mashabiki wanachagua: Season 3
mashabiki wanachagua: She felt affection for him, but not upendo
mashabiki wanachagua: Trial dress
mashabiki wanachagua: Margaery is zaidi than just a pawn
mashabiki wanachagua: Season 4 (marrying Joffrey)
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes! They are cute
mashabiki wanachagua: 5-7. I guess wewe could go out and find some people that are similar to her...
mashabiki wanachagua: 8-10. Incredibly smart.
mashabiki wanachagua: 8-10. That girl´s on fire.
mashabiki wanachagua: 5-7. She puts the people she cares about first, but she still can be selfish
mashabiki wanachagua: 1-4. After all what she´s been through, it´s okay for her to be upset.
mashabiki wanachagua: "Do wewe want to be a queen?" "No. I want to be THE queen."
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes.
mashabiki wanachagua: 9-10; Gorgeous
mashabiki wanachagua: Dark and dhahabu (promo)
mashabiki wanachagua: Yes.
mashabiki wanachagua: Earth
mashabiki wanachagua: 3 season
mashabiki wanachagua: 2x10: Valar Morghulis
mashabiki wanachagua: 2x03 : Light Blue & Green
mashabiki wanachagua: TV onyesha