Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog Club
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 Frame which flickers during the "FBI" to "ELE" warning transition. Bad Horse and three eggs? Hm, curious...
Frame which flickers during the "FBI" to "ELE" warning transition. Bad Horse and three eggs? Hm, curious...
Greetings! Now that Dr. Horrible is so busy with the Evil League of Evil, he has aliyopewa his assistant (that's me!) the job of answering maswali about the Easter Eggs located on the DVD of his blog. Before we continue on, be warned that this makala will contain a different type of SPOILERS! So if wewe want to figure these eggs out on your own, CONTINUE NO FURTHER! Also, these are not your average hidden features. To access these special horrible-rific hidden features, wewe will actually have to go on a scavenger hunt of sorts. It seems that the Powers That Be really want wewe to dig deep to find...
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added by ChrisCalchi2
added by NerdyNinja49
Source: Me!!!
added by judesmommy
Source: photobucket.com
  (Authors note: this story takes place before Penny died. I thought of this when I turned one of my own shirts pink the other day! Lol! Hope wewe enjoy! :3 :3 )

    Dr Horrible (disguised as Billy) carried his basket of dirty clothes to the washing machine that was only three away from Penny's. He watched her as she threw the last of her clothes into the wash. She gently shut the lid and deposited several coins into the slot. The washing machine clattered to life as Penny walked to a nearby dryer and took out some clothes to fold. 
      Dr Horrible smiled and started to throw his own...
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The seventh track of Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog's Commentary: The Musical, Nobody Wants To Be Moist. Sung kwa Simon Helberg.
dr. horrible's sing-along blog
the musical
simon helberg
added by judesmommy
Source: fuckyeahdrhorrible.tumblr.com
added by judesmommy
Source: http://horribleness.net/
added by judesmommy
Source: http://horribleness.net/
*in the shipping van/ left zoo 3hrs ago*

   Captain Hammer pranced around the van imba "Everyone's a hero". It really got annoying after the 14th time. All the wanyama were sprawled out around the van with their paws/flippers over their ears, wishing they could be with skipper in the sound proof drivers cab. 
   Lexii turned to Dr Horrible "Does he HAVE an off switch?!?" she asked with bloodshot eyes. He shook his head and pressed his paws tighter over his ears. 
 Lexii nudged Rico with her elbow. "Got anything to make him SHUT UP?" she asked. Rico thought for a moment, smiled and nodded,...
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added by judesmommy
Source: fuckyeahdrhorrible.tumblr.com
added by judesmommy
Source: fuckyeahdrhorrible.tumblr.com
added by katiemariie
Source: folyn @ deviantART
added by katiemariie
Source: naewinter @ LiveJournal
added by judesmommy
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/horriblehammer/4834.html#cutid1
added by amazondebs
Source: drhorrible.com
posted by _Lexii23_
Billy and Penny raced through the park, side kwa side, trying to get out of the downpour. They got to the sidewalk and ran with all the other civilians trying to do the same. Billy motioned to Penny to turn left. They rounded the corner and sprinted towards the small gray apartment. "My home's just over here! We can wait out the rain!" He yelled to her. She nodded and smiled at him.
"Race ya!" She yelled playfully as she zoomed past him.
"Not fair!" He laughed and ran after her.

Billy fiddled with the lock on the door to his apartment. Penny, who had already been sitting on the staircase...
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posted by SaturdaySurpris
Hi everyone! Well, this is my first songfic and Dr. Horrible fanfic, so tell me how I did. The song is Goodbye kwa Avril Lavigne. Enjoy

Disclaimer: Joss owns Dr. Horrible, Avril Lavigne owns 'Goodbye'

Goodbye... Goodbye ... Goodbye my love

I can't hide... Can't hide... Can't hide what has come

Dr. Horrible stared down at Penny's still body, wanting to pretend it wasn't true, that she was gone. It was like a splash of cold water all over his body. He wanted it to a dream, a nightmare, a hallucination, anything else other than reality.

Dr. Horrible looked into her eyes, the once sparkling orbs now...
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added by judesmommy
Source: photobucket.com
added by katiemariie
Source: entwashian @ LiveJournal