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"Hey, Black!" A blue female hedgehog yelled at a pure black male one.
"Hey, Moon!" He smiled.
A white rabbit ran by. Moon stared after it. Black followed her. She stared to run faster. The sungura, hare came to a hole in the ground. Moon saw it crawl in, she waited on black to get there. "Why'd wewe take off like that?" Black asked.
"I wanted to catch the sungura, hare that when in that hole." Moon smiled as she pointed to the hole. "We can crawl through it."
"Okay." Black got on all fours and stared to crawl through. Moon did the same. They stared to fall. Moon stared to scream. When the stopped moon landed on...
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Diamond Darksun Loves Everything Thats Blue, Because It's Her Favorit Colour
She Likes Red too because its the Colour of Love. And We All Know The 2. Reason it's blood
She Likes To Kill Her Brother (Because He's An Idiot), Likes To Drink Nitros Blood (Because It's Soo ''Taisty'')
Well, She Likes To Burn Terense and Terry (They're Twins)
Her Favorit Dinner/Meal/Breakfast Is Don Julios Cocking XD
She Is A Vampire who Dinks The Blood Of Other Wanyonya damu :P

OKay. She has a kid called Klaris and Her B-day is the 8th May 2011
Diamonds B-day is the 20th April 1994
Diamonds Best friend is Perl. he is a Wolffox...
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posted by Alisha13
I have a dream, where I can fly. My hops are my wings. Only because wewe left me , my moyo started to hurt. But one siku I will find wewe and onyesha wewe how much I missed you. I also will onyesha wewe how much wewe hurt me . Don't play with feelings, wewe only will hurt them. Don't try to make a person upendo you, it won't work. My dreams follow me everywhere I go and make me feel good. Because I feel good, I feel hope in that I will find wewe one siku and wewe will pay for the things wewe done to me. But don't fear that day, it may come later. wewe are the reason why I have a life, but don't be so sure that wewe will survive. I will leave wewe with your life for a time so use it. But give me one promise: Stay out of my sight till I take your life from you. Ha, ha, behold, the powers I hide are strong and I could easily kill you. Fear the nights shadows and never, I repeat: NEVER leave your room in Darkness
