Fluttershy Explanation about why Fluttershy is amazing

Frappy posted on Aug 02, 2012 at 12:07PM
Already from the first episode on MLP:FiM Fluttershy made a great sucsess on the description.Why she is so cute? Most of people love that combination of her Pink hair style, and a yellow body.But,she isn't amazing only on the external part, but even in the emotions and feelings.She's Kind and Shy,sometimes even a bit stressed.Now look at this picture.What are your feelings if you're a fan of her?
 Already from the first episode on MLP:FiM Fluttershy made a great sucsess on the description.Why she
last edited on Aug 02, 2012 at 12:08PM

Fluttershy 4 majibu

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zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita ricoiswsome said…
Run up to her, kiss her, and ask her out. ^_^
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita jrfoxwing said…
Walk along side her and get ourselves to be best friends. I would help her with the animals too! Oh and I would comfort her and if she felt sad or lonely, I would give her a gentle hug, a kiss on the cheek and a cookie! I would also ask her out on a date, get married and enjoy nature and it's creatures! Btw I have the same feelings she has, most of the time though. Also, if she was afraid, we would hug each other until ether I stand up for her or until we just well, idk cry Maybe...
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita glelsey said…
I think she's amazing for being so easy to relate to, personally.

I guess if I met her I would want to befriend her! Which could be really awkward, as we are both insanely shy. It's be worth it though, as we would probably get along well. We both get stressed quite a bit, we both love animals and we both hate being the centre of attention! Haha, maybe we'd just hang out somewhere with animals we can look after and not be bothered by anyone pestering us with unwanted attention.
zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita BellaW said…
She is totally just like me! <3