jibu swali hili

Emmett and bay Swali

would wewe tarehe someone deaf?

 serenacullen93 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Emmett and bay Majibu

mattie8989 said:
of course as long as u truly upendo that person

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posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
dashingaway said:
Yes I'd tarehe Sean Berdy and he's deaf
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leathersilk said:
Yes I would because if wewe truly upendo them and thu truly upendo you, wewe will try to learn their language and they will appreciate how fast au slow wewe learn.(which is exactly what I would do)
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posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
zsedenyi2 said:
Of course!!
If wewe really upendo someone, then that doesn't matter if that person is deaf, mute au whatever!! (But that would be helpful if wewe learn signing...)
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