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posted by Dragonclaws
"A hero is zaidi than a person, a hero is a belief. A belief that, against impossible odds, the world can be saved—and that the world is still worth saving. Heroes inspire that belief in us. They renew our faith and give us that most precious of all gifts—hope. The world needs heroes. That's why, when a true hero arrives, the world will honor him." --Thus states Xbox.com's Halo 3 site as part of the "Believe" promotional campaign. It references a scene in Halo 2 in which Avery Johnson tells John-117 to put on a onyesha for the cameras at the awards ceremony, "Folks need heroes, Chief, to give...
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posted by Dragonclaws
 A District 9 alien and an Elite
A District 9 alien and an Elite
The movie District 9 is a science-fiction movie directed kwa Neill Blomkamp and produced kwa Peter Jackson. Why is this relevant? Well, before the Halo film was put on indefinite hold, Peter Jackson was to be the executive producer and Neill Blomkamp was to be director. Once fox, mbweha and Universal pulled out, the two began work on District 9. So, with no Halo movie to see, I consider District 9 a look at what the Halo film would have been.

First of all, it should be noted that while no actual movie was made, there were live-action shorts used to promote Halo 3. These may be a closer look at a Halo...
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 343 Guilty Spark
343 Guilty Spark
Halo CEA Terminals

Terminal#1: Level Pillar of Autumn
Location= On the bridge. At the open COM desk, the screen will be flashing “Incoming Message”.
Terminal#2: Level Halo
Location= Inside the Forerunner cave/tunnel. The terminal will be before wewe get to the ramp where wewe have to jump the small gap with the Warthog.
Terminal#3: Level The Truth and Reconciliation
Location= In the command center of the ship up the ramp where the Elite Zealot with the sword is. It will be flashing in front of your face when wewe get to the juu of the ramp. I’m not talking about the barakinya, brig where Captain Keyes is...
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posted by Dusty12345
Halo is the best game ever invented. At first I was pretty sure the game would suck. Now that I've played it I can't get enough of it. My friend introduced it to me once at his house. We defeated Halo 3 together. I couldn't believe the graphics. They were amazing. I loved the story and the three struggling powers. The UNSC are the ones who keep peace, the covenant wants to destroy the universe using the Halo ring, and the flood are an evil parasite that wants to infect everyone and turn them into squid like zombies. It really sparks the imagination of all that play the game. This isn't for sure, but a Halo movie is supposed to come out between 2011 and 2013. It was originally supposed to come out in 2008, but the director quit and Steven Spielberg recently picked it up. If this is true, I can't wait.
posted by hagrf1000
Hello fellow halo mashabiki and in this makala I'm gonna tell wewe guys about two tricks.(Do not criticize me for my bad grammar)

So wewe know how the railgun has no scope therefore makes it harder to moto at long range right? Well if wewe scope in while charging your railgun wewe can use that as a scope!! Another thing about that is that when the railgun shot fires it scopes out but that not in a big deal anyway.

In forge mode wewe can make gravity fields. If wewe place two au three gravity fields inside each other wewe can basically float up with vehicles it's pretty fun but this actually serves another purpose if wewe manage to get a ghost au a wraith inside the field and make it straight your vehicle will treat the juu of the gravity field as a solid suface!! So baisically wewe can make a flying tank au ghost. I hope that wewe guys enjoyed this little tricks.
Please leave in the maoni below what wewe think.
Halo is simply the best game i've ever played. I remember, when i was little, i would play Combat Evolved at my neighbours', thinking it was the best game ever.
Then, i got my own Xbox and bought Halo 2.
"Dad, dad, it's that game, the one i used to play everyday when i was little!" He bought it.
I was so happy! I completed the game, obviously, and played it every siku with my friends, on multiplayer. Best game, Halo 2..best game.
Then Halo 3 came out and i enjoyed Forge mode alot, as well as the magnificent campaign (obviously).
Halo Reach is being the best experience ever. I'm loving it.

Halo...I Mean, Dude, It's HALO...no words to describe.
posted by Dragonclaws
Not only the desire for power, but the passionate hunger and struggle to become something better than others, ascending to a high level, is a theme in Bungie’s awali game series Marathon. In many ways, Halo is considered Marathon’s spiritual sequel, and they share many similarities. Although portrayed in some different ways, this theme is definitely present in Halo.

The most obvious instance of this desire to become a being of power is in the Covenant’s religion. The Covenant’s entire purpose is based upon belief in the ‘Great Journey’, a process that transforms mortals into deities....
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    The Halo Essential Visual Guide is a very informative and well written place to go to find information on most in game content. The guide was written kwa Jeremy Patenaude and published kwa DK publishing. And of course we have acknowledge 343 industries. The guide covers mostly all the content in the games like the characters, weapons, vehicles, foes, and zaidi in a very blunt, but informative way. For example, if wewe are kusoma about the DMR, it will tell wewe what caliber the gun uses, what branch of the UNSC the gun is used in, the capacity of the clip, what rates of...
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posted by PePs95
Recently i've discovered a new set of abilities that players can acquire when enjoying Reach on multiplayer. That ability is called Le Parkour (Free Running).
     Yes, Le Parkour is a sport in real life that involves extreme use of the body and mind, to overcome obstacles. These obstacles are solid and real, for example: high walls, gaps on the floor, mitaani, mtaa objects, anything. It is practiced everywhere in the world and is pretty similar to what ninjas do. People savour the sport's sense of freedom and the capability of reaching places and doing things one wouldn't normally do.
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posted by Dragonclaws
 Minister Dunn relates the truth as he would like people to see it.
Minister Dunn relates the truth as he would like people to see it.
Every work of fiction with sufficient content carries within it the political maoni of the author, whether as a straight political commentary with an intended message, au as a simple story unintentionally affected kwa the author’s viewpoints. Everybody thinks about the world in a particular way, and these viewpoints are naturally expressed in the formulation of a story. It can be questioned if there is a political message in the Halo series, but I believe the subject is worth some analysis. After all, there are contemporary political issues portrayed in the story, and even if no statement...
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As a late tribute to 7 years of Halo 2, I wrote this makala telling how to get the Golden Warthog. I was also going to tell how to get the scarab gun and all the skulls, but the computer is messing up with posting hyperlinks and such. I hope these instructions help wewe out. The Golden Warthog is very easy to get. It is not what wewe are thinking. It’s not a dhahabu Warthog, but an invincible Warthog. The Warthog has dramatically zaidi ramming power than a standard Hog. wewe can kill a ghost kwa barely ramming it. I don’t know if the turret does zaidi damage au not. The Warthog will still take...
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 A blood-violet hall of death.
A blood-violet hall of death.
The Covenant have a set of military aesthetics quite alien to us. The UNSC is the main faction with which the player identifies, and so represents what is essentially our (or at least American) perception of how a strong military force should look. The UNSC has the standard set of aesthetics familiar to us: mizeituni, mzeituni drab camouflage, tight quarters, everything existing for the sole purpose of functionality without room for much else. The Covenant, on the other hand, make room for spiritual aesthetics and comfortable empty space, in addition using a wide variety of colors we would tend to consider...
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posted by Dragonclaws
The Halo series, as awesome as it is (pardon my fanboy bias), has been criticized kwa various people for perceived weaknesses. While there’s not much I can say regarding gameplay issues besides “to each their own,” one thing that sticks out at me is the supposed anti-Christian au generally anti-religious message some see in the games. As an atheist, I have no real problem with the opposition of religion in fiction, but I would have to say that the Halo series is neither very atheistic nor anti-Christian in its message. While the story may depict a godless world, the plot itself appears...
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posted by Gricle
This has been irking me for a while. I really want Halo to last forever. It is one of the most successful series of all time in my opinion. I mean Halo has everything. Games, books, comics, a movie and zaidi on the way, and all kinds of other things like figures, posters, and many many zaidi accesories. I think Halo is basicaly up there with nyota wars. If wewe look in the instruction book for Halo CEA, it basicaly says that that game is just a taste of what is coming in the inayofuata 10 years. So there might at least be another decade of Halo. But maybe it will end up like nyota Wars, au Final Fantasy, au Resident Evil, au whatever and keep on going for years and years. I think if wewe are a true hardcore Halo fan, wewe fill the same as I do. POWER TO THE HALOVERSE!!!
A little story I'm gonna make up about the war between the Red and Blue,the origin behind it. And about two surviving spartans from the war,that want to finish the battle,once and for all. It's bata vs Goose!

Name: Hank Diehard.
Callsign: Duck
Spartan #: 101
Color: Red
Armor: C.Q.B
Helmet: C.Q.B
Favorite weapon: The Battle Rifle.
Motto: "Screw Land,I got the air on my side!"
Favorite vehical: Hornet.
Age: 26.
Favorite Grenade: Frag.

Description: As the war between the Red and Blue Spartans raged,Hank was pretty much the guy in the mavu, hornet that would kill wewe and your team if wewe think about it. He is practicly...
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posted by Dragonclaws
Halo's AIs are often intelligent beings similar to humans. As such, we tend to anthropomorphize them to some degree, and it's often unclear how similar they really are to humans and how much they are computer programs that can't be considered in the same way as we would human people. One of the uncertain issues is the aspect of gender. Can an AI have a gender? If so, how is it defined?

First of all, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what gender is, as the word is often incorrectly used interchangeably with “sex.” A sex is a biological distinction referring to physical...
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