jibu swali hili

Gossip Girl - vitabu VS onyesha Swali

Which couples are endgame in the books?

Anyone who has read the vitabu answer me, please.
Nate and Jenny?
Nate and Serena?
Nate and Vanessa?
Nate and Blair?
Chuck and Blair?
Chuck and Jenny
Chuck and Vanessa?
Dan and Serena?
Dan and Vanessa?
Dan and Blair?
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Gossip Girl - vitabu VS onyesha Majibu

mangie1995 said:
Well in the vitabu it mainly only really revolved around three central characters (Nate, Serena and Blair) I think both of them were in upendo with Nate and in the end he tells them he loves them both and goes to sail around the world with the caption so everyone sort of ended up single. :P
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