Gap Gap In-Store Playlists 1992-2006

mikebise posted on Aug 04, 2015 at 06:25PM
Working at Gap from 1992-2006, I really enjoyed so much of the music on the in-store CDs that played each month. I used to have almost ever month's playlists for all of those years but lost them in a move in 2006. I'm currently trying to reconstruct each month, some from surviving playlists, but also from my memory.

I have a blog dedicated to the Gap In-Store Playlists and I encourage anyone who has playlists from those years to please contact me. I'd love to get a copy and add it to the blog (and buy the songs on it that I do not have!).

Contact me at:

My Gap In-Store Playlists blog is at:

 Working at Gap from 1992-2006, I really enjoyed so much of the muziki on the in-store CDs that played

Gap No majibu