Jack Kesy steps into Hellboy’s horns as he confronts nightmarish creatures and a sinister force lurking in the hills. The latest rendition to the franchise, Hellboy: The Crooked Man is set against the spine-chilling backdrop of 1950...
Coming This Fall...From the visionary director, writer, and producer Brian Taylor, this film brings a chilling tale of survival against the forces of darkness. Set in the 1950s, rookie BPRD agent Bobbie Jo Song finds herself in a dire situation...
Hellboy: The Crooked Man takes us to 1950s Appalachia where Hellboy (Jack Kesy) and rookie BRPD agent Bobbie Jo Song (Adeline Rudolph) investigate the sinister Crooked Man. Kesy is the third iteration of Hellboy, who has been portrayed kwa Ron Perlman