Disclaimer: THIS IS A PURELY shabiki MADE AMV WITH NO ASSOCIATION WITH THE anime COMPANY AND THE muziki ARTIST IN ANY WAY. THIS VID WAS MADE kwa DEIDARA145 ON YOUTUBE... hope wewe fangirls upendo it as much as i did! X3
WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dEIDARA'S DA SK8ER BOY....LA..LA...LA cHECK OUT DA AWESOME VID WITH DA SEXIEST DEIDEI PICS.C'MON FANGIRLS,YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!UN!!!!!!!!!
Deidara got through check point A.but not check Point B..T^T We miss yah dei-dei I ilitumwa this because i thought it fit him pretty well cause he use to be a terrorist bomber...