This is my opinion on the subject my number one we don't see so much as we use to but these in my opinion are the finest prettier hottest sexiest most beautiful off all of the cartoon network girls and most are red heads I upendo red hair and please maoni and rate but please no mean rude au hurtful maoni if wewe have a disagreement please say it in a nice poilce good way I know some may not agree but it's my opinion and I have the right to express it please maoni and rate please and thank you

10.June she's beautiful has long beautiful black hair with a cool pink streek beautiful brown eyes and lovely skin why 10 she's underaged she's 11 years old

9.Frankie she's lovely she has cool flameing hair and lovely skin why 9 she has an additude problem

8.Marie she's a sexy edgey science girl if all geeks were like her then they would have dates she's much hotter than her twin sister she has long beautiful curlly hair beautiful green eyes and lovely skin why 8 she's too skinny

7.Daphne she's sexy she has long beautiful red hair beautiful red lips and lovely skin why 7 she gets kindnapped too much

6.Jen she has a real girl look she has long beautiful brown hair beautiful blue eyes and lovely skin why 6 she's too sporty

5.Bridgette and Emma it's hard to deicde who's hotter so I gave them both the same spot they have long beautiful hair beautiful eyes and lovely skin why 5 their too clumzy

4.Gwen she's a hot alien chick she's not just beautiful she's devine she has long beautiful red hair beautiful green eyes and lovely skin why 4 she's has a slight additude problem

3.Starfire she's a hot alien princess she's not just beautiful she's as you can see by the picture glowing she has long beautiful red hair beautiful green eyes and lovely skin why 3 she's slighty naive

2.Aelita she's not just beautiful she's stunning she has beautiful pink hair beautiful green eyes and lonely skin why 2 her hair is too short

1.Misty she's not just beautiful she's GORGEOUS she has long GORGEOUS red hair GORGEOUS green eyes and GORGEOUS skin she''s a mermaid princess the wter pokemon trainer we all know and love and miss I hate that they replaced her with some less attractive n