Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow. Club
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posted by Freakoutnow
 I'd be scared...
I'd be scared...
Me: Hello again!
Dr: (Gagged) Mmmf... Mghfff!!!    
Me: He say he's happy to be here!
Dr: Grhaksrrrrr!
Me: We know wewe are. Okey dokey... First question...
Karajorel said:

"If aliyopewa the chance, would wewe ever choose to save someone's life? Cause maybe I'm crazy but I think wewe just might"

Me: Well Crane? Oh yeah (pulls the gag off his mouth).
Dr: (Recovering) Maybe... If I needed them, badly. au if I hadn't arranged it.
Me: Like if it was a girl? Hmmm? (Making kissing noises)
Dr: Stop that, it's disturbing.    
Me: Alright, I have a question...
Dr: Oh dear.
Me: Do...
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added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC Comics
added by Freakoutnow
Source: Warner bros, DC comics
added by karajorel
added by MarlenaLovett
Source: cillybear@tumblr
added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC comics
added by MarlenaLovett
Source: anberlins@tumblr
added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC Comics
added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC comics
added by MarlenaLovett
dr. jonathan crane
cillian murphy
Batman begins
added by Aimee147
Source: CillianSite
added by Aimee147
Source: CillianSite
added by morticiaaddams
Source: created kwa me :D
added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC comics, Warner bros
Me: *Tied up* We never got to the hospital. Dr Party-Pooper crane had been fooling us all along!
Dr: Na na na na na…
Me: I knew it was all too easy!
Harley: Aw!
Dr: Hmmm, I'm not as dumb as wewe thought, huh?
Me: I never thought wewe were dumb. But I do know something: When I get outta here you're gonna cop the electric chair bad, fella!
Dr: Sorry Miss, but girl power failed this time. (If I an call wewe a girl…)
Me: Hey! I am a girl!
Dr: Tomboy then. *Thinks* Now the tables are turned, I'm going to interview YOU.
Me: I knew this was coming.
Harley: Ditto.
Dr: Button it Joker's girl! Okay... But OH!...
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added by VintageSmile
added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC Comics, Warner Bros
added by MasterOfFear
added by Freakoutnow
Source: DC Comics
added by MarlenaLovett
Source: cillybear@tumblr