jibu swali hili

Gay upendo Swali

How can wewe be gay and have a homphobe for your best friend?!? I just don't get it! Don't wewe know the difference between a best friend and a worst enemy?!

Homophobes hate all gay men, men like me and you! That means if you're gay like wewe say, then they hate wewe too!! How can wewe have a best friend who hates wewe for what wewe really are and who can't accept wewe for being gay?! What kind of a gay man are wewe then? au even better: Are wewe a homophobe yourself au have wewe just turned straight out of a sudden? I really don't get it!
homophobe, not homphobe
superboy16 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Gay upendo Majibu

legend_of_roxas said:
Well, not saying that wewe should be best Marafiki au even just Marafiki with a homophobe, but I think instead of just shunning them wewe should get to know them and see why they think the way they do. If we could sit down and talk with them and understand why they view gay people in a negative light then maybe we can onyesha them that gays are not bad and are people, too.
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EgoMouse said:
Homophobes are people too.
People can change. So if we treat them normally, they may find gay men pretty normal too. We have to give them room to come to this conclusion. I enjoy giving a snarky response now and then to homophobes, but really, there's a ton of people out there, all with different personalities and interests. We're not going to get along with everyone, but we might as well try. Lets hate each other for not our sexuality, but for everything else xD
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