Blossom and Dexter Club
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added by dex3fan475966
Source: Toongrowner on deviant art
added by dex3fan475966
Source: hysteria07
added by Xavier5
Source: the Pictures of The Powerpuff Girls Crossover
added by WolfGirl259
added by blossom1111
Source: credit to the coumputernerd01
added by ScienceWolf
added by suzyisbrute
Source: me
added by blossom1111
Source: to me
added by blossom1111
Source: to me
Ok,so Brick is jelous that his gf(girlfriend)Blossom has left him for a science genius called Dexter and is determened to get her back!

Brick:Oh common Dex. I know wewe dont upendo her and want to leave her.
Dexter:Dude its not what wewe think!! I do upendo her,and she loves me as well!!
Brick:Oh really?!
Brick:Babe,please come back to me. Im lonly without you.
(Brick starts blushing to try to get Blossom to say,"Oh youre right i should come back to you!"then he kissed her)
Blossom:Oooooohhhhhhh!!! Youre my real love!!! Lets go to the sinema together Babe!!!
But that isnt the end,so to be continued...
posted by suzyisbrute
Baley-Noooooo Dee don't touch that!
Dee-wait auntie deede taught me this its called the dance
Baley-The fanciful unicorn I know I know.
Dee-fine im going.
Baley-Oh whats the point every siku wewe come in and wreck my laboratory.(covers mouth)gggggggrrrrr
Dee-Baley your
Baley-Don't say it.
Dee-Your accent.
Baley-I told wewe not to say it.
Down stairs......
Dexter-Blossom I finished are time tweaker!
Blossom-great now we can be in any time but who will test it.
Baley-Dad Dee wont stay out of my work space!
Blossom-work space?
Dexter-um yeah her um room.
Dexter-Why not Baley?
continue reading...
added by dex3fan475966
added by blossom1111
Source: to me
added by blossom1111
Source: to maddie harrel (madison harrel)
added by dex3fan475966
Source: deadegirl13 on deviant art
posted by suzyisbrute
(Bell rings)

Mrs.Kean:Okay class now make sure to turn your assignment in kwa inayofuata week have a good day!

Bella:OMG Blossom I cant believe the school dance is in 1 siku but the only problem is I need a date!
who are wewe taking?


Bella:Bubbles who are wewe taking?



Buttercup:NOT TELLING YOU!!!

Bella:Uggg!(her sisters leave the class room and she begins to pick up her books)

Douglas:Hi Bella!


Douglas:So What are wewe doing?

Bella:Trying to think.

Douglas:Well can I ask wewe something?

Bella:Douglas im busy!!!!

Douglas:But Bella- (Bella is already gone)

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