jibu swali hili

24 the Movie Swali

does anyone know if the movie 24 is being filmed,and who is in it?

 debra21 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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24 the Movie Majibu

jfj600w said:
Not an answer . . . .I cannot find out anything.. . so I am not sure. . .. I really hope so. . .. but would really like to know. . .I am currently in 24 withdrawal. . .. January is just NOT the same. . .
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posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
jackb24lover said:
all I know is that the script is being written these days and that January 2012 they will start filming it.Kiefer Sutherland alisema that they're optimistic and the movie will be ready summer 2012.Until then...DAMN IT!The only thing that is sure is that Jack Bauer and Chloe O'Braian will be at the movie!Anyway,I hope I helped you!!
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posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
amandalouden96 said:
24 script is almost completed and will begin. Cast is already being assembled and shooting for the movie should start in March 2012.
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