Lisa Edelstein Club
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added by pietruszka
Source: found it somewhere....
added by Darry
Source: hqparadise
added by sophialover
Source: lisa_e/
Hi, everyone.. since the PCA Night is coming and we are all but excited about seeing the goddess Lisa Edelstein on stage and giving her teary-eyed speech, I thought of sharing this SPECIAL ripoti / makala kwa a nice #Huddy friend Paige Zinaman aka @LOS_ANGELES93 of twitter.. Her jina la mtumiaji here on FP is shsclassof2012..This was actually her special ripoti project in school and since she chose Lisa Edelstein as the subject, I requested her to send it to me in my email.. Hope wewe all liked it, too.. Here it is then -

Lisa Edelstein

My Role Model

January 3, 2011

Lisa Edelstein

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added by PotterGal
added by 3lzyx
Source: &
added by 1337kiddie
Source: fox, mbweha
added by Seddy
posted by pietruszka
I just wanted to have one place where I'll have all the information. Wouldn't it be nice to share it at the same time with you, guys?
I remember being interested in Lisa's upendo life few years zamani and of course first clue was Petri. After that, I was interested in their break-up, because, I think, it was the most opened to the public of Lisa's relationships.

I: From Punk to Yoga Guru
“It’s not easy to upendo a tv star”, says Petri Räisänen.

Helsinki-born yoga teacher Petri Räisänen 40, lives in Hollywood and shares a kitanda with picture-beautiful Lisa Edelstein from tv onyesha House Md....
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added by pistachio_
Source: me
added by Cuddles
Source: Greg Henry Photoshoot
posted by sheis1963
hujambo guys!

in case wewe don't know we are trying to Trend #Cuddy5to9 on twitter :D


we need zaidi contributers!!

SO! if wewe have a Twitter account please tweet #Cuddy5to9. Just one time helps!!

Don't wewe upendo LisaE?! Of course wewe DO!

This would mean so much to Lisa :' ) We need to onyesha her she has the BEST mashabiki in the world (YOU!)


Let's make Lisa Edelstein happy :DD

Oh! we need at least 400 contributers :P this spot has 1104 fans! C'mon it's a piece of cake!!

here are some video made kwa awesome LisaE fans:



if wewe tweet I'll give wewe a cookie xDDD
added by huddysmacked
Source: Unknown please inform
added by pietruszka
Source: fox, mbweha
added by Darry
Source: hqparadise
added by Rosaliz
added by LUCIE452
Source: me
added by xxiwuuxx
Source: cutting_onions (LJ)
added by LisaLover
Source: Me