Jordan Jansen Club
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posted by Beatit
Even at twelve years old, Jordan Jansen is keenly aware of the effect his imba has on others. He sees the joy his angelic soprano brings to their faces and the warmth it ignites in their hearts, and while this down-to-earth young Aussie keeps a level head about his talent and rapidly rising fame, it is the joy his imba brings to others that makes him upendo what he does.

“When I sing, I like to look around and see people with smiles on their faces,” Jordan says. “It makes me happy.”

Jordan was a typical child, riding his scooter through the streets of Queensland with his friends...
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posted by sophiasy
jordan jansen is mostly everyone who knows about hims fan. he from asstrlia and has ayoutube and a keek dont forget a face book!!
hes one of the best singer in the world in my opion. but hes got some compition...... Ronan Parke, justun beiber, matty b, and others. all girl magnets they all got bads and goods. but jordan always trys to onyesha his good has a great voice out of all of them the best and shows his best 4 the world
(he also says mum and has a lady gaga poster!)
. - sophiasy
follow me on keek an on fanpop!!1 and follow jordan!!!