Well, while i was searching on Youtube for some cool video of fight club after watching the movie, i found some video made from a reporter, that showed some shots of the movie, that cointain subliminar " iluminatti" messages .
I dont know what is the porpose of that, au why they put it on a movie, that should alert us of subliminal messages and that kind of things...
I just think that is weird, to put subliminal messages of dark and satanic related things in fight club, where do they wanna get with that? whats the point?
Heres the link of the Youtube video i saw:
Please watch it and tell me what do wewe think of all this. tank you.
I dont know what is the porpose of that, au why they put it on a movie, that should alert us of subliminal messages and that kind of things...
I just think that is weird, to put subliminal messages of dark and satanic related things in fight club, where do they wanna get with that? whats the point?
Heres the link of the Youtube video i saw:
Please watch it and tell me what do wewe think of all this. tank you.