Fluttershy Club
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PP exclaimed, "Changelings!"

"We have to save Equestria", I exclaimed. "Come on!" I galloped out of Sugar Cube Corner with Pinkie Pie. "We have to get to Canterlot!"

Twilight Sparkle then came out of her house, concerned. "Where is she?" She then saw all the changelings attacking the ponies outside. "Oh no!"

"Twilight, I thought wewe went to Canterlot."

"I didn't, Fluttershy. That was Queen Chrysalis disguised as me."

"Oh." I then thought of upinde wa mvua Dash. "Rainbow Dash!" I flew up into the sky, towards RD's house. I didn't realize she was flying right into me! We head butted. "Ow!"

"Ow! Fluttershy,...
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FlutterShy falls out of CloudsDale during upinde wa mvua Dash 's race and gets caught kwa a flock of butterflies. She sees wanyama for the first time.

" What is this place filled with so many wonders ? Casting its spell that I am now under. Squirrels in the trees and the cute little bunnies. Birds flying free and bees with their honey.
Oh what a wonderful place and I owe it all to the pegusas race !!! If I knew the ground had so much up its sleeve id of come here sooner and never leave !!! Yes I upendo everything !!! "

Sonic Rainboom Explosion

wanyama Run Scared
Fluttershy Comforts them
Her cutie mark appears
I finally got out of he Everfree forest and headed fir my cottage to see if Queen Chrysalis did anything to my precious animals. She didn't.

If she's not here, where is she?

I went into town to see if she caused any trouble there. She hadn't.


I saw upinde wa mvua Dash and ran to tell her who I saw in the Everfree forest. "Rainbow, you'll never believe wewe I saw-"

"I have to go, Fluttershy." upinde wa mvua Dash flew away.

I followed. "But it's really important-" She flew faster than me. I flew a little faster, too. "Rainbow, listen to-" She then flew away even faster and I knew I could'nt catch up.. I...
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The inayofuata day, I was feeling much better. I still couldn't fly because of my wing, though. So I just stayed in my house and played with Angel. "I wish my wing would heal already, Angel."

"I think I could help." Twilight Sparkle came in.

I turned to face her. "What do wewe mean?"

"I know a spell that could heal your wing."

"Really? Do it! Do it, please!"

"Okay, okay." Twilight closed her eyes and her horn started to glow.

I saw my left wing glow, too. "It's working!" I started flapping my wings together. "Thank you, Twilight!"

"You're wel-"

I flew out of my house at lightning speed. "Must. Find....
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I was at my house surrounded kwa my animal Marafiki and Angel. "You guys want to hear a story", I asked them. They all nodded. "Yay! Okay, so wewe guys probably don't know this, but I wasn't always shy like this." My animal Marafiki and Angel looked bewildered. This made me smile. One of the squirrels asked how did I change. "I was just about to tell you, sweetie. So it started like this..."

I was walking through Everfree forest when I heard thunder and lightning, but I didn't run away and hide. I just kept on galloping. As I got to the end, I flew off and headed straight for the clouds. Up...
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 "I'm not good at anything other than caring for animals."
"I'm not good at anything other than caring for animals."
I'm always the quiet and forgotten one. Why?

Because I'm not good at anything other than caring for animals. Everypony else has zaidi than one talent, but not me. Twilight is great at organization and very smart, Pinkie can throw fantastic parties and sings a lot, applejack is hardworking and down to earth, upinde wa mvua is brave and fast, and Rarity is a very talented dressmaker and great decorator. But I'm just the animal-loving one.

I was walking with Bon-Bon one siku because she wanted a pet, and we were discussing the different choices. "Thanks, Fluttershy!" she exclaimed when I squirmed into a...
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posted by ricoiswsome
Me: What is it?
Rebel Cursier Avenger Pilot: The Empire, they've found us. . . And have a new toy with them.
Me: Every one out now abandon ship.
*Blast cuts open hull*
Me: Go, I'll get to my crash tube.
*Get's in crash tube*
Voice in distance: What in the name of Celestia is this. . . Thing?
Me: What the heck? *Sees every thing* Who the nyasi, nyasi kavu are you. . . ponies?
Twilight: Hello there I'm Twilight Sparkle.
Spike: And I'm Spike.
Twilight: And these are my friends: Fluttershy,
Fluttershy: Hi.
Twilight: Pinkie Pie,
Pinkie: Hi there.
Twilight: upinde wa mvua Dash,
upinde wa mvua Dash: Are wewe a spy?!
Twilight: Applejack,
Applejack: Howdy!
Twilight: and of corse Rarity.
Rarity: Hello.
Me: Where the nyasi, nyasi kavu am I?
Coming soon. . .
Alternate opening*
Pilot: Sir get me back to the- *Explosion cuts ship in half where we stand*
Me: *Hit against the side of ship debries* Ahh can't get. . . . Presser even. . . *Starts floating in space while losing suit presser and enters atmosphere*
Twilight: What is that? We're not suppose to have a *I hit the ground*
Twilight: Spike send a message to the hospital tell them we need medical assistance.
Spike: Got it!!!
inayofuata day…
Me: Ooooohhhhhh, what the nyasi, nyasi kavu happened?! Ahhhhh where's my ship!!!!
Twilight: Are wewe ok William?
Me: How the nyasi, nyasi kavu do wewe know my name?
Fluttershy: Hi and it was because of these *Holds up my dog tags in her mouth*
Me: Oh. . . Uh thanks. Where . . . Where am I?
Twilight: What do wewe mean have wewe ever heard of Ponyville?
Me: No. Is it under the occupation of the Empire au is it liberated and under the controll of the Glactic Alliance?
Twilight: Uh no, it's ruled kwa Princess Colestia.
I woke up in my house, in my bed. I saw Angel happy to see I was awake. upinde wa mvua and the other ponies was there, too. "What are wewe guys doing in my house?"

"Rainbow followed wewe to the Everfree forest", alisema Twilight.

"And I saw wewe get struck kwa lightning", alisema Rainbow. "I was terrified." So after I flew back to Twilight's and got everypony together, we went back to the Everfree forest to bring wewe home."

"We we're awful worried 'bout you, sugar cube."

"Yeah", alisema Rarity.

"Thanks girls. I'm so sorry I should've listened", I said.

"It's okay", they all said.

I smlied. I then noticed that my left wing was hurt a lot. "Did my wing get shocked my lightning?"

"Yep", alisema Rainbow.

"I think it's time for a 'Get Well' party", exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"I agree" alisema Twilight.
"And it was the best party ever."
The beginning of this story starts with a song. It will go back to Fluttershy's perspective in the inayofuata part.
Queen Chrysalis
*walking through Ponyville as Fluttershy*
Not that I'm back,
No gppony, pony shall stop me
From the attack
Of my minions of changlings

*running through Everfree forest*
I must stop her
From wreaking havoc
On Ponyville
And if I don't
It will be tragic

Soon, and very soon
Every gppony, pony shall see
I will once again
Reign supreme

I must get
Out very soon
au else Pony-
ville will be doomed

*makes it out of Everfree forest*

*arrives at upinde wa mvua Dash's house*
Now this is where things get....

Oh goodness this isn't....

Q.C. and Fluttershy
posted by 90sfan
Hello,everyone!Today I would like to share with wewe some ideas on how to make your own Fluttershy costumes.Here are some ideas:

Let's start with the dress.I would say to go with a yellow,short dress with maybe a little white.Or,if wewe don't want a dress,just use a yellow t-shirt and skirt.If you're lucky enough to find a skirt, upindo au dress at the store with butterflies on it,by all means,use it!This'll count as the cutie mark.

For the shoes,you can probably just go with yellow au pink.I would do pink,because I think a yellow dress with yellow shoes would probably be too much yellow.But once again,either...
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I tried to get of the goo. I couldn't believe I had probably put Ponyville in danger. I knew I had to escape. So, I thought of a plan. "Oh, please, changling minion, let me go."

My element of harmony. Kindness.

The changling that was guarding me shook its head.

"Pretty please." I gave my kindest smile.

The changling set me free.

"Thanks oh so very much." I then flew out of the cave like lightning.

I was going to Ponyville to see if Queen Chrysalis did anything to my reputation.
"And she did."
I was walking through Everfree forest because it was the most dangerous place in Ponyville. "Come on, something has to be happening in here." Because the trees were so tall, it already looked like night time. I knew the nocturnal creatures, the most dangerous ones, were still asleep.

Just great.

I found my path lead up to a cave. "Seems promising." I walked inside. "Hello?" My voice echoed of the walls. "Any creatures in here?" I then heard a low growl and followed the sound deeper into the cave. "I can hear you." I walk deeper into the cave. "Come on, please stop hiding." Just then a shadow...
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Lightning was striking below. Thank Celestia all the ponies were salama inside. I was flying close enough to feel the heat of the lightning. To hear the loudness of the thunder. I loved it. Just then I got a brilliant idea. I remember AJ alisema that it was too dangerous to stay at apple Acres because of the trees; so I decided to run through the Everfree Forest! It's, like I alisema before, brilliant! I landed at the the entrance of it. "Bring it on", I alisema to myself. I started running through the forest as fast as I could, lightning bolts striking a few trees that were in front of me.

Not dangerous...
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Me: Maby I can stop her. . . . .*Pulles out blaster pistol*
Fluttershy: No don't. . . . .
Me: I upendo wewe Fluttershy *shoots at the changling queen*
Changling Queen: * Stops my blaster bolts before they hit her and pushes them back at me*
Me: *gets hit kwa three of the bolts and falls over* Big mistake. . . .*turns on lighsabers charges after changling Queen and gets pushed against a piller* Aaahhh. . . . . . . . . . .
Fluttershy: Nnnnoooo! Liam?! Liam?! Please don't leave me. . . *starts crying*
Shinning Armor & Cadence: *hug and defeat the changlings*
Twilight: Fluttershy. . . . He's gone.
Fluttershy: Please, please wake up. . . . I. . . . I upendo you. *puts head on my chest* I hear his moyo beating, listen!
Everyone: *Hears my moyo beating*
Me: *Heart beats normaly* Uuuhhhh. . . . What'd I miss?
Fluttershy: *kisses me on the head* Yay.
Me: Seriously what'd I miss
Shinning Armor: We defeated the queen.
Me: Well done Captian, *gets up* well done.
Prologue: The beginning
Rift's father: He's so cute honey, I knew he would what should we name him?
Rift's mother: How about Rift.
Rift's father: Rift?
Rift's mother: Rift, for that scar going down his eye.
Rift's father: That's just perfect, our little Rift.
Nurse: Ahh I see he's awake.
Rift: Daddy.
Rift's father: *gasp* Honey he alisema his first word
*5 years later*
Rift: hujambo dad where are we goin'?
Dad: We are going to see a play at your school.
Rift: Awwwww, how'd wewe find out?
Mom: We saw the flyer wewe tried to throw away mister.
Rift: Shoot. 
*at Rifts school*
Teacher: Ok class we have a new student today...
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I saw the Royal Guards trying their best to defend Canterlot against the changelings.

"We have to get to Princess Celestia", alisema Twilight.

The hot air balloon landed kwa the ngome and so did RD and I. We all ran inside the castle. We saw Princess Celestia in the gross, green, sticky, goo on the ceiling.

"Princess", exclaimed Twilight.

"I'm fine, just stop her!"

"It's too late", alisema Queen Chrysalis as she entered the room. "My changeling minions have already took the form of almost every gppony, pony in Canterlot and Ponyville. And soon, all of Equestria!" She laughed an evil laugh.

"Not if...
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posted by ricoiswsome
Me: Zzzzzzz
RC Avenger Pilot: *Over loud speaker* Captian, we have a problem, please come to the bridge.
Me: What could it bbbee this time?
RC Avenger Pilot: Sir. . . Look Imperial nyota Destroyer. And it appears to have a new weapon.
Me: Abandon ship.
Pilot: Sir?
Me: wewe heard me it's not looking good. . . *Cannon fires*
*Alarm goes off* Every abandon ship, abandon ship!
Pilot: Got it.
Me: There's not time for me to get off I'll get the ship I'll get in the crash tube. *Launches*
Mean while in Ponyville. . . . .
Twilight: Spike, are wewe ready?
Spike: Just let. . . Me get the basket.
Twilight: Great we'll...
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After QC was vanquished, my Marafiki got out of the caves, and Princess Celestia wasout of the green goo and back on her hooves, she called a grand gathering to award me on saving Equestria from QC. Everypony in Canterlot and Ponyville came to the gathering.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to award Fluttershy for saving Equestria from Queen Chrysalis", alisema Princess Celestia. "Element of kindness? zaidi like the Element of bravery." Everypony laughed.

"Speech", shouted Dashie.

"Oh, well, okay", I said. I went and stood in front of the ponies from Ponyville and Canterlot...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Behold, a James Bond parody featuring Fluttershy. Our story starts in the Atlantic Ocean

Equestrian ponies: We got sight of something.
Captain: What?
Equestrian ponies: It looks like an oil barge.
Captain: What the fuck are wewe looking at that for?
Equestrian ponies: Something unusual is sticking out from the bottom.

And suddenly the alarm went off, and the submarine was being forced to go up.

Captain: How is this happening?!
Equestrian ponies: WE have no idea!!
mexican: *drive barge near sub*
Captain: Of course. Mexicans!!
Mexicans: *go past submarine*

Speaking of Mexicans, the mexican secret...
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