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Kirsten Dunst reveals the trauma of filming sex scenes

ongeza maoni
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It was called Kirsten Dunst reveals the trauma of filming sex scenes | The Independent
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Her co-star Collin Farrell says he made an effort to be as sensitive as he could be while they filmed the sex scenes
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Sex scenes are part and parcel of a career for many actors but that does not mean they are always an enjoyable experience. 
For Kirsten Dunst, they are an ordeal. The actor has said she feels uncomfortable filming intimate scenes in her latest film
"I am on the floor and my clothes are being ripped," Dunst told
The 34-year-old said she did not feel comfortable filming scenes such as these. "I don\'t like it, I don\'t like it," she said. "To be honest, I\'m like, \'Let\'s get this over with as fast as possible.\'"
The 34-year-old actor, who rose to household name fame for her portrayal of Mary Jane Watson in the
trilogy, praised the film’s director Sofia Coppola for being sensitive during the shoot.
She explained that while male directors want "to shoot it from every angle” Coppola takes a different approach.
"At least Sofia\'s like, \'We\'re going to get this done quick, we\'re just gonna shoot it here, we\'ll do three takes, be done,’" she recalled.
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\'I am not shamed or apologetic of what my body might represent to you. It’s the body I was given. I\'m no less worthy of making political points about feminism or fighting for the reclaiming of female sexuality because of it.\'
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‘I’m over trying to find the "adorable" way to state my opinion and still be likable! F**k that. I don\'t think I\'ve ever worked for a man in charge who spent time contemplating what angle he should use to have his voice heard. It\'s just heard.\'
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 said he had made an effort to be as sensitive as he could be while they filmed the sex scenes.
"It\'s harder for women," the 40-year-old said. "And women have in the history of cinema...been more exploited of course, through the means of sexuality, by men than men have. So, it\'s situations like that, any love scenes that I\'ve been a party to over the years, you just [do] whatever your female dance partner needs."
First trailer Sofia Coppola\'s take on Southern Gothic in The Beguiled
He added: "I really think a woman should be the boss completely in those scenes, whatever she needs to make her comfortable and allow her to have the freedom to do the job she needs to do".
, which hits the UK cinemas on 23 June, is a 19th-century story of seduction and betrayal set at a women\'s boarding school in 1864 in Virginia during the Civil War where women have been sheltered from the outside world. It is a remake of the 1971 thriller. 
This is by no means the first time Dunst has worked with Oscar-winning director Coppolla, they also worked together on
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