jibu swali hili

Alexander Rybak Swali

What would wewe think if...

Alex was an emo? Would wewe still like him? (No offence to the emo community, I am an emo myself so no hate mail ;P)
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Alexander Rybak Majibu

MalliePe said:
If he was an emo, I don't think he would have made that music, he has made now. It would for sure be different I think. + The songs doesn't fits an emo. :D
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Helene17Norway said:
I don't judge emos ( Except for they who are all " OMG THE WORLD HATES ME SO I HAVE TO KILL MYSELF! " seriously, go the fuck to hell ), i used to be one myself, now I'm punk. And I wouldnt mind Alex if he was an Emo, but there is no chance at all he would fit the classic emo style
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