Darren Criss Club
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added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by ForeverEternity
Source: darrencrissnews.tumblr.com
added by opalrose
added by colfercriss
added by gardrm1
Source: http://s309.photobucket.com/albums/kk363/sacteach
added by J-Canuck
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
added by klaine_forever
Source: not mine
Half-Filipino actor Darren Criss wins the Golden Globe and dedicates it to his Filipino mother
darren criss
golden globe
added by JimmyManceLuvr
Source: tumblr
added by gardrm1