Harry et Hermione Club
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added by iceprincess7492
Source: tumblr
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made kwa me - flowerdrop
added by koolamelia
credited - FAMKE4
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Emma Watson
Daniel Radcliff
deathly hallows
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Emma Watson
Daniel Radcliff
shabiki video
added by detty4ever
Source: Harry and Hermione @ tumblr
added by PamPotter
 Forget Ginny Weasley - Hermione is the one for Harry!
Forget Ginny Weasley - Hermione is the one for Harry!
Harry and Ginny are like James and Lily? Certainly not!

All Harinny supporters upendo to tell us how Harry and Ginny are a replica of James and Lily.
“Ginny and Lily share common traits” they say. Ask them to onyesha a orodha of evidences – wewe wont find anything beyond “Both have red hair.”
Oh wow! What a big proof! Now this is why Ginny is Harry’s soulmate – she has red hair. So hair colour is enough to make her Lily? Hermione can dye her hair red guys – don’t forget that there is a whole range of colour dyes available. LOL!

Hermione is the one who is zaidi like...
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added by Dean-girlx
Source: dracosallegiance.tumblr.com/
added by Yuki_7
Source: Tumblr
added by BruCaS_LoVE
Source: tumblr.com
added by shmoony
added by itsnaddia
added by SilverPatronus
added by -Harmony-
Source: Tumblr
added by Harmony_234
Source: Devianart and Facebook
Hello my fellow Harmony shippers and all others open to different ideas. A few words about myself first, I used to be a Draco/Hermione shipper and anti-Ginny/Harry. Recently I moved on to Ginny/Draco and I started shipping Harry and Hermione. How I started shipping Harry and Hermione deserves a brief explanation, as well. My friend and I were talking about the vitabu one night. We were discussing romance in the novels and agreed that we only felt“it“, oddly, with Lucius and Narcissa in the last book. We always thought Draco's dad was a cold and perhaps a zaidi patriarchal sort than he turned...
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added by flowerdrop
Source: Made kwa me - flowerdrop
added by BruCaS_LoVE
Source: tumblr.com