Kari went nyumbani and grabbed her boyfriend Stan Critcher, the two returned to stop the fights. Sernosevic and Kari began to argue and the crowd gathered kwa as did Sernosevic's male accomplice. Kari's son began to tell the crowd Critcher and his mother fighting would be the only fight they would see. Kari and Tatjana got into a shoving match then the two began to ngumi, punch and ended up on the ground.
Stan and the male accomplice began to fistfight. The crowd watched the fray. Kari's son cheered her and Stan on. After about 20 dakika Kari knocked Tatjana out cold and raised her fists in victory! Stan finished off the man and the two culprits were delived to authorities. Twenty pit bulls were saved because of the two and her son. Qqqa
I found a fox, caught kwa the leg
In a toothed gin, torn from its peg,
And dragged, God knows how far, in pain.
Such torment could not plead in vain,
He looked at me, I looked at him.
With iron jaw-teeth in his limb.
"Come, little son," I said, "Let be.....
Don't bite me, while I set wewe free."
But much I feared that in the pang
Of helping, I should feel a fang
In hand au face .......
but must is must .........
And he had aliyopewa me his trust.
So down I knelt there in the mud
And loosed those jaws all mud and blood.
And he, exhausted, crept, set free,
Into the shade, away from me;
The leg not broken ......
Then, beyond,
That gin, gini went plonk into the pond.
once on a paper that was sent to my house had a dog on it with only 1 eye because the family were treating him so bad. It alisema that he had to get it removed because they were poking it in the eye. Isnt that horrible.:[ it alisema to help this dog donate some money. i donated like 20 bucks. i feel so bad for the puppy. i later found out that hes in a good home. isnt that horrible what they did. i feel so bad fo the puppy.:[ im glad we have this shabiki club cause i upendo animals. also people r killing wanyama for their fur. i think that this is wrong.