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added by beliberjb
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
posted by Renesmee_08
Cheri au Cheri-bear, as I like to call her is the sweetest person on Earth! She's fun,sweet, charming, and..simply..the BEST!!! :)♥ She makes me feel better when I'm in pain au when I've had a rough day.

Cheri wewe and my sisters mean the WORLD to me!! I realize that I can never be mad at you.Even if I wanted to.We have so much in common! If I alisema it all It would take up the ENTIRE page. We both upendo Twilight,Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson,etc. My point is that no matter how many obstacles come at us we will ALWAYS overcome them. Our bond is unbreakable.

"Before you, Cheri, my life was...
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twilight saga
added by mr-cullen
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
This story was written kwa elizasmomma,I do not take credit for it.

Edward softly pressed his smooth, porcelain, tiled finger to my lips as I feebly attempted to protest his anniversary surprise. “Shh, Bella, my love,” he whispered in my ear, his sweet breath finding its way to my nose, intoxicating me. “I promise I haven’t done anything outrageous au overly extravagant. But it is August 13th – our sekunde anniversary, love. wewe had to have expected something.” His perfect, angelic crooked grin widened, brightening up his buttery golden eyes and causing me to entirely lose my train of thought....
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posted by ebcullen4ever
The juu 5 things I upendo about Robsten...

2)How beautiful and perfect they are together
3)Their AMAZING chemistry
4)How they upendo and support each other,by inaonyesha up at each other's premieres au on set of filming other movies

5)How they make each other laugh

Robsten is in my book the Most Beautiful and Perfect Couple,or as I like to say M.B.P.C..Their upendo started out as a friendship,but evolved into a beautiful and what I hope will be a very long,beautiful and happy life together complete with a wedding and a family.They would make beautiful babies together and would be...
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When life offers wewe a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Preface, p.1

I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.19

I peeked up at him one zaidi time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion. As I flinched away from him, shrinking against my chair, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through my mind.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.24

I was sure, though, in the instant...
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added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever
added by ebcullen4ever