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Aladin Which one?

200 fans picked:
Aladin (movie 1)
The Return of Jafar (movie 2)
 soccer4 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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kateliness2 picked Aladin (movie 1):
There is also a third one, no?
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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pretty_angel92 picked Aladin (movie 1):
yes but the first is the best
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rachell_32 picked Aladin (movie 1):
I thought the sequals were good in Aladdin :)
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meltedcolors picked Aladin (movie 1):
Yes, there is a third one.
But neither of the sequels are as good as the original.
The animation isn't that good, and the plots aren't as creative.
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LisaForde picked Aladin (movie 1):
gotta be the 1st one i just got the dvd of it and its awesome dude.
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pandp4eva picked Aladin (movie 1):
It was a classic, I didn't think the second was as good.
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IsabellaAzuria picked Aladin (movie 1):
the classic ^^
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dustfinger picked Aladin (movie 1):
should always stick wit the first one
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sandysilva picked Aladin (movie 1):
The original is always the BEST!!
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2va picked Aladin (movie 1):
of course! i agree with sandysilva!
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JElover picked Aladin (movie 1):
So much better!
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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axel2011 picked Aladin (movie 1):
I liked the second one, but the first one was soooooo much better then the second one.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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totallyspies_5 picked Aladin (movie 1):
best movie ever made by disney
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fhghu picked Aladin (movie 1):
I love the first one alot better!
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Aladdin1997 picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
I like all of them. I like Aladdin, Aladdin and thr Return of Jafar, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, and Aladdin the seres. But I just like Aladdin better. I would choose the series if it was one on the choices.
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jamesspliiman picked Aladin (movie 1):
I really liked both.
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Aladdin1997 picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
I like All 3 movies.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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adieee picked Aladin (movie 1):
i can't remember if i've seen the second or third one, but the original is always the best!
i love the first anyway
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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percyandpotter picked Aladin (movie 1):
the Return of Jafar is the worst, most crappy movie i've seen in my ENTIRE LIFE. the third movie was decent. the animation was WAY off, but the rest of it was okay.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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MeaghanDavis picked Aladin (movie 1):
I love the real Aladdin better than Return of Jafar. I never seen that movie but the classic one is better than the 2nd one:)
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Vixie79 picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
Even though I was kind of disappointed with the 2nd movies, I loved Return of the Jafar poster, I had it on my wall. I think I'll love Jafar forever. Always loved outsiders. lol
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iluvhellowkitty picked Aladin (movie 1):
the origanal was awsome!!! the return of jafar it was okay............
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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avatar_freak picked Aladin (movie 1):
the first movie rocks!!!!second one uh.......the first movie rocks!!!
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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elstef picked Aladin (movie 1):
The animation was way better, and I think they almost made Iago the main character in the second, which doesn't work for me. Also, Jasmine was different in the 2nd, and I loved her in the first movie.
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GreatLance_30 picked Aladin (movie 1):
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KingSimba4Ever9 picked Aladin (movie 1):
I love both but the first movie is always the best.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Pyjamarama picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
It's my favourite classic disney one!
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Pyjamarama picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
I like watching it lots of times with Jim Cummings as Razoul.
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Pyjamarama picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
It's the best dastardly movie ever!
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Pyjamarama picked The Return of Jafar (movie 2):
That's because Jafar is one of my favourite disney villains.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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LightningRed picked Aladin (movie 1):
Never like sequels for DP movies.
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glelsey picked Aladin (movie 1):
Only one I've seen. XD
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