goths Club
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I was at the library. I was wearing my usual, black skirt, purple black striped tights, black sleevless blouse, choker, and samaki net gloves. A woman and three little kids were heading out of the maktaba with arms full of vitabu and i was heading in, so I held the door for her. She looked at me like I was diseased, she grabbed her kids and went through another door. I was sooo angry. I was like "lady, this is my life stile ok? Its not like Im mean au anyhting!"

Oh yeah, almost forgot! My boyfriend took me out on a tarehe and we bumped into one of his friends, who laughed at us! Then the inayofuata siku he dumped me, alisema his friend called me a freak for dating me.
posted by DriftingSpirit
THE keeper of the crypt, a guard of his living tomb;
FROM one corner to the other, alone, in his unholy room...
INSIDE a Pharohs' grave, a scaarob, the mummies sacramental bettle;
TO ride upon a camels back to reach Heaven, through the Eye of the Needle...
NOW to live in the Kingdom of GOD, is our lifes hope;
A skeptic of religion, the scolar dancing high above on a fragile tightrope...
HE gazzes upon Heaven, although his road leads straight through Hell;
THE black cat crosses his path, the clock in the tower rings its thirteenth bell...
ONES life it would seem, is filled with conjure, magical...
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