David jembe, beneti Club
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These three girls are in a resturant, and they order one plate of fries.

David jembe, beneti grabs one fry
"Oh man, I upendo these french fries." -David Spade
Chris Farley grabs a fry,
"If wewe upendo 'em so much, why don't wewe marry them?" -Chris Farley
He grabbs zaidi fries
"Can i have some?" -Chris Farley
Shoves zaidi down his throat
"Sure, Cindy ..." -David Spade
"... Cindy, can wewe leave some for us?" -Adam Sandler
"Oh, sure!" -Chris Farley
He grabs zaidi fries
" Cindy, I thought wewe were trying to lose weight." -David Spade
Chris Farley grabs his throat, and in a grusome, low, manly voice he says.
"LAY OFF ME, I'M STARVING!" -Chris Farley
Former "Saturday Night Live" cast member David Spade, known for playing sarcastic, supercilious wise-guys, is not quite so aloof and cold-hearted in real life.

Fifteen months after the drug overdose death of screen buddy Chris Farley, jembe, beneti says he sought the comfort of fellow comedians Adam Sandler and Chris Rock instead of going to Farley's funeral.

"Going to the funeral would have been too hard; so much grief and emotion,'' he alisema in an interview in the latest edition of Playboy magazine, which hits the newsstands April 5. "Just talking to Sandler on the phone I'd well up thinking about all...
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Thanks for any help Carlo Guthrie