Brucas Club
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 With all the hype surrounding this concept, it's sad that its pay-off flopped
With all the hype surrounding this concept, it's sad that its pay-off flopped
Brucas would have been a better end-game, really. Still, there’s no need to complain about what-could-have-been. I can still remain steadfast to BL because what they had that kept their relationship intact (even when it seems like Schwann wanted to pretend amnesia when it comes to their love) are elements of perfect timing, effort and honesty; qualities that Leyton fell short on many occasions. LP was aliyopewa plenty of chances to redeem itself to me, but they were all aliyopewa away to mediocrity and stereotype. And they still are tacky till the very end.

Taking out the emotional intensity of the...
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One Tree Hill
cute moments
anti leyton
posted by brucaslove4eva1
Lucas Scott has been through many on and off relationships with Brooke and Peyton, and has never really made one decision about which one he truely loves.
Look at it this way. Every season Lucas changes his mind about which girl (Peyton au Brooke) he wants inayofuata to him when all his dreams come true, au who is the one that he is going to upendo forever...blah...blah.
And for a while now, in season 5, Lucas has been talking and talking about his upendo for Lindsey and how much he wants her back *after the wedding*.
And now I don't even know what t beleive with lucas because of all of his mind changes....
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added by TeamB_Forever
One Tree Hill
cute moments
added by brattynemz
Nathan was describing his upendo Haley during their vows Peyton averted her eyes to Lucas but Lucas was looking at Brooke. Watch @ 2:57!
One Tree Hill
cute moments
anti leyton
 made kwa mickei
made by mickei
disclaimer: we do not own any rights to One mti kilima and this is all for fun, but if we did the onyesha would have turned out a lot differently.

quick note if wewe haven't read the prologue yet to this story, don't read this yet until wewe have!! anyways we hope wewe enjoy this chapter and don’t forget to leave a review!! :D


That’s When It All Changed

Chapter 1: The Person I Wasn’t Raised to be

There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment wewe must choose your direction. Will wewe fight to stay on the path while others tell wewe who wewe are? au will wewe label...
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posted by dermer4ever
Over the past couple of days i have noticed a trend in the picha section. know i am not trying to be bitchy at all and i am up for Art but some things are beginning to bug me and these are find some one else's art on other site and not crediting them and the anti lp art in the spot.

Now don't get me wrong i hate LP as much as wewe guys do but this spot is about BL and are upendo for them as they are inayopendelewa oth couple and i hate lp but when i come here it takes that away but i do not want to really see a lp ikoni if its anti one because i really can't stand staring at them i didn't like staring...
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 Chad and Sophia
Chad and Sophia
Lucas and Brooke, what a great couple. They shared upendo and great times. And off screen, Chad and Sophia were very romantic to the point of marriage... but after they divorced...the writers on the onyesha suddenly re-enacted Leyton, and showed that Peyton had begun to have feelings for Lucas again.
And just think. Maybe if in real life Chad and Sophia didn't break up, then maybe brucas would still be together and be like Naley.
But of course, being like they are, without them dating in real life anymore, they don't have a lot of on screem chemistry anymore.
And even if it wasn't Brucas, if it was Leyton au something, it would still be wrong to ruin a relationship jjust because of their off-screen activity.
 just wrong
just wrong
Okay, get ready...I'm letting it all out...*takes deep breath*

Leyton is forced, predictable, fake, corny, boring, and gross.
Wanna know why? Well just take a look at all these reasons and wewe will understand..(WARNING: It's gonna be REALLY big..)
it's just that the blonde twins bring out the evil hater in me.

1)I hate them because they're fake, forced, cheesy, pathetic and boring. And they also look very much alike. Like 2 dudes making out.
I dont like leyton because they seem forced to me...when lucas chose brooke he didn't do it because he couldnt have Peyton...and in season 4 when they finally...
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added by XxXdolphinXxX
Source: XxXdolphinXxX
So all of wewe will probably start wondering why i'm talking about what i'm about to talk about, when wewe think it has no nothing to do with the blp triangle, but i promise wewe it will, and you'll probably see it kwa the time your done kusoma the article! If wewe guys don't like how this makala starts out, i promise wewe will like how it ends!!

Ok so my dad and nephew watch this show: burn notice right. And whenever i'd see them watching it, i'm like can wewe please change the channel, because i thought it was stupid. But a few days zamani i got really bored, and nothing was on tv, except burn notice,...
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 Brulian au Brucas?
Brulian or Brucas?
Ok guys this is the sekunde part! This is all the Brulian stuff!

Now on to the Brulian scenes of the Brucas reunion foreshadowing. I have to tell wewe my inner Brucas shabiki girl squeed with joy when I watched their scenes. I mean don't get me wrong I upendo Julian and I was heartbroken for him when Brooke didn't say I upendo wewe back, but Brucas will always be #1 in my moyo and some sweet
confession from a boy who is clearly in upendo with Brooke Davis is not going to change that.

2)The Brulian scene

"So then the last time wewe were in I get it."
"Look I'm sorry if it's weird for you"
"Do you...
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Here is 85 reasons to upendo Brucas..

1. Because they upendo Each other

2. Because Brooke forgave Lucas when he cheated on her.

3. Because Brooke wrote Lucas letters but never sent them

4. Because Lucas forgave Brooke when she slept with Chris Keller

5. Because Brooke Forgave Lucas when he cheated on her with Peyton

6. Because Lucas started uandishi letters to Brooke.

7. Because Lucas Realized how much he hurt Brooke in the past.

8. Because Lucas realized that Brooke is the one.

9. Because Brooke Believes in Lucas

10. Because they always make up

11. Because Lucas and Brooke belong together

12. Because...
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Future AU, a grave accident brings Lucas nyumbani to mti kilima and to Brooke. Can they make it work this time around, especially when secrets are revealed? B/L P/J R/M (H/N). Rated M for later chapters.

Back ground: Everything up till the end of season 4 has happened except Nathan and Haley never had Jamie, in fact they couldn’t have a baby.

Lucas married Peyton right after high school but they were soon devoiced when Jake came back into her life. Jake and Peyton are now married.

Brooke never took Clothe’s over Bro’s national she went back to mti kilima and opened a small store that she runs...
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I was hoping brooke would tell lucas au haley even nathan about her attack because after everything that peyton has put brooke thru i wouldnt even be able to look at her as a true friend anymore brooke has aliyopewa up SO much for peyton but what has she got in return? her "best friend" believing a ridiculous lie her "best friend" moving right on in with lucas (the guy brooke is in upendo with but peyton doesn't ever seem to see that there are feelings there still) not waiting to make sure brooke was okay peyton and brooke have been 'best friends' forever and peyton screwed her over BUT milli and...
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So this is my attempt to break down, section kwa section, the lyrics to "23" & why this song means so much for BL.

I felt for sure last night that once we alisema goodbye
No one else will know these lonely dreams
No one else will know that part of me

 I felt for sure last night...
I felt for sure last night...

After Nathan & Haley's wedding, Lucas would have felt so sure that things were finally going to be good for him and Brooke. She had thoroughly expressed just how badly she needed him to open up to her, and he later explained that he didn't stop missing her for a second, he just had so many things on his mind....
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posted by RealLuvAlwaysBL
So, along with that beautiful story I have a couple things that help to string me along in my Brucas delirium…I hope they can be of some help to all of you...feel free to add to the orodha in the comments...

1. Why would they make a point to emphasize, "a kiss ALWAYS means something" and then have Brucas kiss in NYC?
2. Why would they make a point to emphasize "You (Lucas's flavor of the are who I want standing inayofuata to me when all my dreams come true" when Peyton has NOT ONCE been there kwa Luke's side when they did come true, but Brooke has been there, yes, BOTH times (i.e. state championship,...
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"Kinda feels like Dejavu"
"Not really, wewe told me to fight for me and I did, wewe never fought for me!"
"Why would I do that , Lucas? wewe cheated on me, with my former best friend...again! And even though wewe know how much this hurt me, wewe two are still together all the time and it kills me to see this. I asked wewe to stay away from her, but wewe don´t care. We broke up and it seems like wewe don´t really care, like wewe always wanted to be with her. So why would I fight for you, what should I do, run after wewe even though I know you´d rather to be with her? Even though I know my moyo would...
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