Ghost Hunters Club
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First I am a shabiki of these shows even though as wewe read this wewe will swali that.
They spend a great deal of money and are called kwa some experts but they use highly questionable methods in almost every case.
First they tell the investigators what to expect. wewe never do that if wewe want to verify something, wewe allow everyone to find what they do then compare to see if they match. This way wewe get accurate information and i would guess a lot less of the: "Did wewe see that?" When there is no way for us to see because the camera is always in the wrong place. There are cameras like those used...
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Kris Williams was named the 100th ranked Sexiest Woman Alive kwa Smartasses.Net on Thursday, March 17th 2011, when the online men's magazine revealed their everpopular who's who of the hottest women on the planet. 2011 marked the sixth annual mwaka for the increasingly maarufu Smartasses juu 100 Sexiest Women List, which comes out every St. Patrick's Day, to coincide with March Madness. For Williams, it was her sekunde mwaka on the list. Last mwaka she was ranked 82nd. For more, visit Smartasses.Net.
So Ghost Hunters is an amazing onyesha and I've never missed an episodes but I do have some questions...
First, who is Kris Williams? Is she just a publicity thing from SciFi? Cuz check it,link she has a imdb page that lists her uigizaji credits. So is she really on the team because she is interested in the paranormal au is it because she wants the attention to further her minimal career???
Also, I saw on the TAPS website that Mike Dion is listed as Director of TAPS, but have we seen him since the first season. And, it only has Jason listed as "founder" not lead investigator, Andy Andrews is listed as "lead investigator". So I'm wondering, what are the differences between TAPS and "Ghost Hunters"???
And for now the last is, was that Manson case for real??? I've seen so much stuff that debunks that case, so I'm wondering, what is up with that???
Anyway, thanks for kusoma and I'll get off my Soapbox now. If wewe have majibu please leave them. Thanks!