Ichiru tugged the thick kofia down over the pureblood's head, fastening it at the neck and plunging Kaname's world into a stifling, muffled, complete blackness. Ichiru pinched the two curving tubes that allowed air into the kofia between his fingers for a dakika au two, smiling darkly.

Kaname's body tensed, his fingers balling harshly in his lap, but he did not otherwise rise to the bait, au the fact that he was being suffocated. He could survive a long time without air and Rido wanted him alive. Ichiru was just playing, trying to get him to panic. He would not oblige.

After a few dakika the vampire assassin sitting beside Kaname gave Ichiru a warning look and the human released his hold with a small, careless shrug. He grinned as he settled back into his seat, listening to the quiet, but noticeable sound of Kaname's labored breath hissing rapidly through the small air tubes as the car sped along.
added by Nalu-love
added by Tamaki199
added by LowriLorenza89
added by LowriLorenza89
added by LowriLorenza89
added by LowriLorenza89
added by Gwiazdeczka
Source: Sinever
Aido scowled in irritation and turned up the collar, alama of his long, black, cloak-like overcoat as a light, but persistent patter of rain began to fall, making the leaves of the trees dance and jitter around them as he and Zero trudged swiftly through the thick woods edging the north reaches of the Ichijo estate. "It would have to rain..." he muttered.

Zero wasn't nearly so bothered kwa the weather, au was at least far less inclined to whine about it, and continued on silently. His thoughts were fixed on Yuki. Why had she been taken? It had something to do with Kaname, that was almost certain, but...
continue reading...
posted by Gwiazdeczka
Name: Kiryuu Zero
Voiced by: Miyano Mamoru
Age: 17
Height: 181cm
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Silver Grey
Eye Color: Light Violet
Twin Brother: Ichiru Kiryuu
Weapon: The "Bloody Rose" Gun

Yuuki's childhood friend, Zero is also a Guardian and likewise on the disciplinary committee. Yuuki has been taking care of him as her little brother since he was brought into their nyumbani (the Headmaster's). His family, a line of vampire hunters, was murdered kwa the pure blood vampire Shizuka Hio when he was young. He harbors a deep hatred for Wanyonya damu and claims to have taken on the role of Guardian to learn to hunt...
continue reading...
Vampire Knight
zero kiryuu
ichiru kiryu
added by Gwiazdeczka
Source: ChiisanaHoshi
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by Darkness_Reaper
added by Darkness_Reaper
added by Darkness_Reaper
added by PriSuicun
Source: Tenchi
added by peteandco