Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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added by Fitch
added by LidiaIsabel
added by michellepotter
Ichigo found himself unable to sleep, turning and twisting as he thought over his siku and the girl. Who was she? Where had that creature come from and why had he been unable to songesha to cut it? He was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice Karen until she poked at him. "Hey wewe up?" He blinked out of his thoughts. "What's wrong?"
Her face flushed which made him sit up. Her hands came mbele with the book their father had aliyopewa him. Not that he'd actually noticed it missing. "I took it. I know I should have asked, but..." Ichigo fingered the book. "It looks like wewe really liked it. why...
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Jamie left the Kurosaki house while it was dark, she tucked in Yuzu and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She was indeed precious just like the rest of the family. A wizardess. Ichigo a smith and Karen a reaper. A full set. Taking out the cash in her left pocket she left it on the dawati with a small note. "Moving out. upendo wewe all." She turned to go and ran into Isshin. His folded arms and stern face made her shoulders sag. "I can't stay and endanger wewe and your family. They want me dead and if wewe stand with me, they won't think twice, reaper au not. I don't care wewe are the first blood family...
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Bast sat dangling the string to appease the kittens at her feet. Set, God au rather goddess of evil. Which she was neither. Just another force user who was way too old to be playing the waiting game for her sister to get on with her whole so-called plan. "Well, what the hell sis why are we waiting?" Bast sighed. "Cleo and Mac have yet to arrive." Set rolled her eyes. "Really? They aren't even family." Bast frowned at her sibling soo very different from her. Set was zaidi of the prankster not an evil entity. A female Loki, but with some serious pranking issues. As making herself look like a man,...
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Byakuya frowned at the message he received. There was an unusual amount of activity in the living realm. Not hollow au reaper but very powerful. His frown deepened as he readied himself, Jazmine. What about her? The zaidi time he took finding her to explain the zaidi dangerous it became to her. She was his responsibility, one made kwa him. He would need to bring her here until it was safe.
Jamie ran right into Mira as they rounded a corner. As a cop car rolled past, they ducked down the alley.
Steven and Sam rolled down the assigned patrol. "You know this is bull-shit. They don't want us finding...
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The car put on its high beams and ran straight for them. Byakuya twisted the wheel to avoid the car but the other vehicle mirrored his movements and then suddenly put itself across both lanes. Jamie knew there was only one option, the steep, deep ditch and at their speed there wasn't much to do. She flung out her wings as they went over the side. The wings made for a roof that was impenetrable as the car rolled over and over and over one zaidi time to land upside down in a winding ankle deep run off stream that with rain would not remain ankle deep for long. The lead thug swore as he seen his...
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added by Fitch
Jamie was placed in chains and hoisted into the air. Spread eagled and then the two left the room, the temperature then slowly dipped and kept on drifting down and down till her moto blood started having to heat her body. Ice formed on the floor and walls; she felt a hand touch her face and heard a hiss of pain. She looked up; into a face made of ice, holding onto a reforming hand. Jamie let her blood heat up even more.
"If wewe would have stuck to me and not gone rogue..." Ice snarled and made to hit her across the face but stopped short as he remembered what happened before. " wewe weren't...
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added by Narusasu4EVER
added by LidiaIsabel
added by perspherine
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by LidiaIsabel
added by kazuki_super5
added by LidiaIsabel
added by Narusasu4EVER