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added by DriftingSpirit
Source: ><><Drifting Spirit><><
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
posted by MiizLadiDiime
I can fly,
I'm a pigeon,
In the sky,
I poop up high,
Don't touch me unless wewe wanna die,
Nodding my head,
I'm gone stab wewe with ma beak,
My seed is my weed,
Don't hate me cause wewe a'int me,
Now gimme some mkate BLOOD!!!

Got ma ninja flea,
So don't mess with me,
OH GOD!!!,
I got shot in ma eye,
Now i'm brain damaged,
Life is a B***h,
happy days,
I think not.

Many people are scared of piegons i have a dream to change that.... not really i just needed to write sum makala me n nichole22 and xXkellXx made this up maoni plz
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by MiizLadiDiime
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: ><><DriftingSpirit><><
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: ><><Drifting Spirit><><
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: DriftingSpirit
added by DeadWalker
Source: ---> Dead Walker <---
added by DriftingSpirit
Source: ><><Drifting Spirit><><
added by mrmacaw
Source: mrmacaw