Evil Club
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added by karlyluvsam
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added by Pyjamarama
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added by Tamar20
added by LokiAvengers
Source: Me
added by Pyjamarama
Source: Wicked
added by karlyluvsam
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added by karlyluvsam
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A warning to the people,
The good and the evil,
This is war.

To the soldier, the civilian,
The martyr, the victim,
This is war.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die,
The moment to fight, the moment to fight
To fight, to fight, to fight!

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

A warning to the prophet,
The liar, the honest,
This is war.

To the leader,...
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added by wifeofjason
Source: fanpop.com
added by wifeofjason
Source: mamapop.com
added by karlyluvsam
added by karlyluvsam
Source: psicosmonauta_tumblr
added by karlyluvsam
added by karlyluvsam
Source: cafe press
added by wifeofjason
Source: icanhascheezburger.com
added by karlyluvsam
Source: Google
added by LokiAvengers
Source: Me
added by karlyluvsam
Source: 5tory-of-the-5ecret-5tar-5ystem
added by Pyjamarama
Source: cowboy
added by karlyluvsam
Source: cafe press