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Hetalia: Nordic Countries Which Nordic is cuter?

22 fans picked:
** ALL OF THEM !!!!!!! : D **
**ALL OF THEM !!!!!!! :D **
Iceland : 3
Iceland :3
Finland : 3
Finland :3
Norway : 3
Norway :3
Swedan : 3
Swedan :3
Denmark : 3
Denmark :3
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no votes yet
 momijikun posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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** ALL OF THEM !!!!!!! : D **
Aph-Finland picked **ALL OF THEM !!!!!!! :D **:
except Denmark... bc why not? the air does not like him, like the air said in that 1 episode.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Iceland : 3
praisethedoitsu picked Iceland :3:
Sweden is fabulous, Norway is magical, Denmark is awesome, Finland is hardcore, but Iceland is KAWAIIIIIIII
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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** ALL OF THEM !!!!!!! : D **
Aph-Finland picked **ALL OF THEM !!!!!!! :D **:
Praisethedoisu and Iceland sitting in a tree ^w^ i had to
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.