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Mamotte Lollipop Swali

What Mamotte Lollipop about?

Hello I'm sorry i just want to know what mamotte lollipop about? ohh and about the upendo in this story. I've only read vol. 3 and i dont noe where i could read any zaidi so can u please help me? :D
 ptepa12321 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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Mamotte Lollipop Majibu

kasumifinnjake said:
Mamotte Lollipop is a story about an ordinary human girl named Nina Yamada. She's in 7th grade and is eating cake at her inayopendelewa bakery. Then her life dramatically changes when the crystal pearl falls on her plate. Thinking it was Candy she ate it. then two boys, Zero and Ichi, find her and vow to protect her. She learns that they are wizards who came from the magic world. They came to the human wold to become professional wizards.She wants to heve a boyfriend but these two boys are making it hard to chose!.....And if wewe want to find a online website to read them for free I would recomend Mangafox.com.
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 Mamotte Lollipop is a story about an ordinary human girl named Nina Yamada. She's in 7th grade and is eating cake at her inayopendelewa bakery. Then her life dramatically changes when the crystal pearl falls on her plate. Thinking it was Candy she ate it. then two boys, Zero and Ichi, find her and vow to protect her. She learns that they are wizards who came from the magic world. They came to the human wold to become professional wizards.She wants to heve a boyfriend but these two boys are making it hard to chose!.....And if wewe want to find a online website to read them for free I would recomend Mangafox.com.
posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita 
Thank wewe and sorry for replaying late
ptepa12321 posted zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita
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