Summary: A new fairy, Tinker Bell arrives, and finds out her talent is pots-and-pans, but thinks her talent isn't specail.
Tinkerbell, North of Never Land:
Based on the Disney Faries book. When Tink's Best Friend, Terence, Squashes Tink's inayopendelewa bowl, the first thing she ever fixed, her anger flares up, and she yells at him, saying he's always in her way. Tink realizes she was too harsh, and sets out on a quest to find the perfect gift for her friend.
Tinkerbell: a mid summer storm.
Tinker Bell must team up with a rival fairy to save NeverLand.
Tinkerbell: a winter story: I have no info about this one yet.
Rani, a water-talent fairy, can't seem to fit in. She's the only fairy without wings, since she cut them off to save Never Land.
When the fairy dance arrives, the other water talent vichimbakazi wont let Rani particeipate in the water fountain. Then, at the fairy dance, Rani falls out of the floating fairy mduara, duara and messes up the whole celebration.
So, looking at the mess she made, Rani runs away and has many adventures - in the mermaid lagoon.
One of my inayopendelewa books!