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Keyblade society roleplay (plese click on this link to begin)



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Starring said:
Isaac woke on the dusty, gray ground. As he got up he looked around at the ruins surrounding him. He was now in a much different world.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Kira wakes up on the green grass and looks around him. He was the middle of nowhere and Roal wasn't there with him. He was alone and he shakes his head.

"Oh boy what happened?", asks Kira as he fixes his light brown hair.

He stands up and fixes the jacket that Leon gave him after the War of Hearts and he finally got his true form back. He was known as a young man named Charlie but now he's back to Kira.

Kira starts walking and did not know that he was about to meet someone different than Roal.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra woke up in a rather unusual place. Where am I now? she thought, knowing that darkness takes her to all kinds of places now that she was her true self. After all, darkness is unpredictable, and she ends up in random places at random times in order to fix the balance between darkness and light in certain places. Man, this job is tough... I'm glad I said my goodbye to everyone at the end of things, knowing that I'm going to be constantly at different places like this. I hope everyone is doing okay back at home... that sure was one heck of a fight...
Darkra rose up and dusted her black outfit and combed her fingers through her silver-white hair. "I'd better get the job done here and move on," she said, then sighed, feeling a bit lonely that she was alone all the time. She walked into what looked like an ancient hall, but were now ruins.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Isaac began to examine the ruins. He wondered if this is what happened to his friend who had disappeared from Kaladia.

"If he's here, I'll find him." He thought to himself. His thoughts of figuring out where he was changed to thoughts of trying to find a long lost friend.

As Isaac walked through the ruins he heard someone talking from a short distance away. "Oh boy what happened?" he heard the stranger say to himself.

Isaac slowly came in closer with one hand on the handle of his sword. He stood behind a wall blocking himself from Kira's sight and listened carefully to try and gather more information before making a move.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Kira looks around as he heard movements around the ruins of Disney Castle. He summoned the Forgotten Keyblade and continues walking up to the Courtyard.

Then he saw a shadow and he turns around and sees Issac.

"Who are you?!", asks Kira as he points his keyblade towards him.

The only person that he trust other than his sister Fantasia was Roal. He holds the keyblade up to his chest.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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K5-HOWL said:
A young girl walked through the ruins of a castle alone, She wore pink shorts and shirt, a white cloak, and a black mask that had no holes for eyes
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
"It's against proper Etiquette to ask for one's name without giving yours first." Isaac replied to Kira with his sword held ready to counter an attack.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra heard movement in the darkness and decided to investigate. She neared a place where two people were standing tense, as if ready to fight, but in the thick darkness, it was hard to see who they were. I guess I'll cloak myself and move from here, at least hear their conversation and see if they're good or bad... She thought as she melted into the darkness using her powers and drifted silently closer, staying behind a large pillar.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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What the earth was this guy talking about? He held his keyblade closer to the stranger's neck.

"I am Kira, King of the Forgotten!", yells Kira as he holds the Forgotten Keyblade to the strangers neck. "And who are you?"

He tries to keep his anger away from his judgment but being a young man named "Charlie" for a year and a half had changed him a lot his hair used to be short but now it's long and spiky like Leon's and he wears the old clothes that Leon gave him after he was free from his Shadow-self.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Darkra was now close enough to hear them.

"Hmph, fair enough. My name is Isaac." He replied, "Don't test me. I am not interested in a fight, but I will not hold back if you choose to start one." Isaac said as if unaffected by the circumstances.

Isaac's attention wandered for a second from Kira toward a Pillar near by before his eyes came back in contact with Kira's.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Hmm... so it seems they are good after all, and that one - Isaac - seems to sense me, I'd better reveal myself... Darkra thought, and so she looked around the pillar at the two, and when she saw Kira (who had been one of her friends when he was Charlie) she gasped, coming out of her cloak after losing concentration. She stepped around the pillar.

"Kira...?" she whispered, hardly believing it was him, after all, the last time she saw him was a long time ago in the Forgotten City.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Isaac looked at Darkra and stepped back from Kira. "A friend of yours?" He asked Kira, his sword still held ready in his hand but his eyes were fixed on Darkra.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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When He saw Darkra he knew that she was once Serenna. She seemed like she never aged at all like he never aged at all.

"Darkra? It's me Kira but I was a young man named Charlie.", said Kira as he showed his keyblade.

It's been 200 years in Human Time since he saw Darkra in her true form. And the last time he saw her was when he and his twin brother Light was fighting in The Forgotten City.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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K5-HOWL said:
(Awwwz that must suck 200years? psssh sorry i forgot about this rp)
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Gemini sits on a hilltop meditating. he senses others in the castle.

"I wonder if they know what they're getting into?" "And who they have to deal with?" he thinks to himself as he runs toward the castle.

as he enters the foyer he whispers "where are they?"

He pulls out his keyblade to prepare for a possible fight.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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(Kira and other Forgottens ages very slowly)
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Gemini walked through the castle only to find three people.

"they look harmless" he thought "but i wont let my guard down based on appearances."

he walks toward them. "who are you and why are you here?" he asks them all.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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When he heard someone asking who he was he turns around and sees Gemini.

"I am Kira, King of the Forgotten and this is Darkra a friend of mine." said Kira as he points at Darkra.

He tries to summon his keyblade but it wouldn't appear.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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K5-HOWL said:
(@Hidden I meant how u guys didnt see eachother for 200years 3:)
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
"Yet again..." Isaac thought to himself. "My name is Isaac. As for why I'm here, it was not by choice that I came." He replied to Gemini. "I'm only interested in finding a friend of mine and leaving this place." Isaac said.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Kira looks at Issac and decided to see if he was telling the truth. He puts his hand on Issac's shoulder and starts to see all of the memories of him and Raol in a different world.

He let's go and collapsed to the ground.

"You? You know Raol?", asks Kira as he gets up.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Raol? Darkra thought, running to help Kira up off the ground. It's been so long since I've seen everyone, but why is Kira here? Darkra studied both Isaac and Gemini, she wondered if Gemini lived in this place, and if so, maybe he could tell her more about it so she can balance things out between the darkness and light.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Isaac quickly jerked his head and looked down at Kira. "And just how do you know that!?" Isaac shouted in a hasty reply to him.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Kira looked at Issac and walks up to him. "I was friends with him for a long time."

Kira walks up to Gemini and looks at him carefully. He was able to feel great power from him. Was it him that summoned him to come to the ruins?

"I didn't come here on purpose, it just happened.", said Kira as he tries to summon his keyblade again.

What's happening? A minute ago he had it but now he can't? What was happening? Did Gemini do something to him?
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
"You...were friends?" Isaac said while looking away from Kira. He now seemed calm and grew quite. Isaac looked back up at the group but remained silent.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Something fishy is going on here... Darkra thought to herself, still studying everyone.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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K5-HOWL said:
(I forgot again >.<)
The young girl walked up to the pillars were everyone was.
She was still unsure of herself, she like always. She didnt remember but did.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
A boy is seen running through the ruins as stealthy as possible. He holds a mysterious keyblade known as the Two Become One key blade. He wears a green short sleece shirt underneth a blue vest. He weres red cackys and green shoes. Blue gloves can be seen on his hands. He sees the group of people. "They are not human. Grand father what should I do?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Owowowow!" a young man sits up, rubbing his head. he takes a look around. "So... this is Kingdom Hearts? thought it looked different." he stood up and held out his hand. nothing happened. he frowned. he held up his hands and stared at them. on them were black fingerless gloves. tendrils of darkness creep out of them.
"Who am I?" he mutters. Louder. "Who am I?" the third time, he shouts it out at the sky. "WHO AM I?!?!" finally a word floats to him from his mind; Chaos. he grabbed the word in his head. Realizing it was the only thing he could remember, he made it his name. with a nod, he stands up. heading a commotion further into the area, he thinks, 'Well, maybe they know who i am."
As he walks up to them, he sees faces. Faces he knows he should know, but can't place. At the edge of his vision, he sees someone attempting to sneak up on the people gathered. he desided to call over to him. "Ya know, it's kinda hard to sneak up on someone when you dress like you're colorblind!" The boy jumps.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Roxas1314 said:
A dark portal opened above the ruins of the castle. "Uh-oh" Yami said as she fell head-first into a pile of junk near the few people there. She looked up "I hate when I don't hit my target...sorry to bother." She stood and wiped dust from herself. "So, uh...I am Yami. Where am I exactly?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
There was a large dark portal swirling in the sky over his head. A figure dropped from it and landed face first in front of him. It was Yami, a girl he had known for a long time, and the only person he knew in the ruins. He looked over at her with his usual emotionless expression and replied to her, " what used to be Disney castle, I suppose, but I can't tell you who those people are."he pointed twards the group. Then for a moment he seemed to be looking straight into her" I haven't seen you In a while, how are you?" He looked away for a moment to look at the other group again, woundering how they all got there, and then back at Yami.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
"I'm great. Disney? Castle? never heard of it. So, should we introduce ourselves to them? And how are you?" She stood and looked at him. She smiled. She was tired of searching...maybe he could help...
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra looked at the two with her eyes wide. So there's even more people here than I thought... "Um, hello," Darkra said to the two after sensing two others somewhere in the Castle ruins.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
"fine" he wasn't really paying attention to her now. He had turned his head in another direction and his expression changed to confused."there are others?" he said under his breath," and some are not human?" While he thought he failed to relize he had completely spaced out his friend, who was more confused than him.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
"Hello." She noticed her spacing friend "Duude...hmm. Ok." Yami looked at Darkra "I'm Yami. I like your style with Darkness. I always try my best."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Oh crap I'm caught. Blaze had never seen this person beforebut he quicklymoved and kicked him in the stomach andpulled out his keyblade. "What do you want from me?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain doubled over. "Ow. that hur..." As soon as the boy came closer, he recognised him. A name popped into his head. "BLAZE?!" he shook his head. the blaze he could see in his head looked alot like the Blaze in front of him, but they were not the same. another word popped in his head. "Kid, did you ever hear of the War of Hearts?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
? (How does he now of the War of Hearts) "Yeah I know of it. My grandfather fought in it. He said he fought by some good people. Alas he passed three years ago. He gave ,me his keyblade as inheritance. Who are you?
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"I... i think my name is Chaos. all i remember is that, but maybe it's a title. well, that, a blade that looks like a key called Ragnarok, which was supposed to unlock some place called Kingdom Hearts, and these gloves can control shadows." After he finished talking, he moved his hair behind his ears. Blaze's eyes widdened. His grandfather had told him of those who fought in the war with him, one of those being a man whose right eye was pure onyx. Blaze stared deep into that eye and said, "I know who you are."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Um, thank you..." Darkra studied the girl named Yami and the other one before turning back to face Yami and she smiled at the girl. "My name is Darkra."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
" name Darkra." Yami looked at her friend "Dude, are you still in there? Ah, nevermind." Yami looked back at Darkra " So, why are so many people here? Most of us have Keyblades. My mom used to tell me about Keybladers gathering. Then that monster took their lives..." She looked at her hands. Her left glowed a bit before her Keyblade appeared randomly. "Oh, stop it! there isn't a threat here..."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra saw Yami summon her Keyblade accidentally. Wow, I can sense that she has some major hidden talent... Darkra thought to herself. "Thank you. And I'm not sure why there are so many people here, that's what we're trying to figure out. We all just sort of ended up here," Darkra murmured, more to herself, but then she smiled back at Yami. "See him?" she pointed to Charlie, who was Kira now and Yami nodded. "We go way back, and I haven't seen him in a very long time since we helped each other out..." Darkra spaced out, remembering their adventure, but then quickly came back to the present. "Anyway, this is sort of like a reunion for us." She said, and then she stared at Isaac who has some connection to her old friend, Raol. She would mention him when they got this situation over.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Axel1313 said:
He finnaly snapped back to what was happening right in front of him,"Huh?! Who're you?" (He tried not to look to clueless)
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra smiled, "I'm Darkra, and you are?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
"Taichi Utsuro" he replied and bowed curtiously to her" It is a pleasure to meet you," he looked around the ruins again" do you have any idea why we're even here? or how I even got here? All I really remember is waking up in a pile of rubble, whith my blade marking where I was, the rest is just blank."He looked back at Yami who was trying to stop her keyblade from summoning" I can barely even remember my friend, or where I came from."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"You.. you know me?" Cain asked, shocked.
Blaze opened his mouth for a second, then shook his head. he wasn't sure yet.
Cain shorted. "Whatever. if you want to tell me, tell me later." with that, he ran up to the main group of people right as Taichi introduced himself.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra nodded at him. "The pleasure's all mine, and I'm not really sure why we're all here... I think I was summoned here to do my job, fix the balance between the dark and light. And Kira, my friend," She pointed to the same guy from before. "Can help you with your memories, he's really good at that." She said, remembering how him and her other friend, Blaze, helped her remember her lost memories that Slade stole from her when she was Serenna. But then someone ran up to them suddenly, and she instantly recognized him. "What? No... it can't be..." She took a step towards him. "Cain?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Serenna?" Cain asked. the next second he was wondering how he knew her. "How do you know me?" he flexed his hands, feeling shadows gather around them. If this was going to turn into a fight, he wanted to be ready.
"We're friends!" Serenna answered. "But... my name's not Serenna, it's Dakra. Don't you remember anything?" Cain was completely shocked; someone who was willing to give a straight answer!
"I... I'm sorry. i don't remember anything." Dakra frowned. Cain saw it and figured the explanation would be very complicated. "Do you remember the War of Hearts?" she asked.
"Just the name, a Keyblade called Ragnarok, and some place called Kingdom Hearts."
Darkra sighed. It was time to try to call out those memories.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze begins to walk forward seeing all of the different people. (Who are they?) Darkra looks at the boy. "Blaze? Is that you." Blaze just begins to just flip out a little. "HOW DO YOU GUYS KNOW MY NAME?!
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami tried getting rid of her Keyblade " C'mon, there aren't any Heartless near here!" She looked at her friend again, he was thinking about something "Hey, Taichi. How have you been?" Yami looked back at Darkra "Did our Keyblades summon us here?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Cain looked at his left hand. it was starting to pulse, and everyone could see the outline of a keyblade. It was mainly made out of bone, with the teeth looking like scythe blades. throughout the bone, there were pulsing veins, red and black. "Ragnarok." Cain said, not knowing how he knew. "The final key.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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She looked at Yami first. "I'm not really sure how we got here," And then she looked up at Blaze. "And, sorry, you just REALLY resemble an old friend of mine... his name was Blaze too, and we fought together, along with him." She pointed to Cain. What happened to their memories? What is going on here? I fear my job here may be far more than I first expected...
Darkra examined Cain's hand, feeling a sense of Deja Vu.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami looked on in awe and total interest. She then realized she had summoned her Keyblade as well. A Shadow spawned from the ground and she killed it as quickly as it came. "Stay out of here." She looked at her Keyblade. It seemed to be smiling at her, she looked at Blaze for a second before getting hit on the head with a rock and falling to her knees. "Ow!" A piece of the ceiling above smacked her head as it fell. "Ittai nanina nda?" She touched her lips " Did I just speak another language?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
Taichi felt his own blade, it was unlike their's.It wasn't a keyblade.He looked at Cain who had just joined them and watched as him and Darkra talked he let them be. Then he heard Yami speak in another language and he was very puzzled by it, " When did you learn that?!"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Son of a..." Cain muttered under his breath, staring, eyes wide open, at Yami. "Where did you learn Kage supichi?" "What?" Yami asked.
"Shadow speach." Cain answered, shocked. "I know it because... OW!" Cain held his head. he felt like there was a barrier in his head that was falling apart. with one mental shove, it collapsed, allowing a flood of memories to enter his head. He remembered his full name, Cain Shadowbreath, and his title, Cain of Chaos, given to him by Charlie, who became Kira, seconds before being pulled backwards into a Shadowgate only he could see. he held out his hand. he remembered how to call Ragnarok; rage of blood. he thought back to when his family, the royal family in Atlantica, were all being hurt, attacked, or targeted by long-dead foes. Ragnarok appeared in a quick burst of shadow, giving off the aura that it was pissed it took him that long to remember. "Sorry, my friend." Cain wispered. he looked at Yami. Thank you. What you just said was the key to unlock my memories."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
"But, did I know it?" She looked at him. "Nani ga kotae wade...Itsu watashi wa itte?...Dare mo watashi o rikai shite imasu ka?! What did I just say? I can't translate my own speech patterns..." Her Keyblade glowed brightly before engulfing itself in Darkness and transforming into another Keyblade. "Whoa..." She stared at it...
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra was shocked at her new friend, Yami. "So you remember everything now?" she asked Cain.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze looked at everyone over and over. (Man these women are really weird. But they make up for it in looks.) HIs face becomes red as he stares at them. (Great Grandpa told me it's not polite to stare. But I can't help it.)
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Isaac looked towards the others. "Can any of you tell me where Raol is?"

Raol had been with them during the War of Hearts, but had disappeared from their team along the way. No one had heard from him since...except Kira. After Raol's disappearance, Kira found a necklace that had belonged to Raol. Tied to it was a note that said "Search not".
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
"Yami, are you alright?" he looked at the new keyblade that had appeared. His head began to ache and things started to go black he felt dizzy so he leaned against a section of the wall.A word popped into his head ( brotherhood) several blurry memories flashed in his mind only making him even more dizzy"uughh....."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain looked at Dakra. "Yeah, I remember everything. Do you remember when i disapeared?"
"Yeah. Kira and i looked for you. we never gave up. we knew that you were alive!" Dakra answered, full of emotion.
"The only reason that i am is because... this gets a bit wierd... I was dragged through a Shadowgate. i tried to tell you guys it was there! for me, it only happened minutes ago. i was given my title Chaos," at this he smiled. Cain's specialty was in creating chaos, so it was only fitting. "Then i was dragged into the gate and was dropped on my head here." he turned to Yami. "Kage supichi is the language of the Shadows with enough intelegence to talk. i learned it because i was reised in the Underworld with Hades."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
"I've only known one language my whole life, and this one encounter with all of the people here has left me without an explanation for my knowing that." She said, thinking about all of it. The Keyblade she was currently holding spoke to her in crystal clear pronunciation "Kill, kill, kill until you cannot drink anymore sorrow, or eat anymore anger...kill, kill, kill when everyone's pain is your burden destroy yourself and dive into Oblivion to be devoured by those you've injured...time will be your eternal friend, because eternity is the price a monster like you pays in its hell after death...kill, kill, kill...look how I Shine with Blood..." She dropped it and sat down next to her friend. She gathered her breath and managed to gasp "That's the one, the one that killed my family! BloodShine..." She kicked the Keyblade away. It dissolved, and Yami looked at her hands...she summoned her was the same one. She threw it away again. "I hate that thing!"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
Taichi glanced down at her, the ground seemed to spin so he sliid down the wall to sit with her" that keyblade, I sence a great evil from it" In his head he heard Bane ask him,'blood!? she is greatly troubled by that darkness my leige, shall we end her suffering? maybe it will bring back your memories if you taste such pure darkness?'He grabbed his head and pulled his knees to his chest"NO!" he shouted then in almost a whisper he replied,"she's our friend!How could you say that!" 'I only repeated what your heart told me' He unsheathed Bane and stuck it in the ground beside him."Impossible, I have no heart."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze moves over to Issac. "Well I did hear that Raol was moving quickly across worlds from my grandfather. He said he ran into him only once after the war of hearts."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
She looked up at him in horror. "Are you haunted? No heart hmm? I have Half of one...not even mine."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Well, i'm suprised that he had a family. i never thought that he was the type to settle down." Cain said, before turning back to Yami. "Here; take this." he said, taking a shattered horn out of his pouch. "What good wil it do?" Yami wailed, horrified by everything. "They will stop the shadows. I know. they were my horns." Cain responds, moving his hair out of the way. Yami and Taichi looked at him in shock; on his head were stumps of the same blackness and tecture of the foot-long horns in his hands. "What... what are you?" Yami asks.
"I am also part shadow. I am a Tiefling; a half-demon, a Decenent of the first Shadow. I am also a demi-god; my mother was Athena." he motioned to the horns. "These can stop the shadows." Yami went to take one, but Cain yanked his hands away. "Everyone, back up. This ain't gonna be pretty." he warned the others. loking back to Yami, he smiled. "You yourself told me what to do." drawing a deep breath, he shouted "Ittai nanina nda!", stabbing both horns into her shadow. as he said the results were not pretty. Yami shook and screamed her pain, black blood leaking from the keyblade and her shadow, until the blade was as it had been. "Sorry for the pain." Cain wispers in her ear before she passes out.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Isaac turned his attention to Blaze with a slightly puzzled look on his face. "Moving across worlds?" Isaac paused for a moment and thought. So much had happened in such a short amount of time that it was hard for it to all sink in.
His eyes glanced down for a moment then he looked back at Blaze. "Then I take it no one knows his exact location."
Kira looked at Blaze and Isaac, but did not say a word about it.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Starring said:
Then Cain warned everyone to get back. Isaac stepped away from the others then heard Yami scream in pain. He gripped his sword in his hand as he looked at the black blood leaking out from the Keyblade and shadow.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami cried as the pain seeped into her body. "How is this going to help?" She thought in her mind...then everything faded and she was out cold. She saw her Awakening below and landed softly on it as she looked down then back up again. "Why am I here?" She fell back on the Station and slept again.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
"Yami?" He shot up and grabbed Cain he gripped bane so tightly his knuckles whent white,"what did you do to her?!" he raised his sword up to his neck" I will not allow you to harm my friend" Dark tendrills swirled around him, his eyes whent the brightest crimson and bane glowed with darkness" not while I'm still alive."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze just looks at the two. I wonder what happened to the corner stone of light? Blaze proceeded to go to the basment of the castle. Not knowing if he was going to be attacked.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami opened her eyes a bit as her hair turned from a long curly black to longer silver/platinum and pin straight. Her eyes turn Blue green and red, like mako had been injected into her. She looked at her friend and smiled. "Where will my Darkness go after this?" Yami wondered as her eyes closed again...
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Shadows flared from Cain. "I did not hurt her. all i did was throw the Shadows from her mind." Ragnarok also apeared in his hand, Scythe blades dimpling Taichi's throat. "If it's a Shadowdeath you want, don't chalange me. you will fall." ripping away from him, Cain made Ragnarok vanish, instead pulling on his Shadowfist gloves. "But if you want, i will make your last minute painless before... Sga dnesh oevrta!" Cain broke off, holding his head for a second before pulling out the horns again. the blood was leaking from them. he slamed them into the sunfilled light, the blood disintegrated. Both Cain and Taichi felt the darkness and lust for battle fade.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Darkra decided to stay back, she knew what Cain was doing. But from the corner of her eye she saw the guy named Blaze start walking away from the group. I wonder where he's going? she thought, looking back at the others, she shrugged while following Blaze. "Well, I do have a responsibility here, might as well get it done." She said to herself, going into the darkness of the ruins behind Blaze.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze just shakes his head. "Why sre you following me?" Darkra just stops. "I have something to do. Why are you down here?" Blaze just looks around. "I heard that this castle held the Corner Stone of Light. It protected this castle for years. What happened to it?
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
Taichi lowered his sword"hmph, you're controll over shadows is impressive, but killing me won't be as easy as you think" in the blink of an eye he was up in Cain's face again" so tell me this? can you really kill someone who's already dead" Cain glared at him Taichi gave a cruel smile that showed his fangs. He then backed up and pointed to Yami. Her hair had changed color and length" see what you did, darkness was her power. It was that keyblade she was holding that she hated. Dark is not always evil,it's just misunderstood" Bane glowed again, and for a split second it seemed to change shape. He looked down at it confused.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Hmm... not really sure. But it's my job to get to the bottom of this. This world needs that Cornerstone of Light." Darkra said, walking with Blaze while thinking, This Cornerstone of Light sounds pretty powerful. If I could just find and unlock its strength then it might could level out the darkness in this place and become the world it use to be...
Suddenly, a group of Heartless appeared. "Great." Darkra muttered sullenly and she summoned her Keyblade and began attacking the Heartless in the way.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain simply shook his head. "All bark no bite. you don't want me to release my darkness." out of no where, his eye released shadows that engulfed him. when it vanished, Cain was no longer there. in his place was a monster that towered over Taichi before shrinking back down to normal size and turning back into Cain. There were differences; the stumps, hidden by the hair, were now horns well over a foot and a half long. his hair went down to his knees. there were talons instead of fingers at the end of his hands. he shifted his head, revieling a black eye and an eye of pure blood. in his mouth were fangs longer than a finger. "I say again, you do not want to fight a decendant of the First Shadow. my control will make the Shadowdeath be yoursm not mine.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
Taichi felt an overwelming urge to kill he bared his fangs angrily He heard a familiar voice in his head ( Tai, you're better than that, don't let that darkness controll you. Remember how much it hurt you before)"Kyrstalene....." he starred into space before cringing from a pain in his chest. It faded and he looked at Cain again"I am deeply sorry for acting this way, i'm just so frustrated and confused i let my emotions get the best of me" he walked back over to the wall and sat down again then shot a nasty look back at him" but if you ever hurt her again....I won't be so merciful."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami's eyes opened in a flash and she floated up to a standing position. "My power. My, revenge. My hatred...they are fuzzy now...No matter...death is a variety, I can pick and choose as I go along...hahaha" She looked at her friend, her luminescent cyan eyes blaring out pain to him. She looked down at her clothes, which changed suddenly to a black coat with two straps wrapping to the back in an 'X' form. She lifted her gloved hands "Now what power do I contain?" The answer appeared to her as BloodShine appeared once more. "Oh, this again...still Darkness, but without emotion...or most of it anyway. I'm almost a full Nothing again. Joyous." She went berserk laughing and burst into Darkness as memories washed through her, filling her with fake laughter as they now meant nothing. "No purpose to go on, other than more death and life in one. Hahaha!" She felt Darkness swell inside her, doing a lot of damage to her already almost gone Heart. But she didn't care about that, she felt her Darkness fading, and didn't want to lose it, so she was going limit break to save it from dieing even if she lost her Heart. Darkness was the most important tool of surviving for her, seeing as she won't be accepted by any Light element due to her hatred and past of Light. She stared blankly up toward the sky and Sacred kicked in and she turned into her father for a split second before she regained control. "Masa..." She whispered his name, and shed a single Heartfelt tear before her emotions shriveled into nothing with her Heart. The Darkness around her cooled and she looked at Taichi. She was blank, "Now...I'm...a monster? Is that it?" The word monster appeared in her brain solid and unchanging, like a stab in her soul, but it didn't have any significance to her other than a form of speech pattern. It stayed there as she unveiled her old powers, no, these were new, different from before, Darker...more, challenging to control. Like the power she had after they died, she replayed it in her mind, her family's death...and saw herself destroy the whole room with a single flinch. "Why doesn't that- oh." She had already forgotten about her loss of emotions. "Right."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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"Son of a..." Cain muttered. so much for helping. a Gate made of Light appeared next to him. out of it steped a figyre shrouded in light so bright no one could see who it was. it simply looked at Cain and walked thru him, vanishing. He was covered in shadows again. after they disipated, he was back to normal, horn stumps, normal fingers, normal left eye. the hair stayed long, so he used the horns to shave it off. when the hair hit te sunlight, it shriveled and vanished. "Chaos. my specialty." he snorted. "More like it tries to find me."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze just lightly summons his keyblade and in a spilt second he was on the other side of the room. Almost all the heartless were gone. That went well. Darkra is doing well enough. I'm glad she came. I can only use that ability three times a day. And I want to save one for that character who confronted everyone at the start. "Darkra, we need to move. The Cornerstone should be in the basement."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
"Taichi. I hope you can learn to live with me this way, Im sorry. I've had this happen only once before, when I was little. My mom told me about it once. I hope it isn't permanent. Because, I dunno why. I just feel off. Hmm." She swung BloodShine. "Feels like air now. Like I'm not even wielding a weapon. Did I change into my dad?" She saw him in her eyes, tan, strong, smiling and caring of everyone, his long-grayed hair blowing in the wind around his face. He had brilliant green eyes that shimmered in sunlight. This picture faded from her mind as she held some of her hair. "Whoa, everything has changed about me...I should check my station." Yami looked deep within herself to find her Station. "Oh, that's not good." She said as she pulled out of it. "I just saw my grandmother. Not me. And she was all evil. Wanted to take over the world and such, almost did..." She put BloodShine into her right hand, felt like a lead block. "What the?" She put it back into her left, light as a feather. "I wasn't a lefty before." She saw her Keyblade change for a second, but couldn't tell into what. She put it in the ground and looked at Taichi again. "Who do I look like to you? Anyone you recognize?"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Cain finally took a look around, recognising where he was. This was the throne room in Disney Castle! seeing the hole in the ground to the basement, he ran down, wondering what happened to the Cornerstone of Light. It had protected things here for a long time, so if tthis had happened, it was not a good sign.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
"Yami you're my friend, whatever happened to you I can absolutely learn to live with and sorry but i do not know who you look like now," he stood back up again and put his hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes with his emotionless stare. He could feel a new power within her," and believe me, you are nowhere near the monster I am." he looked pained again, and blood red tears dripped down his face. They landed on Bane and it began to change shape into a keyblade.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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I'm sensing powerful darkness where I left everyone... Darkra thought to herself, staring off in that direction and hoping that they were okay. She turned back to Blaze. "Okay, let's go." She said, and they both started running toward the basement where Cain had already entered.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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When Cain reached the basement, he fell to his knees. Where the Cornerstone had once sat, there were nothing but shards. he crawled to them and was picking pieces up to try to put it back together when Dakra and Blaze ran down. he looked at them with tears in his eyes. Dakra stopped short, both at the sight of the shards and Cain's eyes.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
Blaze opened his eyes in shock. The Cornerstone of light uterrly destroyed. He was lost for words. His shock quickly turned to anger. A dark aura formed around him. It began to expand out.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami saw the tears and was trying her darnedest to care, but it wasn't working. "I want to know if I'm a good guy or a bad guy. I'm pretty sure it's good guy with you as a friend! Hahaha!" She laughed. It was fake and empty but it set her mind at ease a little lifting some unneeded thoughts from her mind to clear up some space to think. She touched his hand on her shoulder and looked at him again. "Friends to the end."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain saw something in the center of where the Cornerstano had been. a shred of the Organization robe he used to wear, baring the number IV. "This... this is from the new organization. I destroyed it long ago, but... how? i reclaimed him before i even met you guys!" He looked up. "Son of a..." Blaze had an aura of darkness around him. does everyone give in to darkness that easily these days? he thought. people were far more resiliant a few centuries ago.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
last edited zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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onix11 said:
Blaze composes himself. He sees Cain is looking at him. "I know what your thinking. It's not what it looked like. You see, my keyblade allows me to control the powers of nobodies. Which also means using darkness. It's not hard for me to control. But this(He points his hand at the remains of the Cornerstone.) Set my powers of."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain thought for a minute. His eyes widdened if horror. One of the new Organization XIII members he killed could control time itself. Did they do this before he destroyed them all?
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra's hope lay in shatters as she stared at the fragments of the once mighty Cornerstone of Light. Now how am I suppose to fix the balance? She became in deep thought but noticed Cain's eyes widen in horror. "What is it Cain?" she asked him.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
Yami looked at the cornerstone as she walked down the stairs. "What a mess...thats sad." She saw part of the coat and ran to pick it up. "The Organization was here? Wow...maybe they were fighting Heartless and got hurt." She looked at the coat, she wanted to be in awe of it. It just wasn't going to happen. "I've looked for this group for years, hoping I could meet them...maybe I will someday."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Axel1313 said:
Taichi followed Yami down the stairs staring at the new keyblade the whole time. He felt a wetness on his face and whiped it to see what it was(Tear's?I havent cried in centuries......but I don't feel sad? What's happening here?) Lost in thought he ran into Yami knocking her forward and him back. He landed right on his butt and a shard jabbed him in the hand. He picked it up and stared at it in awe for the power it gave off was unbelievable. It seemed to erase all the dark from him, his fangs shrunk and his eyes turned an aqua blue. It shocked him into dropping it and his eyes and fangs changed back," What was that?!"
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Darkra turned to see Yami and Taichi. "It once was a powerful form of light, but someone destroyed it." She answered Taichi, helping him and Yami up but she still had an eye on the horror-stricken Cain.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain slowly turned to Dakra. "This." was all he said as he held up the scrap of cloth. Dakra's eyes opened wide before she responded. "But... Sora destroyed them all centuries ago!" Cain shook his head. "That... that is true. but it was recreated. My Nobody was number IV."
"Your...?" was all Dakra said.
"Yeah. Neo was created as soon as i was born. I... i won't say what happened, but i reclaimed him. Seconds after that, I met you and Charlie. do you remember that? right as we all fell to the Underworld, my homeland." he shook his head. "I destroyed all of them, but one of them could travel in time. maybe they did this before i got them..."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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onix11 said:
"This is wrong. I thought that evil could not come near the cornerstone without being pushed back. Did the cornerstone become fragile over such a long peroid of time?
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Roxas1314 said:
"You are responsible for their deaths?! I don't believe it." Yami snatched the cloth away and summoned her Keyblade as four wings sprouted from her back. She looked at them. "When did I get those?" Yami thought aloud as she looked at Cain, the destroyer of her legends. "I don't know if I can forgive you for that..."
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.
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Cain shook his head. "I pay the price every day. They were attempting to destroy Sora, but... They were keeping the Heartless in line. If I had let my Nobody be... If I hadn't tried to become whole again..." Cain lowered his head. All Yami saw was a blur, and the piece of cloth was back in Cain's hand. "This was missing from the uniform when I reclaimed Neo. This happened before I became whole again." he tucked it in a pouch around his neck where he kept his horns.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita.