Cilan/Dent Club
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posted by biancakent
Cilan (Japanese: デント Dent) is one of the three Gym Leaders of Striaton City's Gym, known officially as the Striaton Gym. He specializes in Grass-type Pokémon and will battle the player if they chose Oshawott as their starter Pokémon. He gives tIn the gamesCilan appears in Pokémon Black and White as the Gym Leader of Striaton City's gym, alongside Chili and Cress. This gym is the first to be challenged kwa the player. Cilan battles the player if Oshawott is the chosen starter Pokémon. Trainers who defeat Cilan will receive the Trio Badge, along with TM83 (Work Up).

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The night of the Festival of Striaton, I kept tossing around and around in my bed, feeling homesick. I wanted to see my brothers so badly, that I almost cried their names out sometimes. I reached for my pokeball, the one with the word "partner" engraved on it. For my seventh birthday after our parents left for a different region, we found 3 little monkies at our door step. Our names were taped to one of them. I remember seeing Chili, the youngest, jumping for joy when he picked up the furry little Pansear. Cress smiled at the Panpour that held out a card saying Happy Birthday. The little one...
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